99 Red Balloons
Going... UP! POP!!!
You died[edit | edit source ]
Cuz you were holding that balloon and you got diabeetus.[edit | edit source ]
you heard it right.[edit | edit source ]
Mathmatical properties[edit | edit source ]
It's 99 * RedBalloons
Tell me more[edit | edit source ]
99[edit | edit source ]
See also : 99
Red[edit | edit source ]
Balloons[edit | edit source ]
Going... UP! POP!!!
You died again.[edit | edit source ]
What about the game?[edit | edit source ]
You just lost it.
See?[edit | edit source ]
Holding 99 red balloons is can make you die TWICE!
Oh,[edit | edit source ]
btw, it's not a song. that category is a sarcasm. lol.
More things[edit | edit source ]
Held up plate and freed bre Then..CUTTING YOUR SKIN AND CAUSING TRAUMATIC MOMENTS! be sure to include the words idiot, gay, emo, nerd and fuck, do not forget to mention Chuck Norris World from scratch! Make your own country now! Very dangeresque. Nice Break from Doge Jr.Stan.. Ugh... Afghan is Stan!Afghan IS Stan! Stone Age by Martian invaders, back when they weren't killed by all the horrible radiation from the Earth.
What does that meant to be?[edit | edit source ]
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EDUCATIONAL? WEA;N;WAKNTWAKN';N'[edit | edit source ]