Forum:VOTE: Top 3 Articles of July

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Forums: Index > Village Dump > Important: VOTE: Top 3 Articles of July
Note: This information is at the top of the page because it has been deemed important.

Welcome to Uncyclopedia's Top 10 voting process. The rules are simple. You go through all of the featured articles of the last month, and you pick your favorite 10. You only get 10 votes, so choose wisely. Also, you may only vote once for each article you decide to vote for. After a while, or whenever we feel like it, we'll end the voting and the 3 articles with the most votes will become Uncyclopedia's Top 3 of the Month. If there are any ties I don't know what will happen, so try to avoid ties.

All entries are in alphabetical order for easier finding. Sign your votes using #your name. IP votes are counted as half a vote. Please update the score when you add your name.

Remember: Only 10 votes. Voting ends on the 15th


Score: 2
(Featured: 4 July 2012)
  1. The Woodburninator
  2. Xamralco

Ask Jeeves

Score: 3
(Featured: 13 July 2012)
  1. Thekillerfroggy
  2. Simsilikesims
  3. Romartus


Score: 14
(Featured: 14 July 2012)
  1. Zombieboner
  2. Thekillerfroggy
  3. Frosty
  4. RAHB
  5. PurpleDickVote.svg Bizzeebeever
  6. Cat the Colourful
  8. hipcrime
  9. Mr-ex777
  10. Bp2611
  11. Aleister PurpleDickVote.svg 'PurpleDickVote.svg 'PurpleDickVote.svg '
  12. Yrtneg
  13. MasterWangs
  14. Scofield

HowTo:Build a Paper Empire

Score: 3
(Featured: 8 July 2012)
  1. Bizzeebeever
  2. Simsilikesims
  3. Romartus

UnNews:Cannibalism becoming increasingly popular

Score: 1
(Featured: 19 July 2012)
  1. Mattsnow

Human anatomy

Score: 6
(Featured: 12 July 2012)
  1. Thekillerfroggy
  2. Mattsnow
  3. The Woodburninator
  4. RAHB
  5. Xamralco
  6. MasterWangs


Score: 0
(Featured: 5 July 2012)

UnNews:Man with no head swims English Channel

Score: 7
(Featured: 16 July 2012)
  1. Thekillerfroggy
  2. The Woodburninator
  3. Fishalishalish
  4. RAHB
  5. User:I Would Vote Twice If I Could
  6. Simsilikesims
  7. Frosty

HowTo:Meet women

Score: 5
(Featured: 10 July 2012)
  1. Thekillerfroggy
  2. The Woodburninator
  3. Fishalishalish
  4. Zombiebaron
  5. Scofield

UnNews:Montrealer fed up with strikers dismembers one

Score: 1
(Featured: 3 July 2012)
  1. Mattsnow

My Dog Has Fleas

Score: 5
(Featured: 18 July 2012)
  1. Mattsnow
  2. RAHB
  3. Bizzeebeever
  4. Romartus
  5. Frosty

UnBooks:Pat Robertson's Christian Pocket Dictionary: Volume Deux

Score: 1
(Featured: 15 July 2012)
  1. Romartus

Penis penis Penis penis penis penis Penis penis

Score: 9
(Featured: 17 July 2012)
  1. Thekillerfroggy
  2. The Woodburninator
  3. RAHB
  4. Bizzeebeever
  5. Xamralco
  6. Zombiebaron
  7. Mr-ex777
  8. Yrtneg
  9. Scofield

Prime Directive

Score: 1
(Featured: 20 July 2012)
  1. Romartus

Saturn (Lying Bitch)

Score: 9
(Featured: 6 July 2012)
  1. Thekillerfroggy
  2. Mattsnow
  3. The Woodburninator
  4. Modusoperandi
  5. Fishalishalish
  6. RAHB
  7. Simsilikesims
  8. MasterWangs
  9. Scofield

Slender Loris

Score: 6
(Featured: 11 July 2012)
  1. Thekillerfroggy
  2. Modusoperandi
  3. RAHB
  4. Bizzeebeever
  5. Romartus
  6. Frosty


Score: 2
(Featured: 7 July 2012)
  1. Mattsnow
  2. Romartus

UnNews:Some guy does some stuff

Score: 2
(Featured: 2 July 2012)
  1. Mattsnow
  2. Xamralco
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