
From Illogicopedia
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This page is an essay.
It's not a policy or something. but it can be some advise or something.
y'know, HAW 2 B 1337 h4x0r or somethings. :p

It seems u r a noob!

Good. here is some things that will help you adapt quickly.

Basic[edit | edit source ]

Intermediate[edit | edit source ]

History[edit | edit source ]

IllogiProjects[edit | edit source ]

  This section is Logical; it is meant to be so. Prepare to get bored!  
  Sensible Section  

"Trust me when I tell you that we here at Illogicopedia strive to bring you only the very best in mediocrity."

Over the years the Illogicopedian Empire has created and cultivated a wide range of projects. It is our hope that you will find at least one of these projects moderately satisfactory.

IllogiProjects[edit | edit source ]

  • Illogicopedia: a wiki project dedicated to creating an insane repository of words put together in no particular order.
  • IllogiDictionary: the lexicon of illogic.
  • IllogiNews: all the news in fits of print.
  • IllogiBooks: an Illogicopedia project dedicated to providing you with a free collection of absolutely useless textbooks.
  • IllogiGames: why edit when you can play games?
  • IllogiTV: Illogicopedia's own video channel.
  • IllogiMusic: random, basically nonsensical song lyrics and out of tune instruments.
  • The Illogicopedian Times: a nearly-weekly e-paper manned (and womanned) by writers who couldn't cut it at IllogiNews.
  • IllogiToons: showcasing cartoon scripts designed by our users.
  • Ten Reasons Why...: because why not?
  • Illogicopedia Quotes: Illogicopedia's unofficial chatroom logs database.
  • HowTo...: the best place to find instructions on all the things you never really needed instructions to figure out.
  • Fake Cheats: 100% false video game tips and cheats.
  • Illogicopedia's Top Tens: where opinion is fact.
  • Vandalpedia: a mini-wiki project for editors who like to make a mess of things.

Sub-projects of Illogicopedia [edit | edit source ]

IllogiThings[edit | edit source ]

Illogi- Illogiis Illogia Illogiprefix Illogiwhen Illogiused Illogiat Illogisome Illogidegree Illogiof Illogithings. Illogimostly Illogiillogic Illogithings.

IllogiEtymology[edit | edit source ]

IllogiThe Illogiprefix IllogiIllogi- Illogiis Illogiderived Illogifrom IllogiIllogic. Illogitherefore Illogiit Illogimeans Illogisomething Illogiis Illogiillogical.

IllogiExample[edit | edit source ]

Other[edit | edit source ]

Categorized (Little old)[edit | edit source ]

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