"This sentence is false."
~ Logic on False
False is minimalist scientists idea created by George Boole in the mid 19th century along with sets, Number Theory, Algebra, and really, really hard sums.
It is not known what sort of researches he exactly did in his laboratory, but Boole ended up creating two very basic ideas, which he named True and False.
True and False are usually considered opposite, since Boole used to say "Tertium non datur" (latin for "a third does not exist") this has come to be known as the Law of excluded Middle.
Skeptics claim that in fact, Boole faked his death and is True and False, for they were all never seen together in the same room by any third party. As already mentioned, neither True nor False were ever seen by anybody alive. However, it is true that False is a true master of disguise.
20th century events[edit | edit source ]
About a century later, a couple of scientists stumbled across Boole's idea of minimalism again. In next to no time, they were fully convinced of the advantage of binary calculations, since this way, there are a mere 100002 different functions with two arguments. Scientists are very lazy, of course; Some of them have pushed the limit even further by switching to the unary number system instead (with 0 possible binary functions).
This event is widely considered as the dawn of the digital era.
Due to increasing laziness, scientists have agreed worldwide to use the numerals 0 (zero) and 1 (one) for False and True, respectively.
In the late 20th century, with the advent of cheap on-line pornography Computers have become universally popular and boffins were quick to take advantage of all the previous false ground work which had been laid down using 0 and 1 in almost all of their calculations.