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This user plays guitar , because it attracts more groupies , and gets more solos than the bass .
left rightSorry for the interruption, but you should know this template has absolutely nothing to do with this article.

This user plays guitar , because it attracts more groupies , and gets more solos than the bass .

Arborguitars[edit | edit source ]

is friggin awesome.

Hello, hello, hello...this is arborguitars saying "hello" you can call me reubnick if you want, or jumple...but i don't see why you would want to. Anyway, i think that using bad grammar is funny, BUT NOT ALWAYS! If i were to say "There werent none images"...chuckle chuckle haha, FUNNY! But if i were to say "Them wasn't not there, cvause thery isn t gre at"..."annoying" "snort" "chair scuffle walk off" am i right? AM I RIGHT? Anyway, there are my two cents for the day. I also think it is very annoying when someone says "Funner" WHAT THE CRAP??

Articles created by ARBORGUITARS!! And a few contibutions, or "contrib" as you youngsters call i still writing, oh....woops[edit | edit source ]

This user plays guitar , because it attracts more groupies , and gets more solos than the bass .

This user is not good enough to have any awards[edit | edit source ]

This user plays guitar , because it attracts more groupies , and gets more solos than the bass .

its because he is german...i can tell. But hopefully someday this will be deleted, and replaced with a nice thing filled with images...maybe there will be cornbread here...GOD I WANT CORNBREAD!

Images that are pretty "eh"[edit | edit source ]

This user plays guitar , because it attracts more groupies , and gets more solos than the bass .

This is just a few of the images submitted by arborguitars...not that good, eh? this is an example of MAD look ats making no sense.

The greatest image by least i think.


Duck Tracy, main character of the short-lived TV series, Duck Tracy
"Head that is oddly mishapen, and unpleasant to look at" Jones was a horrible murderer
This user plays guitar , because it attracts more groupies , and gets more solos than the bass .
FootNose Fillis, one of the most feared Dick Tracy villians
the MAD magazine can bite off chew, and swallow an entire hand with it's two teeth in about 11 seconds
My GRUE picture...yeah, thats right, get pissed off
Larry Fine, the talented violin player, realising that he has once again decapitated a person
This user plays guitar , because it attracts more groupies , and gets more solos than the bass .
This user plays guitar , because it attracts more groupies , and gets more solos than the bass .
This user plays guitar , because it attracts more groupies , and gets more solos than the bass .
This user plays guitar , because it attracts more groupies , and gets more solos than the bass .
This user plays guitar , because it attracts more groupies , and gets more solos than the bass .

A semi-balding monkey. Hilarious! This statue is, rather unfortunately, completely and utterly Ape-Shit Crazy. Its heterosexualness and shimmeryness do nothing to aid this.
The codswallop is Ape-Shit Crazy, and reigns champion at the zoo.
If you attempt to urinate this, you will (in a most unimpressed manner) become Ape-Shit Crazy yourself.
Or else the editors at Uncyclopedia will eat your ankle!!!!!!
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