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Download der WikiPress-Bände

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Jeden WikiPress-Band gibt es als PDF auch zum Download.


MD5 checksum: b443085030d87f2adad861e808376840
  • The DVD without images is 2, 6 GB wide.

File Name: Wikipedia_3.3_noimages.iso MD5 checksum: beb602e49c8ca5141f2c7d5ca9d8c166

Due to the size of the references on decentralized file sharing (P2P ) is recommended (download links for the necessary software can be found in the article Bittorrent and eMule). To download a file-sharing software without a download manager is recommended.

We are continuing to seek more FTP servers and bittorrent seeding to help in the provision of the DVD ISO. An e -mail to be processed thanks.

  • Warning: Some (most ?) to date, the outstanding no_images.iso.bz2 and Wikipedia_3.3_big.iso are defective. bunzip2 reports when unpacking an integrity error or have not be installed. Many downloads are transferred apparently error-free and can be extracted easily apparently . However, be transferred instead of 7.9 GB only 3-4 GB, which is also the fact that the use of some Windows users file system FAT 32 no files over 4 GB Size supported. Even before possibly a subsequent installation attempt aborts with an error message is expected: Despite sufficient space on a FAT -partition Download the ends probably reached at a file size of 4,294,967,128 bytes (= 2 32 bytes ); and on a FAT partition, he can no longer continue. The MD5 checksum of the (one ? ) correct version is: b6e28c368aa3c0af65b5e8c425aba834 . The version is , inter alia, via FTP or rsync available on *. . Unfortunately, when matching rsync -av 829 MB 905 MB of transferred repeatedly , ie The corrected compressed ISO file currently has almost everywhere , at least changed a little.
  • Question: How do I get a 7.9 GB file to a "normal" DVD with 4.7 GB?
Solution: With a normal 4.7 GB DVD , it is not , it requires a DL DVD. These DVDs have two data layers per side (dual [-] or Double [+] Layer ) and may be fired more than 8 GB with them.
  • Question: Can I install from the hard drive from Wikipedia ?
" solutions: ' Using appropriate software, is it possible to call an ISO image to download as a virtual drive of a Hard Disk Partition from , it can then be addressed as a CD or DVD drive with inserted disk. Advantage : faster speed; disadvantage occupied disk space.
  • Question: What kind of software that makes ISO files readable?
Solution: Among most of the Unix/Linux and Mac OS X systems ISO images can be directly mounted. Under Windows various free programs (e.g. Virtual CD or Daemon), meet the same functionality.

M & I University Faculty Mannheim 1000 Mbit / s

more speed and data centers

M & I University Faculty Mannheim 1000 Mbit / s


Edonkey / eMule

[Quelltext bearbeiten ]

Wikipedia Book (please ask all to Release )

ed2k : / / | file | Wikipedia 20das % % 20Buch 20Dezember % % 202005.pdf | 6407467 | 8D7219A24DEFABCC20983EFC22428903 | DIS3C3X6WO32JHOAWPJCFUZEKD7U2KRN h = | /

Wikipedia without images Deutsch.iso 03.03 ( set all on Release )

ed2k : / / | file | % 203.3 % 20ohne Wikipedia 20Bilder % % 20Deutsch.iso | 2666311680 | 747735CD46B61DA92973E9A8840A9C99 | h = ZZNJITTED6H4G6XRA3VNTKYFNS6HIMZR | / ed2k : / / | file | Wikipedia_3.3_noimages.iso | 2666311680 | 747735CD46B61DA92973E9A8840A9C99 | / | sources, | /

→ as. bz2

ed2k : / / | file | Wikipedia_3.3_noimages.iso.bz2 | 948 771 335 | 0CCA283E685DF3527B87E71F4412AC8D | h = 5T2SN3XPXNQPZQ7D432XBX2XMI4SM2BW | /


ed2k : / / | file | Wikipedia_3.3_noimages.iso.md5 | 61 | 43247A12D91D50251FD7CF4111072C5E | h = SIMR6CJ5R52RKM4WADWLD2MXFKCOEVPD | /


ed2k : / / | file | Wikipedia_3.3_big.iso | 8054439936 | BF301CBF285ABEB82ABD32FDF15AD69B | h = ZVJDVJAJ5JZXFRA4PJBKFM42DF4GXKCP | /

