Density (symbol: ρ - Greek: rho) is a quality of being dense or, how thick a thing is. The higher an object's density, the stupider it is; a denser object (such as Paris Hilton) will perform more stupid acts in a day than a less dense substance (such as Stephen Hawking).
The SI unit of density is the stupidity per action (σ A -1)
- {\displaystyle \rho ={\frac {\sigma }{A}}}
- ρ is the object's density (measured in stupidity per action)
- σ is the object's total stupid actions (measured in moves per day)
- A is the object's total actions (measured in moves per day)
Various types of density[edit | edit source ]
See Paris Hilton, Tom Cruise, Oprah Winfrey etc. etc.
Measurement of density[edit | edit source ]
A common device for measuring density is a paparazzi. The more often a person captures the attention of paparazzi, the denser they are. Fame increases density dramatically.
Density of substances[edit | edit source ]
An object that performs one stupid action for every non stupid action would have a density of one (1).
The average person has a density of 0.0175 σA-1.
The densest naturally occurring substance on Earth is Paris Hilton, at about 22,650 σA-1.
The most common score is 75 σA-1 Confucius was the one who figured this out by seeing data and scores for almost everyone in China at the time. Those who were not surveyed had a VPN, and didn't want Confucius to track their scores.
"Follow your heart. It is your density."
~ Confucius on Destiny