IllogiBooks:Illogicopedia big book of little sonnets/XXI-XXX

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Darkside Truths Revealed

20040128[edit | edit source ]

  1. Latin is a dead language
  2. As dead as it can be
  3. First it killed the Romans
  4. And now it's killing me
  5. All are dead who wrote it
  6. All are dead who spoke it
  7. All die who learn it
  8. Blessed death - they earn it
  9. --Unknown

20040125[edit | edit source ]

  1. Cum tua non edas, carpis mea carmina, Laeli.
  2. Carpere vel noli nostra vel ede tua.
  3. -Martial Epigrammata, I, 91
  1. ---
  2. so endz the reading
  3. this iz not a pleading
  4. but if U are needing
  5. best not be breeding.

20040121[edit | edit source ]

  1. Diff'rent eyes watch and ask
  2. keeps us from our blogging task
  3. Moved the blog to later from splat
  4. Wonder, wondere where its at?
  5. ---
  6. so endz the reading
  7. this iz not a pleading
  8. but if U are needing
  9. best not be breeding.

20031230[edit | edit source ]

  1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
  2. consectetuer adipiscing elit,
  3. sed diem nonummy nibt,
  4. euismod tincidunt ut lacreet
  5. -
  6. dolore magna aliguam erat volutpat.
  7. Ut wisis enim ad minim veniat,
  8. quis nostrud exerci tution ullamcorper suscipit
  9. lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.


  1. Duis te feugifacilisi.
  2. ---
  3. so endz the reading
  4. this iz not a pleading
  5. but if U are needing
  6. best not be breeding.

20031213[edit | edit source ]

  1. With a scream, Hashimite
  2. did very well to start a fight
  3. Business his, not it was
  4. busy body, buzz buzz buzz
  5. ---
  6. so endz the reading
  7. this iz not a pleading
  8. but if U are needing
  9. best not be breeding.

20031126[edit | edit source ]

  1. With Dollars One, and Four
  2. Annoyance was sent out the door,
  3. promised he, in a wail of fury
  4. we would hear from his attorney.
  5. ---
  6. so endz the reading
  7. this iz not a pleading
  8. but if U are needing
  9. best not be breeding.

20031117[edit | edit source ]

  1. In the days where eggs get sold
  2. others drink and get more bold
  3. when I partake in the activity
  4. does it lay ground for more poclivity?
  5. ---
  6. so endz the reading
  7. this iz not a pleading
  8. but if U are needing
  9. best not be breeding.

20031108[edit | edit source ]

  1. ze pup is a winner
  2. zeven months, no thinner
  3. TC, not so sure
  4. Alex upstairs, demure
  5. -
  6. Weiner Weiner Barky Bud
  7. Sausage naming can be fun.
  8. will the dogs fight to blood?
  9. who will be alpha one?
  10. ---
  11. so endz the reading
  12. this iz not a pleading
  13. but if U are needing
  14. best not be breeding.

20031023[edit | edit source ]

  1. Jizzle Mizzle Blizzard Bullet
  2. Walgreens patron had a Mullet
  3. atop his thinning blonde bald head
  4. long sad strands thinly spread.
  5. ---
  6. so endz the reading
  7. this iz not a pleading
  8. but if U are needing
  9. best not be breeding.

200310220[edit | edit source ]

  1. Gratuitous Rhymes
  2. and puns a sunder
  3. come at this times
  4. when Carnivale is wonder.
  5. ---
  6. so endz the reading
  7. this iz not a pleading
  8. but if U are needing
  9. best not be breeding.

  1. 1.0 1.1 This is not thought to be canon

Big book of little sonnets
Darkside truths revealed
- i ^ ii ^ iii ^ iv ^

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