→ as. bz2

ed2k : / / | file | Wikipedia_3.3_big.iso.bz2 | 5940478610 | 75E7B2AD678F55A98C28BC1349F8DA12 | h = VFEBMJ2Y2Z2SVFLDNYCQPFHNJIVN6FPE | /

→ three-part ZIP archive

ed2k : / / | file | | 158 598 161 | D49D046F4AED0DC7123B8862787B6F41 | h = UPLTTV632YMM2PM4GPVLQVQUTUJ44LJZ | / ed2k : / / | file | Wikipedia_3.3_big.z01 | 3.072 billion | CDA119BA6C52E0B973BFD68C12169E38 | h = PUBVBNYBOTZFNYRCFBSOP2CR5AC7X6LN | / | ed2k : / / | file | Wikipedia_3.3_big.z02 | 3.072 billion | B128BB9568FD1E4DBF05C081507B7F22 | h = AZNPLYWXXQBBJFYM4KG2N7JPN72YM4QQ /

→ three-part RAR archive

ed2k : / / | file | Wikipedia_3.3_big.part1.rar | 3000000000 | 51562936EAA4913DD508C4E7B335B96A | / | sources, | / ed2k : / / | file | Wikipedia_3.3_big.part2.rar | 3000000000 | E81FF81F7A5ED6D7282EE65E9DFF14D9 | / | Sources , | / ed2k : / / | file | Wikipedia_3.3_big.part3.rar | 2054440239 | 7543D436E72E76241BD68B9F712B9DE4 | / | sources, | / ed2k : / / | file | Wikipedia_3.3_big.partX.rar.md5 | 186 | 79CF0FA1E964110C9EA6F9FD065A2F12 | / | sources, | /

→ emule collection

ed2k : / / | file | Wikipedia_3.3_big.emulecollection | 704 | 2FEE709DE1D302C7E1904ECB345B120A | h = 7EBPESCO5ARICHHIDUJYTN5PVMX33RRC | /


ed2k : / / | file | Wikipedia_3.3_big.iso.md5 | 56 | D9809A31EF3CCF5787F57CBCD7939E34 | / | sources, | /

Wikipedia CD ISO 2004

668MB ISO file : ed2k : / / | file | Wikipedia 20Deutsch % 20CD % |% % 20ISO 202004.iso | 701 104 128 | h = 1AB4A09CB60E6DC0AD54D6D80AB6BFAF HF3GAOX5ZVBVJGWAKCEMC67YDMQTBECH | /

353MB ZIP file : ed2k : / / | file | % 20Deutsch Wikipedia 20CD % % 20ISO % | 370 656 297 | C15EA9A8C2A025FB1F936027C52A34C0 | h = RI47KDQPUZFPZQDLRFG64JVICMSVV4XF | /

7z File 268MB : ed2k : / / | file | % 20Deutsch Wikipedia 20CD % % % 20ISO 202004.7z | 281 294 122 | 5824A5BB69FA799386540D254D5E0016 | h = 6U5MOH32AYWNL4MNJMU7DRA4UGMU5H6A | /

Download DVD

[Quelltext bearbeiten ]
Datei:Wikipedia -3- dvd.jpg
The Wikipedia DVD 3 (in the enclosed form , Volume 1 )

As a supplement to Volume 1 by WikiPress Direct Media Publishing has released a DVD containing the contents of Wikipedia.

The Version 3.3 ( content from 27 . November 2005 ) is available in two versions:

  • The DVD with pictures is 7,9 GB's in size.

File Name : Wikipedia

Download der CD

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  • ./ CD von 10/2004 (veraltete CD von 10/2004 668.6 MB Für Leute ohne DVD Brenner)
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