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On the Hunt
This user is a girl, and is made of sugar, and spice, and everything nice.
Adult neon.gif This User is too Damn Sexy!
If you saw this user it's possible that you might fall to the ground and

worship him/her, or spontaneously combust from a sex drive overload.

This user is a libertarian, so they love porn and drugs almost as much as guns and money!
en -4
This user speaks English at a near-native level.
en -4
This user is adept at suicide for a small fee. Cool, aint it?

I am not a native English speaker. If you come and ask me "why don't write at the wiki in your own language?", I'll have to answer: no fun over there [1].

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Mauris mattis arcu nec quam. Sed eu turpis. Sed accumsan nibh nec leo. Mauris hendrerit mattis purus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aliquam tempus. Donec dapibus blandit nunc. In sollicitudin quam consectetuer sem. Sed sagittis nibh a diam. Curabitur quis nisi venenatis quam varius bibendum. Suspendisse blandit, diam dignissim rhoncus varius, nisi enim euismod sapien, eu sagittis ipsum nisi ut felis. Cras vitae enim non elit consectetuer accumsan. Mauris nibh.


Featured stuff in bold type

• As a reporter, sexier than Lois Lane

• As a book writer, smarter than Agatha Christie

• As a Foxy, a superbabe

Pow!.png BANG BANG BANG!!!
The victory bells(?) have rang!
NeedABrain thanks you for voting on Onomatopoeia

They voted for me. And I didn't even have to bribe them.
HowTo:Run away from home -- Alksub

Raygun.jpg NeedABrain has awarded you a pair of rayguns! Raygun2.JPG
For voting on HowTo:Make Cheesy Sci-Fi.
"Now remember: the blue stuns, the yellow disintegrates and the red destroys the universe (not yet been tested)."
Red M&M.png Comrade NeedABrain has awarded you a red M&M!
Due voting on Practical Lessons on Communism

"In Soviet Russia, article features YOU!"

Hot Pics
My adoptive parents
Foxy's hand at her lover's chest
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