Confess to Monsignor Peaches

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Speak slowly into the microphone, please. Avoid proximity to buttocks after Gruntled has consumed steak.

Due to the current existential crisis, Gruntled requests that you speak directly into the microphone, slowly and clearly. Misanthropic badger fantasies have been negatively affecting his Batmoose apperceptive recursional processing. Not very disGruntled - Exchange ideas 20:45, 25 Novelniver 2010 (UTC)

If you spare[edit source ]

a muffin, Pointless Rampage Jackson needs some love from someone who isn't me!--Duckwiki2.png |Fonchezzz| Quacking| 15:53, 17 Jumbly 2015 (UTC)

Finnish language request[edit source ]

Hello! I asked if you could create a new language in finnish language earlier. You asked me to create an account. This is it. You can contact me now.

Biological Question:[edit source ]

Should I keep this little guy? She's probably made her home in my grandmother's rose bushes, but she always ends up on the screen door. Radiohead.gif 2+2=5 Radiohead bear animated avatar.gif (Tay | Say) Radiohead.gif 01:25, 27 Jumbly 2015 (UTC)

Do it. Praying mantii are lovely. 02:05, 27 Jumbly 2015 (UTC)
Sure, it's fine, if logical. The pic, I mean. The text... not so much. Mantis would be an awesome spirit animal. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 22:38, 28 Jumbly 2015 (UTC)
I saw a crow devour it yesterday, so there goes my first pet. I would also like to thank you for contributing a large helping of illogic to John... Boner? That didn't come out right, did it? Yeah, I thought so too. Radiohead.gif 2+2=5 Radiohead bear animated avatar.gif (Tay | Say) Radiohead.gif 20:29, 3 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
Eventually I will keep teh ferrets. 23:21, 3 Ergust 2015 (UTC)

We're all bozos on this bus[edit source ]

What the hell are you talking about? I most certainly hope you're being illogical. Radiohead.gif 2+2=5 Radiohead bear animated avatar.gif (Tay | Say) Radiohead.gif 03:38, 5 Ergust 2015 (UTC)

Do you mean your appointment as Hero? Don't worry, this is my idea of fun. Otherwise, wha? LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 03:53, 5 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
OH MY GOD THANK GOD IT'S JUST FOR FUN. PHEW!!! Sorry, but I've actually had a pretty shitty day today since my high school suddenly rejected me, and now I have to go to another one that's a charter school. I had a fucking 4.850 GPA and they still let me go! Radiohead.gif 2+2=5 Radiohead bear animated avatar.gif (Tay | Say) Radiohead.gif 03:57, 5 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
Yeah, to me at least, everything here is in fun. Sorry to hear about your shitty day. At least you weren't catapulted into a Persian city by Mongols. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 04:03, 5 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
Yeah I know I keep telling myself it's not the end of the world. But that means i'll have to meet some people I haven't seen since eighth grade... including the one girl that actually loved me but I didn't love back Holy crap this sounds cheesy. Radiohead.gif 2+2=5 Radiohead bear animated avatar.gif (Tay | Say) Radiohead.gif 04:12, 5 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
What sort of charter school? My kids went to one. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 04:17, 5 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
What is a charter school? I think in Australia it's called something different. XY007talkcontributions 07:42, 5 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
I'd be concerned if that girl who liked you was a stalker from the nearby electronics store that tried to sabotage your electronic devices so you could keep seeing her. Otherwise, you're pretty much in the clear, except for the whole having to leave your old school part. That kinda sucks. Oh, and I have no idea what a charter school is either. Please enlighten me. Decks.png ~ Good tidings! ~ 11:17, 5 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
My question is how on Earth do you get above a 4.0 GPA?--Duckwiki2.png |Fonchezzz| Quacking| 12:26, 5 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
When I was in high school, they gave us an extra 0.5 for each honors course. So, if you take one honors course out of 5, you could potentially get a grade of 4.5 for an A in the honors course. If you get A's in the other 4 courses, your GPA would be 4.1. My kids went to an arts magnet school, chartered for concentration on arts obviously. It was good for those who took it seriously, but the rest of their education suffered a lot. Poor kids. I wish I had known early on how poorly they'd been prepared for high school. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 13:33, 5 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
I was a str8 pubic school kid. Wasn't so bad considering it was one of the best school systems in the state... you know how rich white bland suburbs can be. --Duckwiki2.png |Fonchezzz| Quacking| 15:28, 5 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
I took honors classes and took AP classes. I was in a humanities magnet those years, but now I have to go to a freaking charter school, and it starts earlier than my previous high school was supposed to start. For Decks and XY: a charter school is an individually funded educational facility funded directly by the government that often has different standards than most schools and are usually very picky about students. This charter high school has a raffle held for any students that applied who are not local (ME. That school's six freaking miles away). There ranges from a measly 120 spots to a questionably large 350 spots. Charter schools are also meant to be "of a higher educational and disciplinary standard," but that can either mean you get detention for getting a grade below a B on any given assignment or you're forced to be in a club.
At least, that's how it is here in California.
Wish me... luck?
Radiohead.gif 2+2=5 Radiohead bear animated avatar.gif (Tay | Say) Radiohead.gif 19:50, 5 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
P.S., I have actually never sucked at math(s). Just saying.
Education in Melbourne's north east is a little dodgy. Just saying. It's not that bad, but some schools lack the common facilities, which is a shame. I go to a better-equipped school, but there are some schools with a VERY low budget. Homeschooling is rare, but we aren't against it. Also, GPA 4.0 here in Australia is the lowest passing grade :P --XY007talkcontributions 23:01, 5 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
GPA 4.0 here in America means straight A's, so it's the highest passing grade here in America if you don't take Honors and AP classes. I've seen some students get the maximum GPA possible (5.5) and they claim they were not accepted by the amount of universities they wanted. Yeah. Nowadays academic popularity is based on how many universities accept you, not which specific university selects you. How I miss those days... Radiohead.gif 2+2=5 Radiohead bear animated avatar.gif (Tay | Say) Radiohead.gif 00:09, 6 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
What about your Filipino girlfriend? XY007talkcontributions 03:26, 6 Ergust 2015 (UTC)

Well, there's always DeVry "University"... haw haw haw! LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 06:41, 6 Ergust 2015 (UTC)

A weasel or two[edit source ]

Would you mind adding to the Principia Zimizmia? XY007talkcontributions 07:55, 6 Ergust 2015 (UTC)

The recognition that you deserve[edit source ]

Lance armstrong.jpg
This user, for his drug enriched creative writing, deserves The Lance Armstrong Award For Creativity Enhancement.
Keep blazing/tripping/snorting/injecting, Illogian!
Lance armstrong.jpg

This article was the last straw. xD Monkey-butler.jpg Sincerely, islandmonkey - go speak 18:55, 6 Ergust 2015 (UTC)

Continue the communal lazing and giggling. Decks.png ~ Good tidings! ~ 00:20, 7 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
I feel like Sally Field, when she said, "They like me! They really, really like me!" Thank you very much. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 15:23, 7 Ergust 2015 (UTC)

unfortunately, recognition comes at the price of duty, and in this case duty calls.[edit source ]

This pyromaniacally degenerated Klansman that goes by the name of Fireplague made some alterations to our month's featured article. Radiohead.gif 2+2=5 Radiohead bear animated avatar.gif (Tay | Say) Radiohead.gif 01:05, 7 Ergust 2015 (UTC)

