Blue whale
blue whales are big, like really big but at the same time, not very large compared to most other animals so they can be dangerous, it is estimated that an adult male blue whale weighs 100 tons. Blue whales are the largest animal in the world by weight (see top) and they are known as whale. The largest living land mammal is the blue whale at 11.5 m (36.4 ft) and 12.4 m (39.2 ft) long and weighs 1,300 to 1,500 tons (a ton is 1000 kg) and the estimated number of blue whales are about 25,000 to 31,000 (but this could be higher). A Blue Whale is an ocean mammal that can be found throughout the world’s oceans, which is the largest and heaviest animal in the world. A blue whale can be 20 metres (65ft) in length and 1,350 kg in weight, making them about three times heavier than a blue whale.
when they walked on four legs[edit | edit source ]
so basically blue whales in 72000000 bc were like dogs except they were a little skinnier and they actually had legs, in 699999999 bc queen elizabeth II threatened the walking whales to go on water which led to them becoming blue whales 500000000 years later but some walking whales refused to go in the water and started a organization whose goal is to be in land and not in water called whalivation, whalivation attacked the queen in which they failed and died, this was called the bean land war.In 200000005 bc it was discovered that whalivations cause of death was a broken heart which means they were actually not whalivations but regular blue whales and some died because they were out of the water because they wanted to die.
so what happened after that? did all of them live happily forever? obviously no! whales started a whole revolution to take down the queen, at this time, a random country was named Australia (meaning whale's revolution) because whales were starting a revolution, the revolution started when someone named Lucas the great said that whales should have freedom and he did not comment on whales after that but the single message was enough for whales to start a revolution, so what happened in the revolution, first, the whales conquer Australia and then try to conquer china in which they fail but they try again in which they fail again so the whales started to go for japan instead of china in which they succeed because japan was busying saying "NANI!" or "BAKNAI!". so after eating japan, they were big enough to fight china and then fought china and lost in the fight which led to all the whale revolutionists dead.
how to survive as a whale: a guide[edit | edit source ]
so how do you survive as a whale? do nothing
special abilities or something idk i am not a biologist[edit | edit source ]
so blue whales are the largest animal on earth, their tongue is bigger than 7 million elephant shit and their heart are very big (this is also why humanity is still alive), blue whales are suspected for being gamers that rage because their voice is louder than babies on airplanes, blue whales also eat so many krill, like a lot of dem and like a lot, even tho they are the largest animal, your mom is still bigger