Datei:MA Route 203.svg

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Datei:MA Route 203.svg
Größe der PNG-Vorschau dieser SVG-Datei: 749 ×ばつ 599 Pixel. Weitere aus SVG automatisch erzeugte PNG-Grafiken in verschiedenen Auflösungen: 300 ×ばつ 240 Pixel | 600 ×ばつ 480 Pixel | 960 ×ばつ 768 Pixel | 1.280 ×ばつ 1.024 Pixel | 2.559 ×ばつ 2.048 Pixel | 751 ×ばつ 601 Pixel

Originaldatei (SVG-Datei, Basisgröße: 751 ×ばつ 601 Pixel, Dateigröße: 9 KB)

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BeschreibungMA Route 203.svg
English: 750 mm by 600 mm (30 in by 24 in) Massachusetts Route shield, made to the specifications of the 1996 edition of Construction and Traffic Standard Details (sign M1-5). Uses the Roadgeek 2005 fonts. (United States law does not permit the copyrighting of typeface designs, and the fonts are meant to be copies of a U.S. Government-produced work anyway.) The outside border has a width of 1 (1 mm) and a color of black so it shows up; in reality, signs have no outside border. The specs actually do not show the curve on the outside border, instead making it a perfect rectangle, but all signs I have seen round the corners. Note: The specs specify Series D font for the numbers. However, that font does not fit when none of the characters is a one, and so those signs actually use Series C. This image is true to real signs, not the specs.
Quelle Eigenes Werk
Urheber SPUI
(Weiternutzung dieser Datei)
Public domainPublic domainfalsefalse
[画像:Public domain] This file is in the public domain because it comes from the Massachusetts Amendments to the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices , sign number M1-5, which states on p. 1 that Massachusetts has adopted the federal Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices except for "modifications that were deemed necessary to cover local requirements and to incorporate in these official standards the most recent traffic engineering recommendations of MassDOT." The federal MUTCD states specifically on its page I-1 that:
Any traffic control device design or application provision contained in this Manual shall be considered to be in the public domain. Traffic control devices contained in this Manual shall not be protected by a patent, trademark, or copyright, except for the Interstate Shield and any other items owned by FHWA.

No amendments supersede this provision of the MUTCD.


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Version vomVorschaubildMaßeBenutzerKommentar
aktuell12:42, 27. Mär. 2006 Vorschaubild der Version vom 12:42, 27. Mär. 2006 751 ×ばつ 601 (9 KB)SPUI~commonswiki {{spuiother}} 750 mm by 600 mm (30 in by 24 in) Massachusetts Route shield, made to the specifications of the [ 1996 edition of Construction and Traffic Standard Details] (sign M1-5). Uses the [htt

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