Bilateral Agreement

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A Bilateral Agreement is the secret sauce that gave birth to the art of negociating who, among two or more individuals, is right and who is wrong.

Achieving Peace: The Tools Of Success[edit | edit source ]

When engaged in a civil conflict, gentlemen used to settle the matter in a court held by the King or, in his absence, in front of the local landlord. This had not always a satisfactory outcome, as it often led to a dramatic amount of pain for the object of the dispute. Indeed everyone remember mules having to be spliced in half so that each peon could claim proper compensation for someone's mule eating the grass on someone else property. And thus, with centuries coming and going, as technology evolved, those gentlemen came in the possession of new tools to assert their claim over such matters.

Examples[edit | edit source ]

The correct way to conduct a Bilateral Agreement is to lay your arguments in pairs, hence the bilateral aspect of it.

In Town[edit | edit source ]

(Mad) Max Rockatansky has agreed with himself that the guy with knives is doubly wrong.

When Traveling[edit | edit source ]

Always carry your Bilateral Agreement with you. This truck driver was prepared: the car driver agree two hundred percent.
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