Datei:Coat of arms of South Sudan.svg

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Datei:Coat of arms of South Sudan.svg
Größe der PNG-Vorschau dieser SVG-Datei: 607 ×ばつ 600 Pixel. Weitere aus SVG automatisch erzeugte PNG-Grafiken in verschiedenen Auflösungen: 243 ×ばつ 240 Pixel | 486 ×ばつ 480 Pixel | 777 ×ばつ 768 Pixel | 1.036 ×ばつ 1.024 Pixel | 2.073 ×ばつ 2.048 Pixel | 1.660 ×ばつ 1.640 Pixel

Originaldatei (SVG-Datei, Basisgröße: 1.660 ×ばつ 1.640 Pixel, Dateigröße: 77 KB)

Diese Datei und die Informationen unter dem roten Trennstrich werden aus dem zentralen Medienarchiv Wikimedia Commons eingebunden.


BeschreibungCoat of arms of South Sudan.svg
English: SVG version of the South Sudan Coat of Arms, drawn from the low-res png version available at this time.
Datum original: May 2011; SVG: July 2011
Quelle [1]
Urheber Autor/-in unbekanntUnknown author
(Weiternutzung dieser Datei)
Public domainPublic domainfalsefalse
[画像:Public domain] This image was first published in Sudan or South Sudan and is now in the public domain , either because its term of copyright has expired, or because it is ineligible for copyright protection according to the Sudanese Law (details). This work meets one of the following conditions:
  • It is a photographic or cinematographic work and at least twenty five years have elapsed since the end of the year of its publication.
  • It is another type of work and more than twenty five years have elapsed since the year of authors death and fifty years have elapsed since the year of publication.
  • It was first published in Sudan before 18 December 1996

Article 198 of the Constitution of the South Sudan declares that "All laws of South Sudan shall remain in force [...] unless new action are taken [...]." As there is no new South Sudanese copyright law at this time, the Sudanese one is still in force there.

To uploader: Please provide where the image was first published and who created it.

Parallel zu dieser Lizenz muss auch ein Lizenzbaustein für die United States public domain gesetzt werden, um anzuzeigen, dass dieses Werk auch in den Vereinigten Staaten gemeinfrei ist. Sudan

South Sudan
Insignia Dieses Werk stellt eine Flagge, ein Wappen, ein Siegel oder ein anderes offizielles Insigne dar. Die Verwendung solcher Symbole ist in manchen Ländern beschränkt. Diese Beschränkungen sind unabhängig von dem hier beschriebenen Urheberrechtsstatus.
This file depicts a coat of arms .

The composition of coats of arms are generally public domain with respect to copyright laws, and may be reproduced freely. This corresponds to the international traditional usage, and is explicitly stated in some national copyright laws. Some compositions, of more recent origin, may be copyrighted.

This is not a valid license as such, being a "public domain" statement for the coat of arms definition only. It must be completed with the copyright tag associated to the picture creation.

See Commons:Coats of arms for further information.
Please note that this applies only to the coat of arms definition (composition / description). The representation of a coat of arms is an artistic creation, subject as such to copyright laws.

Restriction of use - Legal notice:
Most of the time, the usage of coats of arms is governed by legal restrictions, independent of the status of the depiction shown here. A coat of arms represents its owner. Though it can be freely represented, it cannot be appropriated, or used in such a way as to create a confusion with or a prejudice to its owner.

Usage on Commons:
Please provide licence information for the coat of arm representation, information for the author of the picture, and the source if not self-made work.

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Andere Versionen File:Coat of arms of South Sudan.png


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Coat of arms of South Sudan
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1.660 Pixel


Klicke auf einen Zeitpunkt, um diese Version zu laden.

Version vomVorschaubildMaßeBenutzerKommentar
aktuell00:52, 3. Jun. 2012 Vorschaubild der Version vom 00:52, 3. Jun. 2012 1.660 ×ばつ 1.640 (77 KB)Fry1989 breast
21:41, 31. Mai 2012 Vorschaubild der Version vom 21:41, 31. Mai 2012 1.660 ×ばつ 1.640 (77 KB)Fry1989 update some minor errors
04:16, 4. Aug. 2011 Vorschaubild der Version vom 04:16, 4. Aug. 2011 1.666 ×ばつ 1.656 (49 KB)AnonMoos hopefully cleaning up transparent areas
01:33, 4. Aug. 2011 Vorschaubild der Version vom 01:33, 4. Aug. 2011 1.666 ×ばつ 1.656 (49 KB)Iridos remove thick line that extended too far
01:23, 4. Aug. 2011 Vorschaubild der Version vom 01:23, 4. Aug. 2011 1.666 ×ばつ 1.656 (51 KB)Iridos text->path for renderer; forgot one
01:05, 4. Aug. 2011 Vorschaubild der Version vom 01:05, 4. Aug. 2011 1.666 ×ばつ 1.656 (46 KB)Iridos text->path for renderer
01:02, 4. Aug. 2011 Vorschaubild der Version vom 01:02, 4. Aug. 2011 1.666 ×ばつ 1.656 (39 KB)Iridos {{Information |Description ={{en|1=SVG version of the South Sudan Coat of Arms, drawn from the low-res png version available at this time. }} |Source =[

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