If you saw this user it's possible that you might fall to the ground and
worship him/her, or spontaneously combust from a sex drive overload.
"I blessed your mom last night."
About Pi[edit | edit source ]
PiOfFive's Contributions to Uncyclopedia[edit | edit source ]
I've had a crap load of edits, and instead of listing them all out like some n00b, here's a gallery of some of my best work. Enjoy.
Yes! The ORIGINAL Marx-a-lot!
A better use for a Mac
Bombing Plans
FHM's Joanna Dark Shot
FHM's Joanna Dark Shot #2
Captain Obvious on the Titanic.
A Mr. Men Book ('shopped by me!)
My flag.
First draft of The Scarlet Letter
Awards[edit | edit source ]
My trophy cabinet needs to be dusted...
If I got any award, the Anonymous N00b Award would be it, or the "Most Times Forgotten to Login Award" (See this page's history)
Who are you going to trust: this Uncyclopedia article, or your lying eyes?
Images Uploaded By Me[edit | edit source ]
I've been busy uploading images....
Famous Quotes by PiOfFive[edit | edit source ]
"A dingo ate my baby!"
~ Some Crazy Australian Woman on Some Crazy Australian Woman
"I think my cat watches CNN, that twisted son of a b####"
~ Oscar Wilde on CNN
"..And I'd have gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for those meddling kids!!"
~ Oscar Wilde on Scooby Doo
"You have how many ever cows you believe in."
"It's a Steve Jobs well done!"
~ Steve Jobs on Steve Jobs
"Hey! It looks like Croatia's eating Bosnia!"
~ Oscar Wilde on Croatia
"HAHAHA!...oh's not funny"
~ Oscar Wilde on Not funny
A Nice Little Card game[edit | edit source ]
2s are wild, so I win!
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