Thanks for catching that. User has been warned. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 15:23, 7 Ergust 2015 (UTC)

Nice award. XY007talkcontributions 01:14, 7 Ergust 2015 (UTC)

I know, huh? I feel all tingley and spatula. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 15:23, 7 Ergust 2015 (UTC)

VFH request[edit source ]

I've closed Illogicopedia:VFF/Satan Bunny as I think we can say that it has passed with flying colours, so I'm waiting for your command to get it on the front page, mon ami. Monkey-butler.jpg Sincerely, islandmonkey - go speak 21:16, 15 Ergust 2015 (UTC)

Thanks for bring these bits of knowledge into my brain case. I may act on them when I'm feeling better. Not that that's an excuse. I am clearly a lazy bastard. So, this is now in my personal queue. Cheers. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 21:32, 15 Ergust 2015 (UTC)

I'm in the greater Boston area[edit source ]

And I haven't seen any corned beef sprouting fangs. The milk isn't even spoiling on the vine. I thought I shaved the cat correctly, but maybe the moon was wrong? What am I doing wrong? -— Athyria User talk:Athyria User talk:Athyria User talk:Athyria 15:41, 18 Ergust 2015 (UTC)

Welsocome to the new gland! eat lopsters! --Duckwiki2.png |Fonchezzz| Quacking| 15:44, 18 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
Those sound dangerous. I think I need to get one. -— Athyria User talk:Athyria User talk:Athyria User talk:Athyria 16:27, 18 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
You must come to my house, then... I prepare fanged Rueben sandwiches to die for. Even the saurkraut has fangs. Also, Frunobulax really wants to meet you. I tell her and my wife all about you, and all of my girls want to meet you. In lieu of that, write an ?pedia article on HowTo:Prepare for the Apocalypse. Cheers! LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 18:42, 18 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
Hmm... I could do both, maybe. I'm here until the middle of next week, anyway. Mind you, right now I'm trying to write a book, so my mindset is all wrong, but it does have an apocalypse in it. Several, in fact. And who says we can't write what we know, hmm? Also I think I may make a fanged ham soon. Next time I run out of ham, maybe? Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. -— Athyria User talk:Athyria User talk:Athyria User talk:Athyria 19:55, 18 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
Isn't this the middle of the week? Well, starting in 7 hours and change. Frankly, our house is in such condition that the thought of inviting you horrifies me. We're too well off to get state or federal help with our housework, but not well off enough to hire someone. A couple of relatives do some stuff to help when the can, but it;s not nearly enough. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 20:58, 18 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
Need anything fixed? I like fixing things. -— Athyria User talk:Athyria User talk:Athyria User talk:Athyria 21:21, 18 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
A lawn mower, maybe. Supposed to be one of those easy pull starts. I pulled something, that's for sure. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 21:48, 18 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
Oh, man, that may be a bit beyond my skill. I can give you a squirrel, though. -— Athyria User talk:Athyria User talk:Athyria User talk:Athyria 20:52, 19 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
I could turn myself into a lawnmower if needed. Decks.png ~ Good tidings! ~ 01:03, 20 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
Do you have goat ears? -— Athyria User talk:Athyria User talk:Athyria User talk:Athyria 01:43, 20 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
Dex... that would be splendid, thanks. Athyria... I already have groundhog trouble, so... no thanks. You've seen my picture... judge my ears for yourself. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 03:04, 20 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
MOOOSE. -— Athyria User talk:Athyria User talk:Athyria User talk:Athyria 18:20, 20 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
BATMOOOSE. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 01:17, 21 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
I STAND BY THEE, BATMOOSE. -— Athyria User talk:Athyria User talk:Athyria User talk:Athyria 13:32, 21 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
Standing by me, you put your mortal soul in peril. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 22:09, 21 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
Peril puts the beauty in life, the meaning in love, and the soul in coffee. -— Athyria User talk:Athyria User talk:Athyria User talk:Athyria 22:38, 24 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
Is that yours, or did you steal it? Either way, its mellifluous to my minds ear. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 03:07, 28 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
Um... yes. I don't know. Point stands either way. Coffee is coffee. -— Athyria User talk:Athyria User talk:Athyria User talk:Athyria 23:32, 2 Serpeniver 2015 (UTC)
You win. Congratulations! Fanged meats live on! But no, bad coffee sucks... but I guess I'm spoiled... I can't afford the good good stuff, but I found something I find acceptable. Unfortunately, price is all. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 02:04, 3 Serpeniver 2015 (UTC)

Because we're active again[edit source ]

Cheese! The Supreme Leader XY --- Free Cake! 07:32, 19 Ergust 2015 (UTC)

No cheese! Kein Käse! لا الجبن! Sin queso! Pas de fromage! 何のチーズません!No juustu! קיין קעז! Walang keso! δεν τυρί! нет сыра! לא גבינה! पनीर नहीं! 没有奶酪! LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 17:05, 19 Ergust 2015 (UTC)

Please place chlorine over these articles[edit source ]

Both are my own articles and both I find very crappy, now that I'm older. Monkey-butler.jpg Sincerely, islandmonkey - go speak 20:20, 19 Ergust 2015 (UTC)

Done. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 03:01, 20 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
I know that a ton of my articles are utter crap looking back at them.. but how could you ever stand seeing your work detonated, man? The childishness is part of the novelty!--Duckwiki2.png |Fonchezzz| Quacking| 12:37, 21 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
ALT GRRRR!!! was an unfinished page that was left more or less abandoned with little I could do to expand it; in the sake of the psychosis article, well, I find writing about mental health problems if not anything but offensive nowadays. Heck, psychosis runs in my bloody family! It is also quite surprising that I haven't sent my page on cutting to the morgue, but I did give it a big trim by myself a couple of months back. Monkey-butler.jpg Sincerely, islandmonkey - go speak 19:55, 21 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
Yeah i see what ya mean. I hear you. Sometimes I read some of the remarks I made in old articles and think, "oh jeez that was sorta offensive" and then attribute it to my being young and foolish.--Duckwiki2.png |Fonchezzz| Quacking| 20:03, 21 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
I enjoy offensive AND funny. With some things I ask myself, if I would feel hurt by the words if I were such and such. It's easier when you know people of that sort; for instance, two of my granddaughters are bi. My nephew has asperger's. It's easy to pretend to be a homophobe, or poke fun at fun at mental illness (my own included) in an unhurtful way when you love someone who's also a target. In the end, though, it's a tightrope for all of us about damned near anything. As for being young and foolish, most of us have been there, and can surely recall cause for embarassment at some time. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 22:05, 21 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
If I made a smart usage of that psychosis page, I would probably have kept it, but Athryia's comment on the talk page said that it wasn't even d'oh-worthy and I have to agree with her. I'm with you on the offensive thing in general though, I adore people such as Chris Morris, who makes programs that garner up 6000 complaints. :D Monkey-butler.jpg Sincerely, islandmonkey - go speak 07:03, 22 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
I have a great idea. Let's go to a gun range and spend the day drinking beer, shooting and agreeing with one another. I can't recall which cartoon I stole that from, but it was some gay dude talking with his dad, who was uncomfortable with his son's sexuality. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 11:29, 22 Ergust 2015 (UTC)

