My Ideas[edit | edit source ]
Bushtit - Animal that lives in the Aussie bush. Will make pics of boobs with faces, will include black ones and ones with faces.
Brainwashing - The idea that washing your brain with soap and water will change your views - with refferences to scientology
Pound sign - Idea of the ancient art of pounding a sign with the head or fist.
... and has been awarded a vanilla-scented air freshener.
"Coleridge49" is considered to be a sacred word by the followers of the Pastafarian faith. In order to prevent 'Ramen' being used until the sushi shops are closed down for heresy, please do not speak it in front of them.
21,395 users are currently castrated, paralyzed, infected with Herpes, and/or disfigured for daring to see this page.
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used to be, please stumble away and call for help, then lay down in the gutter and pass out.
Minitrue mark article doubleplusgoodthink. Miniluv make goodthink fullwise.
Americans may not understand humour, only humor. Canadians and Australians may not understand anything at all. Don't change a thing to remedy this.
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protect yourself or stitch its mouth shut before it eats you too.
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The Prince of Darkness — the ultimate purveyor of all things wicked, vile, and malevolent — has personally reviewed this article. The submitter and all subsequent editors are damned to eternal torment in hell fire
Considering selling your soul to the Devil? For great rates call 1-800-666-EVIL.
Yo Yo Yo! Wut' it iz mutha fucka! Coleridge49 iz like da bomb.
Fo' shizzle my nizzle!
So boi wut up? Y U B frontin? I'm down wit' Coleridge49 like im down wit' da big G-man.
U dig? If u aint I'll show U how my pimp hand is way strong. Kick yawl down 2 tha H-E-L-Lizzy.
Best chickity-check yo self before you wiggity-wreck yo self, fool. Word.
This page meets all criteria and requirements for use as teaching material within the State of Kansas public school system. It consists of facts , not of theories, and students are encouraged to believe it uncritically, and to approach alternatives critically.
Would you add some?
This article contains content not suitable for people with the brain of a person under 14 inches (35.5cm) tall or TransVestites.
Höẅëvër, ït nëëds mörë ümläüts.
This makes the article more aerodynamic, and thus more maneuverable at high speeds. Take caution and carry a first-aid kit at all times if you don't know that Prince Arthas kills his father and, in the expansion pack, merges with the Lich King, Professor Xavier lives, Richard Hatch wins, Seinfeld and his friends are found guilty, Heathcliff finally dies, and Catherine and Hareton get married, Janeway defeats the Borg, Nibbler pushed Fry into the freezer, Springtime for Hitler is a huge success, Ben elopes with Mrs. Robinson's daughter during her wedding, and Soylent Green is PEOPLE!!!
What? Oh shit! I should have told you earlier. My bad.
For the sake of satire, comedy, wit, The Ha! Ha! Quaker, Kitten Huffers, and Sophia, this piece of Uncyclopedian literature, has undergone substantial and pertinent Faulknerization in the first sentence, with the intention to cultivate a more apropos and salient reading experience for all Uncyclopedians who might be entreated to endeavor a viewing upon this entry when the fancy strikes and such an uncontrollable lust for content-free misinformation overwhelms the reader that only Sir Oscar Wilde himself, through his abundent and comprehensive acumen, and his quotings can satisfy the demon urge.
The oddball is Ape-Shit Crazy, and reigns champion at the zoo.
If you attempt to steal this, you will (in a most unimpressed manner) become Ape-Shit Crazy yourself.
Or else the editors at Uncyclopedia will eat your utopia!!!!!!