Andrew Spinks
• Andrew Spinks
• Jim T Myhre Kjexrud
• Greeny
• Boris
• Wiggler
• The Racer
• Cheddar Cheesia
• Corruption
• Hell
• Desert
• Jungle
• Living Wood
• Bunnyland
• Dungeon
• Underground
• The Root of All Evil
• Drax
• 9 out of 10
• 5 bucks
• 1st WMD
• Ruby and Cobalt
• Toys Я Us
"You're the man now, dog!"
~ Sean Connery on Andrew Spinks
Who is Andrew? Why is he important? Why should you care about him? All these questions and more will be answered in this article!
Introduction[edit | edit source ]
Andrew was born on November 12, 1983. He was a bright child, examining his surroundings so he can prepare himself for his future career as an entertainer. When he was 7, he went off on lands unknown to fight all manner of monsters in an attempt to become a man before the age of 18.
By the time he was 15 years old, he got a journal so he can write about his experiences in the wild. Of course, this journal would be very important later in his life. [1]
Whitney Baird[edit | edit source ]
"When two apples fall into a ditch and rot..."
~ Whitney Baird
In an unknown time, Andrew found himself a sweetheart, known by the name of Whitney Baird. He started bringing up his quest to achieve manhood as a minor and they became a couple shortly after that. She too was a very important asset in Andrew's major project.
SMBX[edit | edit source ]
At some point in his time, Andrew worked on a fangame known as Big dumpy X, which plays as a mix of all the past titles (throwing things at enemies from the 2nd game), as well as crazy powerful versions of the enemies and bosses. A fair amount of people decided to give it a try and dedicate themselves to it. It was only then where he was able to get the experience required to make a good platform game.
Andrew Dreams[edit | edit source ]
In mid to late 2010, Andrew began to have some fascinating dreams. Some of those dreams resembled his epic journey to achieve manhood at an early age. By the time the year was over, Andrew thought about something. He had an idea to come up with a top-notch action platformer for PCs. He drew inspiration from his dreams and his journal, brought Whitney for the ride (as well as several others) and started work. He thought the game would be based around said dreams and adventures and it would be fair for everyone to get a taste of the life of The Man hood
It's Finished![edit | edit source ]
The time is up. Terraria was completed on Monday, May 16, 2011. A masterpiece made possible within the course of 4 months has classified Mr. Spinks as a figure in the field of Extreme programming. As soon as everything was done, Andrew and his colleagues felt an unknown force exasperate from them. They got superpowers! To be more specific, the success of the game entitled them to immortality, super speed, super strength, telekinesis, and the Within this one game, you shall learn of a man's struggles and his miscellaneous hardships. You will also enjoy it.
November 12, 2013[edit | edit source ]
When Andrew became 30 years old, he married Whitney and they had 2 children. They would instantaneously be set for life, having his blessings. One time, when he and Whitney are sleeping, he had yet another fascinating dream. Some people told Andy about an evil ruler who plans to rule the dream dimension with an iron fist. He was fitted with his Developer-Exclusive gear and clashed with the bad man's minions until he faced the guy himself and defeated him with the items that he didn't put in the game. He went on with his normal life after that dream, gaining more ideas in his journal.
Fun Facts[edit | edit source ]
- It's been said that Andrew is the equivalent of chuk norris in the independent game industry.
- He and Whitney live somewhere in the state of Indiana.
- He is one of a select amount of individuals that can defeat a Grue .
- During his adventures in manhood, he killed a black panther. With his bare hands.
- After beating I Wanna Be the Guy on Impossible difficulty, Andrew infers thar the truest evil that you're going to face in Terraria is THE MOON!
"You can't go on the moon, but the moon might come to rapid speeds."