Not a Belching Hyena nor Hyena blazing [edit source ]

Hehe. I have an email I have sent you. Monkey-butler.jpg Sincerely, islandmonkey - go speak 12:37, 22 Ergust 2015 (UTC)

Did it with a trebuchet and dental floss. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 13:19, 22 Ergust 2015 (UTC)

Mink!!!![edit source ]

Fail the Mink! No, don't! The Supreme Leader XY --- Free Cake! 02:37, 21 Ergust 2015 (UTC)

The Mink. Huh. Well, here's what I think of mink. It's not a meme, or a long thread here, so it doesn't irk my nerves in charge of deleting articles. Having said that, no mink has yet made me laugh. I would laugh at something clearly dear to your heart. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 22:07, 21 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
What about this one? Also, do you still ask permission from your dog to use search engines? The Supreme Leader XY --- Free Cake! 00:26, 22 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
Well, that's just a pic of a dead, stuffed mink. No laughs or illogic there. Now, if the mink were alive and rampaging, maiming and slaughtering hippos in a river, that would be illogical and only a tiny bit funny, if funny at all. Or, a minkdroid on a mission to assassinate all elected Republicans in Rhode Island... maybe a little funny. Or an ocean liner made of mink corpses transporting counterfeit antiaircraft missiles to Somalia, manned by an extended family of Chinese-Finnish mafiosi. Or a short order cook mink, working in a Soho deli making sandwiches to order, subletting a 6th floor walkup from a candy entrepreneur, spending a week each year in Phuket, Thailand, bar crawling in the trans red light district and randomly insulting people driving mopeds. See? Think of a noun, think of some stuff that might have something to do with it, think of some other stuff that has little or nothing to do with it, write it down, and wait. Ah, the waiting. It's tedious and less fun than getting tased, bro. Wait! The Latin... mustela lutreola... to my French-as-a-first-language, English-as a-second-language mind[1] , it sounds somewhat hilarious. I believe it's possible to create something based on that with a tiny bit of effort. Anyway, did I tell you I like you? Well, I don't really know you, but based on our limited communications, I find you amusing, helpful, friendly, odd, and literate. Mustela sounds like an Italian wine to me, and lutreola could be like, a freaking, tumescent abnormality where you have aureolas forming on your forehead, ankles and the bottoms of your feet. --The preceding unsigned comment was left by Gruntled (talk | stalk), see the past frenzies page for posting time
  1. Here's a sad fact: I first was taught French (Lowell, MA by way of Canada dialect) as a baby, with little bits of English thrown in and gradually overwhelming all of my speech by the time I was 5. When and where I was growing up, the culture was insular and American. My parents pretty much suppressed our Frenchness so we'd fit into suburban Boston society. So even though it was my first language, and sometimes I can tell my thinking is colored by that fact, I can't speak much or write at all.
Quyte good. That would be good in the Mink article, which is right now a stub in need of expansion. Why don't you add it? The Supreme Leader XY --- Free Cake! 04:58, 22 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
Glad you liked it, thanks. And done. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 06:30, 22 Ergust 2015 (UTC)

Burmese chorus ferret.[edit source ]

The gnocchi consists of arrayed general felt-tip pens. The Supreme Leader XY --- Free Cake! 09:20, 28 Ergust 2015 (UTC)

I grok the gnarl electric, as bodies of chamomile swim the Thames smugly. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 21:16, 28 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
Eaves of cooking trees, I discovered that the Chinese take-away at a local shopping centre was run by a meerkat. The Supreme Leader XY --- Free Cake! 23:02, 28 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
Is it good take-away? I find when I cook that sort of thing, one secret is sesame oil. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 20:30, 29 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
It is quite good. The Supreme Leader XY --- Free Cake! 03:20, 3 Serpeniver 2015 (UTC)
I love Chinese food. I made Hoisin pork a couple of days ago... delicious. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 15:26, 3 Serpeniver 2015 (UTC)
One restaurant (not by a meerkat) is called The Worthy Quail. The Supreme Leader XY --- Free Cake! 23:17, 3 Serpeniver 2015 (UTC)

A request of you, being an admin and all...[edit source ]

I believe I have met the requirements to be in The Order of the Paperclip: Third Class. Because it needs admin approval, I'm asking you to see if I qualify for the Order. Thank you. 2+2=5 SPEAK TO ME, ILLOGIAN! Past accounts of sodomy RAVENOUS AND RUTHLESS CAPITALISM The greatest article in the history of Illogia! 01:20, 29 Ergust 2015 (UTC)

I will investigate and act appropriately at my usual leisurely pace. Sorry, I'm old and sluggish, and in need of a 50k check badly. Cheers! LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 20:29, 29 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
*gives Gruntled 50,000 Zimbabwean dollars...* Monkey-butler.jpg Sincerely, islandmonkey - go speak 10:17, 30 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
That's about 0.00000000000001 cents isn't it? The Supreme Leader XY --- Free Cake! 10:22, 30 Ergust 2015 (UTC)
Working on this right now. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 16:55, 1 Serpeniver 2015 (UTC)
441 edits in Main, so you've met that requirement. I've started peeking at some of these, and I haven't seen a "quality" article yet. Have you done a Vital article? Sorry, but my time here comes as my health permits, and I have a few things to do, so can you point me to 6 high-quality articles and 1 article listed in Illogicopedia:Vital? Thank you, Sahib. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 17:41, 1 Serpeniver 2015 (UTC)
I will help you bring any articles you need to bring them up to "quality", whatever that means. Cheers! LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 17:42, 1 Serpeniver 2015 (UTC)
Yes, I do have a Vital article: J. R. R. Tolkien. As for high quality articles... let's just say beauty is in the eye if the beholder. I also have enough forum contributions. 2+2=5 SPEAK TO ME, ILLOGIAN! Past accounts of sodomy RAVENOUS AND RUTHLESS CAPITALISM The greatest article in the history of Illogia! 00:22, 2 Serpeniver 2015 (UTC)
Indeed you have the one vital article, but I would say it's not great. Not deletable, but not noteworthy. Maybe you should look at some award winning articles for inspiration. Links, pic(s) and categories are desirable, as well as some length. I think I look for nonsense, but with some humor and consistency, in a "good" article. Keep on plugging, and you might become bat shit. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 01:07, 2 Serpeniver 2015 (UTC)
I'd been meaning to ask someone at some point whether I'd reached OOTP status as well, but didn't wanna come across as an annoying vanity face. Not saying that 2+2 is as such, it's just that I don't usually witness people asking for these things. Decks.png ~ Good tidings! ~ 01:18, 4 Serpeniver 2015 (UTC)
With such a skimpy supply of users, there is not much to witness. I do not fret over being asked, at least in some cases, due to consideration of age. Young people think differently, as my grandkids remind me. I got the ultimate compliment from my oldest granddaughter last week: she works at a courtesy booth at my favorite supermarket. I walked up, acting as though I didn't recognize her, and said, "is this where I come to tell you bats are eating my legs?" She said, "you are so weird!" and laughed hysterically. She's one to talk. She's really weird too, and she flaunts it. She gets away with it because she's beautiful and lovable. She's also really street smart, thanks to her daddy. I will just say, I wouldn't want to fight her. As I told our mathematically challenged fellow, I will investigate on your behalf, in my own limping time. Fog the carousel, the belching melon horde approaches! LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 02:35, 4 Serpeniver 2015 (UTC)

