Daniel Brandt (True Version)

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The so-called experts at Wikipedia do not have a proper article about Daniel Brandt. No, not even a redirect. Help those so-called-experts and (削除) don't (削除ここまで) write one.

Daniel Brandt Loves this Article
Daniel Brandt has personally reviewed this article and considers it to be one of the less indecent articles here. He has found that there are no privacy issues (please insert some). He himself has spent hours on the internet finding out who the author and all subsequent editors really are, and will to continue to do so. Their true identities can be seen (and laughed at) on his website. If you edit this article, he'll be looking for you!

Daniel Brandt (削除) does not approve of (削除ここまで) is willing to settle with this article.

After a complaint was filed to the Uncyclomedia Office on behalf of Daniel Brandt, we took the action of relocating the inaccuracies to Daniel Brandt (False Version). We are strictly observing this article to make sure inaccuracies are not re-added to the article. Mr. Brandt has stated that he does not want to be recognized as an actual person on Uncyclopedia. We are firm believers in the truth, however we are willing to compromise. As a result, we are settling at what we hope to be the best version Daniel Brandt will allow to exist.

Daniel Brandt is?

This article is a stub. You are not allowed to expand it per Uncyclomedia Office actions.
Part of the Daniel Brandt Series
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