European Union
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The European Union is a group of European countries named after the onomatopoeic English word for disgust – "Eww" – which over the course of several decades became "EU". Although it calls itself a "union" and "democratic" in order to help maintain its brainwashed sheep population (and its brainwashed human population), it is merely another in a long history of attempts by France and Germany to dominate Europe. Its policies are known to be infamously totalitarian, though most people don't realise it because of the power of denial and subliminal conditioning caused by nanotechnology implanted inside the COVID-19 "vaccine".
History[edit | edit source ]
After World War II the Allies thought Germany needed to be ruled with an iron fist – you know, to prevent another Holocaust and/or Beer Hall Putsch. To rule Germany, the Allies allied themselves with various countries. When they allied themselves with Germany, France reassured them: "Germany is allied with various non-nazi countries. That should denazify them," with the sucky faggy voice of a Frenchman.
The EU was founded in 19-something by Emmanuel Macron, a French businessman who happens to be the reincarnation of the Peoples Temple's high priest, would-be-god, TV show host, spokesman, and spambot Jim Jones, cursed by God with constant reincarnation, with the added bonus that every future life will remember its past lives, meaning that Jim Jones will still remember his lost good looks even as an animal or as a black woman, for setting himself up as God. However, in 1978, Jones' third reincarnation warned Jones about this, making him kill himself using Kool-Aid laced with deadly plutonium, thus learning how to steal power from others. Therefore, Macron booked a trip to America, spoke to the US President and ordered him to conquer every country in Iraq as a means to allow him to get more oil to fill cars with (you don't remember due to the brainwashing, but before, cars were powered by Soylent Green), allowing him to steal car souls, which he used to empower himself to mindcontrol the World Leaders such as U.S. President, the German President, the Russian President, the French President, the Italian President, the Catholic President, and the English (削除) presi (削除ここまで)ENGLAND IS A MONARCHY!, in order to unite the Europe countries. Using the leftover power, he made the people think that the union had always been here. He kept the leaders in their position in order to make the union look decentralized while in fact it's led with an iron fist by Macron (even before he took over France and brainwashed the president into making him the new president).
Rules[edit | edit source ]
European Union's totalitarian regime abides by eleven thousand rules, put in place at the Warsaw pact or at least that's what Macron's brainwashing would have you believe. The rules are (viewer discretion advised; they're too totalitarian, oppressive and nonsensical for most audiences):
- Thou shalt not wageth war againsteth thine fellow men who art enslavedeth by France.
- Thou shalt not useth any formeth of currency but ye olde Euro, createdeth by Emmanuel Macron.
- Thou shalt payeth 9001
(削除) dollars (削除ここまで)euros to Emmanuel Macron if thou wanteth to keepeth thine oileth. (This is the law that most people don't deny exists, hence the formation of the yellow jacket movement.) - Thou shalt goeth to Curfew when it gets late. Anyone found not in bed or worshipping Emmanuel Macron will be
(削除) butchered to death (削除ここまで)executed. - Thou shalt watcheth only France-sanctioned Disney TV channels, which show French government propaganda that brainwashes thou into making thyself think that thou hast watched family-friendly cartoons about a man being butchered .
- Thou shalt eateth microchips each breakfast and then maketh thineself think that they areth mere potato chips.
- Thou shalt not stealeth ringses.
- Thou shalt goeth to a special underground Emmanuel Macron church to worshippeth Emmanuel Macron every night, hunteth immigrants afterwardeth to deporteth them to Auschwitz , and then fugetteth about it at day, only to remembereth it every nite .
- Thou shalt not questioneth that these rules are clones of the Ten Commandments.
- Thou shalt convinceth thineself that you've just read nine quintillion rules.
- Rules 11 to 9 000 000 000 won't be described in this article, because they're just Rules 1–10 said 899 999 999 times, as a plot by Emmanuel Macron to brainwash people into following them because each rule is said over 900 000 000 times; this somehow strengthens them in the minds of the stupid gay French people and their slaves.
9 000 000 001. Emmanuel Macron is GOD!
Organization[edit | edit source ]
Now, as has been said in this article, the EU is a mindcontrolocracy, meaning that everyone is mind-controlled by the Supreme Leader, also known as Emmanuel Macron, President of France (even those who aren't mindcontrolled). His mindcontrol is somewhat subtle, as it reaches only towards subconsciously causing you to have the thought that Macron wants, a la Inception , and replacing your memories with fake ones. This is done using the microchips containing Macron's soul, implanted in your water's atoms and undetectable due to their sub-atomic size. Their state religion is subconsciously going to worship Emmanuel Macron every night, also known as Macronolatry. This religion was an offshoot from Jonesism, the worship of Jim Jones, whom Macron is the reincarnation of.