This should actually interest you.[edit source ]

Do you think we should collab on Stinky Chinese Monkey Farts? I'll let you create it first, though, because the name of the article itself suggests some crazy uncharted territory of illogic. 2+2=5 SPEAK TO ME, ILLOGIAN! Past accounts of sodomy RAVENOUS AND RUTHLESS CAPITALISM The greatest article in the history of Illogia! 02:23, 20 Serpeniver 2015 (UTC)

Been indisposed lately, but yes, there is a certain appeal there. I will check in as disposal becomes imminent. Dog farts, though... maybe the Chinese developed monkey farts in response to the American weaponized dog fart program. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 15:06, 23 Serpeniver 2015 (UTC)

ROTFLLMFAO[edit source ]

I think I know why you gave me a 2 hour Chinese burn, but it was coming to me sooner or later. I did not mean to mess around with you, but I'm sorry anyways. 22:33, 23 Serpeniver 2015 (UTC)

Well, you did ask for it... heh heh... LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 23:14, 23 Serpeniver 2015 (UTC)
Eee... The Supreme Leader XY --- Free Cake! 00:45, 24 Serpeniver 2015 (UTC)
This is a place where my evil intentions collide with being an admin, so I get to have juvenile fun. Wheeeeeeeee..... LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 02:15, 24 Serpeniver 2015 (UTC)

I am the Meme Resource[edit source ]

Hello Illogicopedians!

I am Hollywood Superstar Shia LaBeouf. Very excited to be a resource for illogicopedia! You can inquire to me about any meme or dank meme related questions! (Btw my actual name is 1337yB1rd! Contact me with any memeage inquiries!

Sign your posts, please. Also, subterrain photo smells. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 14:21, 24 Serpeniver 2015 (UTC)
Four til-dez! The Supreme Leader XY --- Free Cake! 22:12, 24 Serpeniver 2015 (UTC)
Is that French for "stop peeing on my sleeve"? LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 22:25, 24 Serpeniver 2015 (UTC)
No, that's 4 tildes in non-French. The Supreme Leader XY --- Free Cake! 22:26, 24 Serpeniver 2015 (UTC)
I think you're wrong, but I will defend your right to lick echidnas. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 22:27, 24 Serpeniver 2015 (UTC)

This is kind of what's it's like when you talk to me high... because I'm high. Legally! LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 22:28, 24 Serpeniver 2015 (UTC)

I used to be the meme expert, but then (削除) I took an arrow to the knee (削除ここまで) This 1337 guy or whatever took over. The Supreme Leader XY --- Free Cake! 23:14, 24 Serpeniver 2015 (UTC)
I wouldn't brag about that. Only the most vital among us dare confront the raw meem. And Bender the robot will have all the donkeys he can eat. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 23:18, 24 Serpeniver 2015 (UTC)

RE: The Meme Resource[edit source ]

Hello, I am the person who originally posted teh thingy on witch i am righting aboot.

Futurama is an incredibly dank oscar winning tv show that made autistic children go blind when it was first broadcast in HD in 2009. Also, I am the one to ask about memes. XY007 I am the true meme master. We can be meme lords together! Be it Danken Elves or Rare Pepes. We may be brothers of the 4Chanian Descent. We don't need to be dank adversaries!

Not dank memes though, sensible memes. The Supreme Leader XY --- Free Cake! 01:06, 25 Serpeniver 2015 (UTC)
Dank is good weed. Presumably, dank dank is superior. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 01:12, 25 Serpeniver 2015 (UTC)
No, it would be all musty and damp. The Supreme Leader XY --- Free Cake! 01:19, 25 Serpeniver 2015 (UTC)
I think it depends on where you are when you're saying it. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 01:25, 25 Serpeniver 2015 (UTC)

The garbage is piling up.[edit source ]

A wave of IP edits today, inckludieg the blatant crap they create. XY007 and I have been QDing articles today. 2+2=5 SPEAK TO ME, ILLOGIAN! Past accounts of sodomy RAVENOUS AND RUTHLESS CAPITALISM The greatest article in the history of Illogia! 20:47, 11 Octodest 2015 (UTC)

Thanks for the heads up. Or wombat release. Or curried anchovies? Or... anyway, thanks. Your attentions are noted. Your antlers gleam in the moonlight. This is particularly attractive to Finnish moose. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 22:50, 11 Octodest 2015 (UTC)
I think a group of people are targeting this website, and their edits are getting pretty annoying. Also, 2 more QD'd articles since my last message to you. 2+2=5 SPEAK TO ME, ILLOGIAN! Past accounts of sodomy RAVENOUS AND RUTHLESS CAPITALISM The greatest article in the history of Illogia! 23:29, 11 Octodest 2015 (UTC)
I gave u: another chance, since you warned them and they responded. I also warned them. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 23:55, 11 Octodest 2015 (UTC)

K so I wrote the most MLG article of all time and are you freddy 4 ready pls? T3H 1337EST M33M MAST3R (_L0L_) (talk) 18:30, 12 Octodest 2015 (UTC)

Eddy has been ready since 1971. Freddie's readiness, however, has always been in doubt. I myself am neither Eddy nor Freddie. If you are asking about my readiness, I have to say no, I am not ready. This is not a problem, since I am generally unprepared for anything. Oh. Er, what's MLG? LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 02:07, 13 Octodest 2015 (UTC)
Major League Gaming, m8! 2+2=5 SPEAK TO ME, ILLOGIAN! Past accounts of sodomy RAVENOUS AND RUTHLESS CAPITALISM The greatest article in the history of Illogia! 04:28, 13 Octodest 2015 (UTC)
That means it has something to do with sports? My sports IQ is zero. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 04:31, 13 Octodest 2015 (UTC)
It's about video games. It's also about America's obesity problem. It's also about marijuana. The Supreme Leader XY --- Free Cake! 07:35, 13 Octodest 2015 (UTC)
OK, got it. Thanks for clearing it up for me. Too lazy to Google it, I guess. Obesity, you say? I suppose I am obese. Marijuana, you say? Medical or recreational use? That word, recreation; I find it curious. Recreating something by playing football, or smoking marijuana, or digging a tunnel... it begs the question; how many lumps? Pete Puma takes three of four. He's got a sweet tooth. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 13:04, 13 Octodest 2015 (UTC)

It is time[edit source ]

Two words: New. Feature. The Supreme Leader XY --- Free Cake! 01:41, 21 Octodest 2015 (UTC)

You are correct. Thank you, good night and <belch>... excuse me. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 01:44, 21 Octodest 2015 (UTC)

You will love this:[edit source ]


Amazing, right?! I found it on 4chan. 2+2=5 SPEAK TO ME, ILLOGIAN! Past accounts of sodomy RAVENOUS AND RUTHLESS CAPITALISM The greatest article in the history of Illogia! 03:22, 1 Novelniver 2015 (UTC)


And this too! 2+2=5 SPEAK TO ME, ILLOGIAN! Past accounts of sodomy RAVENOUS AND RUTHLESS CAPITALISM The greatest article in the history of Illogia! 03:29, 1 Novelniver 2015 (UTC)

