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Welcome mortalz!![edit | edit source ]

This user is a big pianist , and as such believes they are better than all other musicians .
A КоммциiзT was written by this article☭
"In Soviet Яussia, template adds УФU!!"
Note that both the 中国人 and ze Яussians love ziz AЯTICLE!

This user is a girl, and is made of sugar, and spice, and everything nice.

Yes, I'm a n00b, and proud of it!

"Can I get a n00b power?"
N00B POWER!!!!

And as a wise Svedish Razhan told me once-

Yaya fora n00bas!!!!

This user likes to use userboxes.
This user is a fish ,
or at least thinks so.

June 7, 2005

I just learned how to make lists and templates! Yaya fora templates!!

Why svedish rawshans are cool:

  • Because they are, dumb@$$!!
  • See above
  • See above
Swedish-Russian.PNG Thiza usa-era isa member ova zea National Sveevish-Rawzhan Society ova Northa-Merica!!

ru -1
This user is able to contribute with a basic level of Русский .
ru -1
en -N
This user is a native speaker of English .
en -N
vl -G
This user does not speak Valley girl and believes it to be an embarrassment to language. Furthermore, this user desires the genocide of all Valley girl speakers .
vl -G
uk -3
This user is able to contribute with an advanced level of Correct English .
uk -3
Adult neon.gif This User is too Damn Sexy!
If you saw this user it's possible that you might fall to the ground and

worship him/her, or spontaneously combust from a sex drive overload.

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