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Submit a Recipe!

We invite students to share diverse personal recipes and food stories from home. Favorite family recipes can never be exactly reproduced, but we'll pay homage to those nostalgic favorites when you submit recipes and stories online for a chance to be prepared and featured in the dining hall. Some past submitted recipes are so popular they even make the permanent menu! Submit yours today!

Throughout February, Harvard University Dining Services (HUDS) will celebrate Black History Month.

As noted by Harvard’s Office for Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging, "Black History Month began as a way to teach people about the history of Black Americans and their contributions to society. It sought to ensure that these perspectives were included in the national narrative. Today, Black History Month is a call to inclusion year-round and celebrates more than Black history, but also the ongoing achievements of African Americans in all realms of society."

This February, HUDS will celebrate the contributions of African Americans to our national culinary culture. We would like to feature your personal recipes, or the recipes of influential African American chefs you admire, on the menu across residential dining halls. We invite you to submit recipes representing Black cuisine, including those foodways and cooking traditions as influenced by African, Creole, Caribbean, Latin American, and beyond.

Please submit recipes using the form below by the end of the day on Friday, January 27, 2023.

In addition to the recipe, please feel free to submit a photo of the prepared recipe and/or you with the prepared recipe. You can also submit additional photos or video (please keep videos no longer than 1 minute) to

Some additional tips:

  • We are best able to replicate recipes that have less than 10 ingredients, and five or fewer steps for preparation.
  • If there's a very unique ingredient, suggested substitutions are helpful.
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