Is the first one Hindleyite? Icons-flag-au.png Operator XY - (Conversal :: Editations - 7,284 and counting!) 04:54, 1 Novelniver 2015 (UTC)
These are some great gifs. The top one looks like me when I'm having a "little Satori". LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 17:32, 1 Novelniver 2015 (UTC)
Also: Illustrious Order of the Ninth Nipple. I asked to join over a month ago, but, you know, you said to give you some time to allow me in because of some weird shit about a tenth nipple on someone's thigh that my brain cannot remember.
Should there be some specific task one may need to fulfill to join? 2+2=5 SPEAK TO ME, ILLOGIAN! Past accounts of sodomy RAVENOUS AND RUTHLESS CAPITALISM The greatest article in the history of Illogia! 20:04, 7 Novelniver 2015 (UTC)


(削除) that Pokemon bank is delayed until 2019 (削除ここまで) that I need you to block the IP Icons-flag-au.png Operator XY - (Conversal :: Editations - 7,284 and counting!) 04:28, 8 Novelniver 2015 (UTC)

I got a question for ya[edit source ]

How old are you? --(BKYE) Sophia, The Resident of Uncyclopedia Delty (babble)

57. In metric. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 06:12, 13 Ditzimber 2015 (UTC)
In imperial? Icons-flag-au.png Operator XY - (Conversal :: Editations - 7,284 and counting!) 06:17, 13 Ditzimber 2015 (UTC)
I dunno... I just do what the slide rule tells me to. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 06:28, 13 Ditzimber 2015 (UTC)

Sorry m8[edit source ]

Look man, I'm really sorry. I just wanted to join the weed squad and, and.... Guy Fieri sent me to take your life...

All is forgiven, in the spirit of the season. Not this season, but the season. However, I do not forgive your cavorting with the likes of Guy Fieri. Not sure why. I don't really follow the sorts of things that mention him, so I only know that he cooks, is on tv a lot and is controversial. I feel that the Rapture as portrayed on Squidbillies Season 2 Episode 13 "Armageddon It On!" is probably most accurate. The Reverend sort of looks like an onion, and wants to know what the safe word is. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 06:01, 15 Ditzimber 2015 (UTC)

Things are struggling in VFF[edit source ]

Foals hasn't been doing so well in VFF, and I really don't understand why. It's barely gotten one positive vote from XY007, one negative vote from Awesomedecks (possibly because he doesn't like the band in the first place), a comment from Island Monkey that seems like he wanted to give a positive vote but withheld it simply because he wasn't sure if I was into this band or not, and a comment from Kuolioinen saying that the article has good illogic and length, but it "doesn't stand out and I don't know what this is."

In sum, HELP! Can you at least cast your vote for it to help it limp along? 2+2=5 SPEAK TO ME, ILLOGIAN! Past accounts of sodomy RAVENOUS AND RUTHLESS CAPITALISM The greatest article in the history of Illogia! 20:01, 29 Aym 2016 (UTC)

Cna yuo raed tihs?[edit source ]

Yuo pborbaly nac. Ni nay sace, hantk uoy rof uptting eth eatfure yccle abck toin lapce. Icons-flag-au.png Operator XY - (Conversal :: Editations - 7,284 and counting!) 10.02.17, 11.32 AM

You're welcome, O noble and earnest Operator. Goofy birds flock to your feet in search of honest grubs, or something like that, I suppose. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 13:56, 10 Farbleum 2017 (UTC)

A fitting song for your canine overlord[edit source ]

[フレーム] To be played during the event of a Frunobulaxial manifestation (no, not the black poodle). 2+2=5 SPEAK TO ME, ILLOGIAN! Past accounts of sodomy RAVENOUS AND RUTHLESS CAPITALISM The greatest article in the history of Illogia! 00:04, 20 Farbleum 2017 (UTC)

She really likes the song, especially the bass. My wife, Sister Zim_ulatrix, picked the song, "All About That Bass" by Meghan Trainor because she loves getting her butt scratched. Well, not her butt, precisely, but her low back just above the tail. She loves her dem butt scratchies, yo. Frunobulaxial manifestation sounds like it would make a good article. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 02:37, 20 Farbleum 2017 (UTC)

Sòmething tò interest yòu...[edit source ]

IllogiGames:Big Brrother 2017

Ìț'ŝ ħàppěñĩňġ áģäǐń. Icons-flag-au.png Operator XY - (Conversal :: Editations - 7,284 and counting!) 01:25, 15 Arche 2017 (UTC)

Welcome![edit source ]

Congratulations! You have been accepted into the League as a non-Brazilian member, your efforts will be worthwhile, welcome, any questions, just consult the league boss! Illogico! Illogically? 01:55, 15 Arche 2017 (UTC)

Congratulations![edit source ]

You have been elected vice league leader, help us the way you can! Happy birthday to you! Illogico! Illogically? 13:49, 16 Arche 2017 (UTC)

Wow! You folks have low standards! As promised, the least you can expect from me is nothing. The most? Little more than nothing. Thank you, momadoring fan(s). LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 17:13, 16 Arche 2017 (UTC)
Some problem? Would you like to open a poll? Let me

explain: We had only three members (real people), and one decided to abandon our league, there were only two left, and we want to improve our league. You have problems? Because there's no one voting for you? It was for members (real people) to vote, but Louis wanted to run, and I did, "My mother told me to choose this one from here!" And it fell upon thee. Illogico! Illogically? 20:47, 16 Arche 2017 (UTC)

No problem at all, friend. I was being sarcastic, or satirical perhaps. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 16:40, 17 Arche 2017 (UTC)

XY010[edit source ]

One of these Brazilians has made an account in the hope of impersonating me, but has simply used it to vandalise. Even his userpage admits his goal. Do you think it's worth blocking him? After all, he is a vandal and a sockpuppet. Icons-flag-au.png Operator XY - (Conversal :: Editations - 7,284 and counting!) 01:45, 17 Arche 2017 (UTC)

aim wondering how old this person is. Thanks for cleaning up my user page. Deleted sock and blocked him. The sock. I let Luis live. For now. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 18:51, 17 Arche 2017 (UTC)
He's my 9-year-old cousin, I just talked to him about

the league, but I did not know I was going to get to this point. Illogico! Illogically? 20:50, 17 Arche 2017 (UTC) I was right! A little kid. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 21:19, 17 Arche 2017 (UTC)

Yes! A little kid Illogico! Illogically? 21:27, 17 Arche 2017 (UTC)
If I give Louis a temporary block, he does not deserve to be unharmed. I even offended you. Illogico! Illogically? 21:31, 17 Arche 2017 (UTC)
No, I'm not offended. A kid doing silly things is nothing to get angry about. I banned the XY010 user and deleted it's user and talk pages. We're all here to have a little fun, so we can give him a break and hope he'll behave better. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 00:35, 18 Arche 2017 (UTC)
Kids... Illogico! Illogically? 01:10, 18 Arche 2017 (UTC)
Our 8 year old granddaughter is our of our housemates, so I'm used to it. We're lucky in that she's a joy. Not only is she smart and funny, she'll spontaneously clean up dog poop in our back yard or do a little cleaning, expecting no reward. In fact, she never tells us what she does, so it's up to us to notice she's done something. My wife and I are both disabled and have difficulty with stuff that used to be easy; housework and the like. So she and my son do stuff to help us... a thing that's small to them is greatly appreciated. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 01:54, 18 Arche 2017 (UTC)
What? Translate to portuguese! Illogico! Illogically? 02:39, 18 Arche 2017 (UTC)
You'll have to to that yourself. This site is English. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 02:54, 18 Arche 2017 (UTC)
Yes. Also, block Louis for 2 weeks, perhaps? He should understand what he's done. Icons-flag-au.png Operator XY - (Conversal :: Editations - 7,284 and counting!) 08:28, 18 Arche 2017 (UTC)

