Sand nippers

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Another dirty sand nipper, probably making a bomb to fire on a random schoolbus or public establishment.

"OMG!!! It's the Evil Monkey!!!"

Al Gore before he was mauled by the Alpha Sand Nipper, the Evil Monkey

Sand Nippers are a species of monkey inhabiting the far reaches of human civilization known for their unnatural and sometimes terrifying prowess in destruction and driving large yellow rhinoceros-like creatures known as taxi's, usually into entire groups of children.

Origin of the Sand Nippers[edit | edit source ]

Sand nippers migrated into the region known today as Ragheadia, most likely evolved from some lower primate. One the vast ergs of the arid Mesopotamian plains, they had to contend against desert various enemies, such as the Dune Worm (pictured below). To survive, the sand nippers evolved sophisticated defense mechanisms, such as rock chucking, bomb setting, missile firing, schoolbus bombing, camel riding, and uttering warble-like screeches prior to slaying an infidel.

We're not Dune Worms, you frikkin' sand nippers!

Of course, now they're too blind to realize that not everyone is a Dune Worm, so they continue using these techniques to kill helpless people, even each other. Stupid sand nippers.

Behavior Characteristics of the Sand Nippers[edit | edit source ]

Sand nippers live in remote villages, where they eke out a living by ransacking rival tribes, looting their food stores, and raping their women. Occasionally, they will also hijack planes, driving them into major iconic monuments, possibly for sustinence, as sand nippers feed off global hatred. But usually they just do it for lulz.

Sand nippers, as their name implies, enjoy digging around and nipping at sand in the vast deserts of their ho me la nd in the hopes of salvaging random mechanical parts and sheet metal. They use these strange wicked devices to build weapons of mass destruction. Take this testimonial from a reliable witness:

" Them sand nippers was everywhere; I saw one of 'em make this here bomb out of some shoelace, a paper clip, and some of dis here Lysterine! "
For those without comedic tastes, the so-called experts at Wikipedia have an article about Sand nippers .

It is also widely accepted that all sand nippers possess great camel-riding skills and will use it to kill you. In fact, sand nippers will use any of their skills to kill you, you and your family. If a sand nipper learns to drive a car, it is only to help kill you, you and your family. If a sand nipper learns some useless foreign language, it is only to aid it in the quest of killing you--you and your family.

However, in recent years some gay liberal commies still insist that sand nippers are mostly peaceful creatures, and that the troublemakers are merely an extremist minority. Yeah right! Like we said, all sand nippers want nothing more than to kill you and your family. Besides, do you really want some dirty sand nippers living in your neighborhood?

Things sand nippers will do to have you killed[edit | edit source ]

a rare photograph of the Evil Monkey, before a bus bombing.

Anything. Sand nippers will do anything to have you killed, you and your family. And everyone you care about. And just people they don't like. Which is everyone. Including you. You and your family.

How can I protect myself against sand nippers?[edit | edit source ]

There's precious little you can do to protect yourself against sand nippers, it's mostly your incompetent government's responsibility, but they're too pussy and politically correct to do anything about it other than sending people oversea kick the living Jesus out of them. Which would be sweet, if not for the sand nippers' craftiness; for they possess the supernatural ability to slip in the shadows, which they then use to creep up behind small children and slit their throats. You can't trust sand nippers.

Still, there are some quick and easy steps you can take to protect you and your family (remember, the ones sand nippers wanna kill?) against these horrible creatures. For one, you can place cloves of garlic around your porch to deter them during sand nipper season (mostly around mid-September), as well as wearing a wreath of garlic around your head when ever you step outside, as sand nippers can strike at anytime. That's what smart people do.

Also, always carry a copy of the Bible at all times. This, along with a .44 magnum loaded with some kind of silver bullet or holy water will keep any dirty sand nippers at bay, as well as show your co-workers and fellow church-goers that you mean business.

Sand Nippers' Religion[edit | edit source ]

A typical poker-game/flag-burning party by a trio of sand nippers. Notice their complete disregard for human rights and civility.

The sand nippers' religion is a horrible barbarianship based on violence and deicidal bloodbath rituals; even the Satanists want them dead. Their god is a wicked, malevolent entity that murders little kittens, their version of heaven is a sinful hellhole frought with even more violence and and deicidal bloodbath rituals, and they take advice from some old fuck with a turban. Now do you see why all sand nippers must be killed as soon as possible? (Oh, and it'd be really great if we can desecrate their temples, too) They'd to the same to us. After all, they do wanna kill you and your family, right?

So by now, you pretty much hate sand nippers just as much as I do. Which is a good thing, because it's people like you that will rid the world of sand nippers and usher in a new era of peace. God knows the world would be a better place without them dirty, stinking, filthy, bomb-chucking sand nig--

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