Apparently you are "notable". Don't ask me why; I think you're lame.
This is the highest writing award I offer... Treasure it like you would your own children... By kicking it around and telling it you don't love it...
Slackerboy is neither a slacker, nor a boy. He is in fact a hard-working Grad student from the windswept steppes of Illinois. He is also a grown man. Noted for his vast recollection of useless knowledge, he uses this skill to write articles. He wasn't slacking all that time he was gone, he just had writer's block...amazing that anyone who wrote crap like Coconuts could ever feel blocked huh? Yes, my friends, slaaaaa-ack is baaaaaa-ack, slack is back, and he's back in black!!
Featured Articles, and Nominated Articles[edit | edit source ]
- English-American Dictionary- Featured!
- N*ggers- Featured
- WMD(Donuts)- Featured!
- The Oldest Trick in the Book- Featured!
- Gibberish- Featured
- World War I- Featured
- Lincoln-Douglas Debates-Nominated! Vote for Highlight
Other Articles[edit | edit source ]
- Christopher Columbus with additions by other users
- Coconuts
- Crapmobile - (fr:Crapmobile) Eugene V. Debs Award for most nominations without a VFH win!
- Beagle
- George Clinton
- Samuel Adams
- Illinois
- Ponce de Leon
- Chopsticks
- Childish Repeating Game
- Rat's Butt-
- Things you're supposed to be doing instead of visiting Uncyclopedia
- Sink the Bismark
- Supposably
- Mr. Falcon
- Safe sex as User:
- Confusion
- Crappenfest
- Sultans of Swing
- God vs. New York
- Amnesia Islands
- State Quarter
- Cream of Sum Yun Gai
- Lincoln-Douglas Debates
- No Talent Texas Hold 'Em
- CSI: Provo
- Golden Age Superheroes
- Pro-Choice
Rewrites and Edits[edit | edit source ]
- The Final Countdown
- GI JOE Nearly total rewrite, everything from OR NOT
- Ironman additional information
- Constitution of the United Spades of Amerika Text of the US Constitution
- Mark Twain Nearly Total
I have a running gag that acts as my signature: "windswept steppes" if you see that phrase, it's mine, unless some bastard tries stealing my gimmick!
I have written several original articles, major rewrites of existing ones and clarifications and minor additions to numerous other articles.
Quote of the week, or unspecified time period: Your fortune cookie say: You are individual, there is no one like I read wrong, it say you are individual who no one like!