Idiot![edit source ]

Convince Illogico to remove me block from the league! Or rather, since you are vice leader, I think you can do it yourself... Louis, the crazy LOL 00:40, 19 Arche 2017 (UTC)

Calling me an idiot and asking a favor? Not very smart. My 8 year old granddaughter wouldn't do that. You're a year older. What's your excuse for your behavior? Come back in two weeks if you can control yourself. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 06:52, 19 Arche 2017 (UTC)
I'll try to talk to him... Illogico! Illogically? 22:34, 19 Arche 2017 (UTC)
Thats ok, but he's a little kid. I expect nothing. I did ban him for two weeks, for whatever that's worth. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 00:40, 20 Arche 2017 (UTC)
He's a little stressed... Cousins... Illogico! Illogically? 00:52, 20 Arche 2017 (UTC)

Louis LOL[edit source ]

Hi, I'm here to ask you to lower the Louis LOL lock, because he told me that he's not going to do that anymore and that he just wants to edit. We will see... Illogico! Illogically? 03:38, 21 Arche 2017 (UTC)

I doubt it. He's still abused multiple accounts, and his block expires in 12 days. Icons-flag-au.png Operator XY - (Conversal :: Editations - 7,284 and counting!) 03:40, 21 Arche 2017 (UTC)
I'm also in doubt... But we do not even know what the boy thinks... Illogico! Illogically? 04:06, 21 Arche 2017 (UTC)
We've been more than reasonable. I think most wikis would ban him permanently and be done with it. Let him think about his behavior for another 12 days and then we will see if he can control himself. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 09:19, 21 Arche 2017 (UTC)

Request for movement[edit source ]

Hi, how do I move a page (change title) I wanted to move the link to a more independent domain, type: Illogicopedia:League of Brazilian Editors, can you do that?

I'm happy to do that for you. Please try to remember to sign your posts.
I had a thought... being bat fuck insane in a foreign language can be difficult. I lived in Okinawa for a while with Asian roommates, and I learned just enough Japanese to be funny. Mush of our shared humor was physical, so it was pretty easy. We also drank a bit in those days, so alcohol acted as a social lubricant. More difficult to write and share in this way. So, please be calm if you think something is wrong or insulting' our purpose is fun, so let me ar any of us "old timers" about any confusion and of anything we can do to help.
In my case, I have health problems that keep me away at times' I've been here a lot lately, so that says I'm feeling fairly well. My wife's health can take we away as well sometimes. So if I seem to be aloof, it's that I'm otherwise occupied. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 02:32, 22 Arche 2017 (UTC)
I would be grateful if you did this... Illogico! Illogically? 02:47, 22 Arche 2017 (UTC)
Done, son. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 03:24, 22 Arche 2017 (UTC)
Decrease my cousin's block, he's crazy ... Please ... He said he will not leave my house until he slows down his lock ;-/Illogico! Illogically? 23:43, 23 Arche 2017 (UTC)
I have to ask... how old are you? I do not let children control my behavior, my grandchildren or any others. Also, we do not put up with drama. Clearly Luis is too young for our wiki. I feel I have no choice but to ban him until he grows up. You are welcome to debate here if you must. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 02:47, 24 Arche 2017 (UTC)

Can you add this template to illogical and crazy articles?

Template[edit source ]

Can you add this template to illogical and crazy articles? Illogico! Illogically? 04:17, 28 Arche 2017 (UTC)

You can do so if you like. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png

Sorry[edit source ]

Hi, I will no longer vandalize, I promise, you can unlock my main account, I want to return to contribute positively to the project. Unlock me, please, just unlock and realize you did the right thing. Theillogically (talk) 04:28, 30 Arche 2017 (UTC)

I don't think that's going to happen. Why did you vandalise? Icons-flag-au.png Operator XY - (Conversal :: Editations - 7,284 and counting!) 04:30, 30 Arche 2017 (UTC)
I was stressed and also not very mature, resulted in

blockage, but I can change, and try to control me, sorry for the offenses and damage. Theillogically (talk) 04:34, 30 Arche 2017 (UTC)

Who are you? Luis? LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 16:27, 30 Arche 2017 (UTC)

Luis Kalvin, yes, I am the creator of the account Louis

LOL, Illogico second cousin, I am 9 years old and I am just a child and I want my main account unlocked, I will no longer vandalize, give me one last chance, please... Theillogically (talk) 18:45, 30 Arche 2017 (UTC)

10 years old in April, 5 Theillogically (talk) 18:49, 30 Arche 2017 (UTC)
My granddaughter is 8, and she would never have behave as rudely as you. Of course she wouldn't be here because we adults responsible for her don't think this wiki is appropriate for people under... let me pick a random number as a placeholder... let's say 15. It's not particularly smutty or vulgar, inappropriate in the ways that many kinds of adult sites are. It's more about having the maturity to manage the vast freedoms allowed here responsibly. I will put the question to a forum, but don't be hopeful.
Pay very close attention here, Luis: do not post anything on Illogicopedia at all unless the question is resolved in forum. I alone will post a comment on your new talk page. Any more begging, any more questions or comments and you're banned. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 21:32, 30 Arche 2017 (UTC)
I joined when I was 13. :P 2+2=5 SPEAK TO ME, ILLOGIAN! Past accounts of sodomy RAVENOUS AND RUTHLESS CAPITALISM The greatest article in the history of Illogia! 01:04, 31 Arche 2017 (UTC)
I am 21 years old Illogico! Illogically? 01:14, 31 Arche 2017 (UTC)
Fish. Icons-flag-au.png Operator XY - (Conversal :: Editations - 7,284 and counting!) 01:56, 31 Arche 2017 (UTC)

You are rocker?[edit source ]

Subscribe: First Rock in Rioo! Illogico! Illogically? 22:31, 1 Arply 2017 (UTC)

NeW sAUsAGeS[edit source ]

YOU GOT MAIL which is a sausageGruntled at... Template talk:Random number/P.

