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Audrey II

Botany is the study of dangerous plants. Botany is not for everyone. Consult a doctor or pharmacist before starting Botany if you are pregnant or may impregnate someone. Side effects include smoking marijuana and world domination. Not recommended for small children. Or big babies.

For those without comedic tastes, the so-called experts at Wikipedia have an article about Botany .

Plants[edit | edit source ]

Main article: Agriculture

Plants are dangerous. They can turn a normal man insane, or devour him whole. From a tiny seed to a mighty Oak! The Fir! The Larch! The Redwood! The mighty Scots Pine! The plucky little Aspen! Why it makes me want to sing, sing, sing!

Botanists are a special breed of people, trained to wreak havoc on the world. They have the uncanny ability to spot a Bristlecone Pine at forty kilometers. Training begins early in life with botanists sent to camps in the woods where they learn to make fire, skin animals, and identify shrubbery. Like unto gods they come back, having grown from but seeds of men and saplings of youth into mature poles. All cities and some large towns have local cells of botanists. Gallup polls indicate that botanists are among the least productive members of society, before policemen, firefighters, and teachers, but after librarians. Nameless and mysterious, they do their bidding without fame or recognition, identifying toxic specimens as the world passes by.

More plants[edit | edit source ]

Botany is relatively new. First begun in 1900 under the tutelage of Sigmund "Furry" Freud, identifying specific plants – such as the Oedipal Cypress, the Repressed Elm, and the Submissive Willow – led to the idea of identifying all sorts of plants and using their precious resources to take over the world.

By 1910 more than 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 plants had been identified when someone had the idea to identify plants by type instead of individuals. This pioneering thinker was Carl Jung, who opposed the Freudian School of Botany and placed emphasis on the ability to dream-identify. All sorts of plants, as a consequence, have been identified as existing in dreams but not reality, e.g. Audrey Rose. Since the 1950s Botany has excised itself from the world of psychoanalysis and concentrates solely on the scientific study and identification of plants, and how to use them to harm others.

Still plants[edit | edit source ]

Plants have been categorized into six main groups:

More and more dangerous plants[edit | edit source ]

Of course, botanists also look to see which plants can cause the most amount of damage. The Fujita damage scale is measured in seconds it takes to kill a human after plant ingestion. Apple seeds are the most dangerous, and can kill a human in 0.5 seconds. Broccoli ranks second at 0.7 seconds. The safest plant is the venous fly trap, which takes over five decades (3405888000000000 seconds) to consume a human from the inside. However, each second is more excruciating for the next, as documented by Oprah Winfrey's holiday special.

Got some more plants for you[edit | edit source ]

Recently botanists have been gaining media attention for the role their work plays in contrast to that of lumberjacks. Lumberjacks claim that botanists are harvesting trees for diabolical purposes without leaving the lumberjacks any trees to make gingerbread houses with. This has spawned a branch of Botany called Christianity to aid in the elimination of lumberjacks worldwide through prayer and claims of "salvation".

See also[edit | edit source ]

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