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This is a more-or-less current list of the pages on Uncyclopedia related to America or Americans:

Good USA-related pages[edit | edit source ]

Dumb USA-related pages[edit | edit source ]

  1. Big_Brother_America - Wow. Lists and cruft.[1]
  2. Confederation_of_British_America
  3. The Federated Provinces of Amerigo - *sigh*
  4. Fourth Reich - Yeah, wow, America as the Fourth Reich...original. FFW
  5. Justice_League_of_America An unfunny list. Please VFD
  6. Islamic Republic of America - Christ...any original ideas? Anyone? [crickets]
  7. Not_in_America's_best_interests - FFW
  8. Real America - This may be a decent concept, but there are no pictures, and it's dry as a bone.
  9. Things America Did Not Invent - At least be funny.
  10. United Socialist States of America - Hahaha! Oh, wait. Yeah, this isn't particularly funny.
  11. United Spades of Amerika - VFD
  12. United States - A disambiguation page? I call it my "list of things to VFD"!
  13. United_States_of_Armenia - FFW
  14. United_States_of_Canada - "Getting" old? This was old fifteen links ago.
  15. United_States_of_Tyranny_and_Dictators - We get it. You hate the USA, and yet you still live there. How terrible for you.
  16. The_Val_Kilmer_Association_of_America - SHOULD have been FFW.

Pages about the Southern United States (all of which are dumb)[edit | edit source ]

Dumb pages about Americans[edit | edit source ]

Redirects[edit | edit source ]

Footnotes[edit | edit source ]

  1. I hate the word "cruft", btw...
  2. Fat, stupid, lazy...check, check, check. Ok, time to drive it into the ground with a sledgehammer!
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