I ate the rest of sausages ProDuct0339 Talk くろまる Project
Contrib...wait, wrong sign!
14:23, 25 Arply 2017 (UTC)

Invitation[edit source ]

Hello! You created an article called Illogicopedia:Illogiproject Chemeeeestry, which is in the topic we are covering, Category:Chemistry. So, how about you join us? You can join by clicking the title. Thank you! These are the participants:

Click the button below to add your name to this list


well... at least you added 1 letter. 👈 lol 👉   lol w/ me くろまるJOIN US
History of lulzz
00:49, 10 Arply 2017 (UTC)

A hamster on a keyboard (phenomenon) [edit source ]

Good evening. Snarglefoop and I have a concern about this article, which we have expressed at Talk:A hamster on a keyboard (phenomenon). Thank you for your time. Cg098 (talk) 01:00, 14 Arply 2017 (UTC)

You're probably already aware of this, but he's back. Cg098 (talk) 16:57, 15 Arply 2017 (UTC)

unblock[edit source ]

wwwwLouis as back! (talk) 01:20, 16 Arply 2017 (UTC)

Goal Oriented Divination LLC[edit source ]

Do you wish there to be a price list in your IllogiBusiness, offering afterlife services? XY007 (talk - contribs - business) 01:26, 21 Arply 2017 (UTC)

I think you're on to something here. Although I don't personally believe in an afterlife, I'm not above hypocrisy, however, so I'd be happy to get paid for that and other services. I can perform ceremonies, which I will invent right now:
  • Schizmizmizm - the first required devotion of the noob Zimbat Buddhist, it symbolizes the rejection of dependence on Reverend Zim_ulator for guidance on the spiritual journey.
  • Riddance of Auras - send me a picture of yourself and I will cleanse you of stinky auras
  • Riddance of Areolas - for those,who might want such a thing, a series of spiritual exercises to rid you of unwanted areolas. Usually performed on those who have more than two, and want to get rid of the extras

More later. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 11:52, 21 Arply 2017 (UTC)

A new user[edit source ]

A new user just registered with the username Cg089. He's from Brazil, said he was invited by Luis to "to pump and vandalize", and copied my userpage onto his. I think he might be in violation of the username policy, if we have one. Cg098 (talk) 01:16, 25 Arply 2017 (UTC)

Hello? You are admin? Luis is real admin? Thuth o false?Cg089 (talk) 01:36, 25 Arply 2017 (UTC)
Cg098 no admin, Luis no admin, false, I no admin, Gruntled yes admin. ProDuct0339 Talk くろまる Project
Contrib...wait, wrong sign!
02:58, 25 Arply 2017 (UTC)
There shall be no Egyptian god cards on Illogicopedia! Cg098 (talk) 02:23, 27 Arply 2017 (UTC)

Sorry. I was thinking of Thoth. Cg098 (talk) 16:42, 7 Aym 2017 (UTC)

Speaking of the god cards...[edit source ]

To be honest, I think that having admin rights could slightly interfere with trying to make normal articles. What I was thinking is, have the admin rights transferred to my XY008 account. That way, I'll just log in to that account when deletion needs to be done, or a user needs to be blocked. OK? XY007 (talk - contribs - business) 07:58, 28 Arply 2017 (UTC)

For myself, I can't see any advantage to doing that. I think it might become confusing to myself and others. For instance, someone may think it's a sock puppet, and therefore not to be taken seriously. I'm not recommending whether you do this or not. I just have a gut feeling it would be troublesome. I will advise that you give it some thought for a bit, weigh any pros and cons that might come to mind. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 08:06, 28 Arply 2017 (UTC)
So, basically, no? Understandable. XY007 (talk - contribs - business) 08:10, 28 Arply 2017 (UTC)
No, I'm saying think it through, weigh any benefits and detriments; analyse why you'd do it. Bounce ideas of somebody if you like. Then decide. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 08:13, 28 Arply 2017 (UTC)

Speaking of Cards...[edit source ]

It's a bit Off tropic but...

Come & Make cards for our new game: The IllogiCards! ProDuct0339 Talk くろまる Project
Contrib...wait, wrong sign!
08:00, 28 Arply 2017 (UTC)

I might, but I'm very lazy, so when I might is anybody's guess. Thanks for the invitation. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 08:06, 28 Arply 2017 (UTC)
'kay. ProDuct0339 Talk くろまる Project
Contrib...wait, wrong sign!
08:13, 28 Arply 2017 (UTC)

...[edit source ]

Every day my reputation in Illogicopedia diminishes, the fact that I am a puppetmaster's cousin does not help, I am afraid of being blocked. Illogico! Illogically? 20:02, 6 Aym 2017 (UTC)

Guilt by association? You know even Hillary Clinton had to deal with that. XY007 (talk - contribs - business) 22:56, 6 Aym 2017 (UTC)
I can only imagine how Ivanka Trump feels... She honestly doesn't deserve the crap she's been getting from America simply because her dad's a Reptilian. 2+2=5 SPEAK TO ME, ILLOGIAN! Past accounts of sodomy RAVENOUS AND RUTHLESS CAPITALISM The greatest article in the history of Illogia! 03:58, 10 Aym 2017 (UTC)
Do not fear from me, sir. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 09:42, 7 Aym 2017 (UTC)
Okay Illogico! Illogically? 23:55, 8 Aym 2017 (UTC)

Y r-i p[edit source ]

Hey, click on my username to find out what I'm an alt account of. Anyway I did some digging and I found oud your ip adress. It was simple. I read every part of this. and then I googled it up and I found out: You live at: Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States. --Mindhacker (talk) 10:41, 12 Aym 2017 (UTC)

And why do I care? LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 21:38, 12 Aym 2017 (UTC)
Coz (削除) I will come and find you (削除ここまで). Jus coz.--I cat tall the dark (talk) 21:58, 12 Aym 2017 (UTC)
If this keeps on going, we may have to dust off the banhammer. XY007 (talk - contribs - business) 22:10, 12 Aym 2017 (UTC)
MIne is clean and freshly oiled.i keep it in my underwear. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 22:13, 12 Aym 2017 (UTC)
And why did I need to know that? In any case, my banhammer is kept in the cupboard. XY007 (talk - contribs - business) 22:14, 12 Aym 2017 (UTC)
IN truth, you certainly do not need to know that. However, because it's an "alternate fact", I can bandy it about as much as I wish. There is no expectation of a real hammer, cached proximally to real testes, physically used to ban users. However, the idea of it remains, real as real within its own borders. Some like me are amused; small things for small minds. Others, perhaps caught in a fit of viscerallity, may apperceive such statements powerfully, even nauseatingly. If I caused this sort of reaction in you, dear XY007, please accept this limited liability apology. It can be redeemed for mega seeds available exclusively through Rick Sanchez. His grandson Morty will take messages, but you have to talk Rick for the seeds. Oh, and don't talk to Jerry at all! He's a dufus and a screw up. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 00:51, 13 Aym 2017 (UTC)
Gee, it must be uncomfortable having to walk around with a hammer in your pants all day--Noot noot!.png Foodies |Foodies.jpg 00:59, 13 Aym 2017 (UTC)

No[edit source ]

No inspired King Jong-un (talk) 13:15, 26 Aym 2017 (UTC)

Louis lol is back[edit source ]

Hey, just looking through recent changes, and I found a possible Louis LOL Sock called Louis k.--Mah game mah other game Noot noot!.png foodies - - - > Foodies.jpg imijurs VANDALISM!

