User:Uncyclopedian/UnScripts:The Young and the Uncyclopedians/116

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Episode 116: The Uncyclopranos/WWIII[edit | edit source ]

(This episode begins in Afghanistan)

Garm: WOOF!!!

(Garm saves Froggy, Afghan soldier shoots Garm)


Han: Ooh, a plane!! Let's NOT use it?

Adam: Er, seeing as that guy just declared war on us...

Afghan soldier: HALT! HANDS IN THE AIR!

(The soldiers surround the group, with AK-47s with bayonets. Priest kills them all.)

Nikita: How-

Priest: I was in the Inquisition of '89. Rough times. My buddy Father O'Brien lost his Bible's spine as a result of that. The horror...

Keira: (Vodocor on) Shouldn't we find assistance somewhere?

Braycat: Why?

(The group steals a plane)

Aquarii: Keira, I think it might be time to take off that silly mask and stop using that vocodor.

Keira: (Vocodor on) Why?

Aquarii: As it is annoying. and it may be a tracking device for- THE EDIANS!

Keira: (Vocodor on) But I am using it to keep your 24 DVDs intact. If I don't use it, it will make a noise that will destroy DVDs.

(Aquarii pulls of Keira's mask and reveals the alterations of the EDians)

Braycat: Keira... what happened...

(Keira pulls out a pistol, and points it to Braycat's head.)

Borgat: Keira, too much cheese in your brain.

Keira: You just left me there, not doing anything to help me...


Keira: Argon didn't really hurt me, and now I serve him.

Supwealuhop: (Whispering) I think her memories were changed by the EDians. I suggest we hold Keira down, tie her up, and find a way to fix this.

Adam: I doubt that will work. But we can try.

(Adam roundhouse kicks Keira, and knocks her out. Cerid ties her up.)

Adam: There.

(Adam starts walking away, and crashes into an invisible wall)

Adam: OW!

Borgat: I know just cure for Kiera.

Everyone: What?

Borgat: String.


Braycat: We must find a cure. I- er WE must not fail her.

Aquarii: I MISSED 24!! WAA!!!

(One of Aquarii's tears lands on Keira.)

Keira: No... I... must... resis... NO! I must follow Argon's order- AAAAHHH!

(Silence. Scene to Trousers playing bridge... again. He has taken out his brain)

Trousers: Here. DAMMIT, YOU WON AGAIN!!!

(Time stops before the EDian takes his brain. The man appears once more.)


Man: I've got another. asssssignment for you.

Trousers: Does it have to do with bridge?

Man: No, but it doesss. have ssssomething to. do. with poker with. Big, Brother.

Trousers: No way.

Man: Take your brain with you.

(All of a sudden time returns and Trousers is on a train to Oceania)

Trousers: I'm sick of these games, Mister! I almost lost my lucky set of trousers last time!

(Trousers remembers to hand his brain to the EDians. He does so. HE now has an IQ of 0.00000001. Due to this he steps on an electric rail after getting of the train, and retains his brain once again. He then trips, and his brain flys out, only to roll back into his head due to the incline of the ground. His brain then turns into silly string)

(Scene back to the Group. They stole a School bus, and are driving through depleted artillery shells, dead soldiers, and constant Americans and Canadians shooting at each other. Supwealuhop is removing the EDian changes made to Keira. A wall pops up all of a sudden. The bus crashes through it.)

Supwealuhop: Almost done...CURRY POWDER TIME!!!

Borgat: I used our last curry powder to make curry. Try these gypsy tears in bottle tied to string.


Borgat: Oh wait, it is just water.


(The group gets out of the bus and onto a plane. It crashes in the Atlantic Ocean)

Han: After crashing at least 12 planes, is this very smart?

Everyone else: OF COURSE IT IS!

(Credits roll)

Watch the next episode...


Season One:

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Season Two:

114 - 115 - 116 - 117 - 118 - 119 - 120 - 121 - 122 - 123 - 124 - 125 - 126 - 127 - 128 - 129 - 131 - 137 - Season Finale

Season Three:

149 - 150 - 155 - 162 - 163 - 164 - 165 - 166 - 167 - 168 - 169 - 170 - 171 - 172 - 173 - 174 - 175 - 176 - 177 - 178 - 179 - Season Finale

Season Four:

181 -

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