Silent Penguin

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Having seen his picture, you'll now understand why he's an admin.


~ Silent Penguin on what could be anything

Skype - the seppy we know[edit | edit source ]

 Balls: So yeah mum, his name really is seppy.
 Seppy: What, no it isn't.
 Mother Ballsack: What, really?
 Balls: Oh yeah, that's why I call him it all the time.
 Seppy: But my name's not seppy!
 Mother Ballsack: What a stupid name.
 Balls: ..yeah, it is.
 Seppy: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
 Balls: Mwahahahaahahaha!

Sepp Also [edit | edit source ]

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