05:03, 27 Aym 2017 (UTC)d

Why was I (2+2=5) banned indefinitely?[edit source ]

Please explain. I was not making those sockpuppets. 15:43, 29 Yoon 2017 (UTC)

My only explanation is that i was really tired and I had no business editing a wiki. My apologies. I don my Reverend Zim_ulator garb and bestow upon you the Great Blessing of Mea Culpa Kaizumerie;
Oushsla bastruude menjhy ta da buumdiye bastichiau mankros. Aprafkejuubel frnynke zhyukrambe hunker fnerd, aparajhyenkeghnerkel frit ghumbha. Predyuu predyuu monkat ferb. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 18:04, 29 Yoon 2017 (UTC)

For you ass! 15:50, 29 Yoon 2017 (UTC)

Ban the IP![edit source ] needs to be banned. I also told XY, because I don't know which of you is more likely to be on here at this hour. CG098 (talk ₪‎ contribs) 11:46, 17 Ergust 2017 (UTC)

Alert[edit source ]

Either you or XY is going to have to ban Ivo6. CG098 (talk ₪‎ contribs) 01:34, 20 Serpeniver 2017 (UTC)

There's an annoying vandal and a QD backlog waiting for the next admin to log in. CG098 (talk ₪‎ contribs) 14:20, 6 Octodest 2017 (UTC)

Ivo hates you. I'm not ivo, I'm icttd. Too lazy to log in.[edit source ]

Just cause I'm with my ip, doesnt mean you need two confuse sum homophones. 13:02, 24 Serpeniver 2017 (UTC)

? LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 07:21, 26 Serpeniver 2017 (UTC)

Hi[edit source ]

Block ivo danny! Text 06:04, 10 Octodest 2017 (UTC)

Heads up[edit source ]

Ivo has set up an account called User:Ovi. He hasn't done anything yet, but I suspect that he created it to be used later on so he can strike when no one is around. Or, it could just be his attempt at setting up a decoy, which wouldn't work nonetheless. Just be high on alert on Recent Changes whenever you see anything being done by that account. 2+2=5 SPEAK TO ME, ILLOGIAN! Past accounts of sodomy RAVENOUS AND RUTHLESS CAPITALISM The greatest article in the history of Illogia! 04:36, 24 Octodest 2017 (UTC)

Blocked until next time. Thanks dude. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 05:09, 24 Octodest 2017 (UTC)

Could you ban The 3rd blanker? CG098 (talk ₪‎ contribs) 00:59, 30 Octodest 2017 (UTC)

Hello[edit source ]

I'm back, my banana's extremes, sorry for the english, I dont using Google Translate Illogico! Illogically? 13:29, 4 Jeremy 2018 (UTC)

Hello[edit source ]

I'm back, my banana's extremes, sorry for the english, I dont using Google Translate Illogico! Illogically? 13:29, 4 Jeremy 2018 (UTC)

My user page[edit source ]

Dear Gruntled,

Please super-kaizum my userpage. Also known as 'delete it'. I'm not leaving though. Thanks, Monkey-butler.jpg Sincerely, islandmonkey - go speak 20:45, 7 Jeremy 2018 (UTC)

Yo, dog, the main page is roached. And has been for a couple days.[edit source ]

Not sure who to point this out to but I found you so hey. From Firefox, Seamonkey, and Opera on my regular system, Firefox on a system in another country, and Firefox on Windows (yet another system) here, the site's up and running fine and when I'm logged in everything's cool, but if I'm logged out, I'm seeing this for the main page:

Snarglefoop (talk) 01:53, 28 Jeremy 2018 (UTC)

VPN? CG098 (talk ₪‎ contribs) 04:38, 28 Jeremy 2018 (UTC)
Tried it with and without a VPN, tried it from a cable modem in Canada (direct outbound connection, no filtering), from a company in Masschusetts (also direct outbound connection), and as mentioned, from several different systems, browers, and architectures. When I wasn't logged in, the error page is what I saw. When I logged in, it went back to normal. Snarglefoop (talk) 04:47, 28 Jeremy 2018 (UTC)
I see it too.  Flyingcat (meow?) fr: 16:31, 28 Jeremy 2018 (UTC)
Maybe you could contact Athyria about this. It might be a problem with the CSS, which other people have asked her questions about. CG098 (talk ₪‎ contribs) 23:36, 28 Jeremy 2018 (UTC)
When does CSS ever produce an internal error? I don't see how that could happen.  Flyingcat (meow?) fr: 04:04, 29 Jeremy 2018 (UTC)
"Cannot contact the database server" seems a little more serious than the usual IERR. In fact, it doesn't seem like it should even be possible to produce that message with a dependency on whether the viewer is logged in. That kind of behavior seems weird enough that it almost must be intentional, which is to say it's some kind of rather clever vandalism, but there are no recent changes in the "recent changes" list that seem even vaguely related to it. Snarglefoop (talk) 04:27, 29 Jeremy 2018 (UTC)
BTW I went ahead and escalated it to Athyria. And that's about as far as I go; if there's a step beyond, I don't know what it might be. Snarglefoop (talk) 04:31, 29 Jeremy 2018 (UTC)

Illogipost[edit source ]

Your paperboy delivered a new issue. ProDuct0339 Talk くろまる Project
Contrib...wait, wrong sign!
10:09, 23 Yoon 2018 (UTC)

Gruntled[edit source ]

Where are you? Illogico! Illogically? 13:48, 17 Jumbly 2018 (UTC)

I am here at the moment. We’re busy settling in after moving to New Hampshire, and I’ve been putting time in to finishing up my album Turbulent Crossing The link takes you to 6 of a probable 10 songs when I release. I’m fixing mixing problems in the existing tunes, and finishing composition of the remaining four. Cheers! LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 14:20, 21 Jumbly 2018 (UTC)
Cool, soon I want to learn English, maybe you can express me better without having to use this erroneous Google Translate. Illogico! Illogically? 03:35, 5 Serpeniver 2018 (UTC)

Turkey paladin [edit source ]

Remember how you restored this page and it had the contents of a totally different page? It appears that every page deleted before 7 October 2013 is corrupted. Every deleted revision has the correct edit summary and byte number but clearly has the text of a revision to something else, an account creation log entry, or both mashed together. That's why. It's probably to do with moving off Carlb's server. Obviously there's nothing you can do about this, but I thought you might like to know. Raises more questions than it answers, really...  Flyingcat (meow?) fr: 23:02, 12 Jeremy 2019 (UTC)

Sorry, I got a job and forgot all about this place. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 22:02, 30 Ditzimber 2019 (UTC)

An update[edit source ]

I am pleased to inform you that Wow guys. OK guys. Un-detranslatable action people. OK people. Wow people. I am a duck. DUCK DUCK DUCK! now meets the criteria for Antlerianism. The cheese has been nosed, and the kaizum awaits. Snirnijk. CG098 (talk ☼‎ contribs) 19:52, 10 Jeremy 2020 (UTC)

YOU HAVE RETURNED[edit source ]

URNED! 2+2=5 SPEAK TO ME, ILLOGIAN! Past accounts of sodomy RAVENOUS AND RUTHLESS CAPITALISM The greatest article in the history of Illogia! 05:11, 12 Jumbly 2021 (UTC)

And you made a Ratatoing reference too! I never thought that article would become iconic or reference-worthy in any way, shape, or form. CG098 (talk ☼‎ contribs) 11:32, 12 Jumbly 2021 (UTC)
Greeny grunch. Walk-in the tightrope. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 16:02, 20 Jumbly 2021 (UTC)
I'm green now. I survived it, so it wasn't as bad as I'd thought. CG098 (talk ☼‎ contribs) 23:57, 20 Jumbly 2021 (UTC)
If you meet studi0zim on the road, smell it. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 21:39, 15 Octodest 2022 (UTC)

Advanced Zimbaterry[edit source ]

Zimbatterry is a simple martial art. Essentially, one runs up upon one’s opponent, smacking them open handed across the face and running away. The advanced zimbatterrist will jab the opponent’s funny bone. Then run away, of course. LAR Adriator-Gruntled.png(kaizum me)Plant2.png 19:03, 23 Aym 2024 (UTC)

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