List of sexually active popes

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A red cowboy hat traditionally indicates that a pope is "on the make".

This is a list of sexually active popes. That's it, what more did you expect?

i guess i'll just start listing them then[edit | edit source ]

Name Reign Relationship(s) Notes
Pope Popus the Pope 0-1 Found a portal gun and proceeded to commit die. Wait, we had to take notes? Shit. Will this be on the test?
Pope John LXIX 1669-1769 HAHA FUNNY SEX NUMBER LOL There isn't a test, eediot.
Pope Pope Pop Fuck you, you broke the chain. Also, when's the test?
Pope Sixtus VI 1444-1460 Börked the Queen of Queens The test is on Serpeniver 39. Bring plenty of sauce. You'll need all of it.
Pope Plagueis the Wise Oh fuck not this Saved others from death, but not himself. Did you ever hear the tragedy of Pope Plagueis the Wise? I thought not. It's not a story the Catholics would tell you. It's an Orthodox legend. Pope Plagueis was a Byzantine Emperor, so powerful and so wise he could use the Bible to influence the Jesus juice to create life... He had such a knowledge of the Orthodoxy that he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying. The Orthodox Bible is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. He became so powerful... the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew, then his apprentice killed him in his sleep. Ironic, he could save others from death, but not himself.
Pope AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA MMCCXXII 222-2222 Wait, did you just equate Orthodox Christians to Sith Lords? Is it possible to learn this power?
Pope Fiftus V 5 Converted to Fifthism Not from a Catholic. There must be F I V E
Pope? Pope. Hotel? Trivago. You fucking insolent logician, you stole a box from this row. Now we don't know what was there!
Fancy Hat Man #583 Does it even matter? knishop Believe me, there was nothing important there.
Pope K. Rool 2000-20001 Poped his way into obscurity Couldn't find any documentation. This is why I hate B#.
Popey McPopeface "Hey, I get that reference!" Why in illogia would you make that joke Yeah, go jj yourself
Pope ØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØ IX 2021-1999 Was a walrus I'm bored, anyone up for Uno? Sure!
Oh no, not this guy again. Hey, I thought we told you to fuck off! Seriously dude, nobody wants you here. Ignore them. Why don't I just start dealing? Sounds good.
*sigh* Whatever. Let's just carry on. Pope Vladimir I 1917-1924 Knew how to party Ok, top card is a blue 5. I'll go first. Green 5. Wild Draw Four! I choose yellow. Draw four, and then let me draw, because I don't have any yellows.
Pope Ni--[REDACTED] Dude wtf All his speech was slurred after that one night. Ah, boils. Okay, uh, yellow nine. Purple nine! Oh, so that's how you're gonna play? So be it. Wtf who are you
Pope Johann IV 14-150 Assumed the pontificate at a tanner's shop Hey, where are you getting all these boxes? idk
Hello? Anyone there?
Pope Nope O 0000000000 the void... it's so cold...

That's quite a plethora of porking popes. Pretty pulverizing. Yr.

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