Originaldatei (SVG-Datei, Basisgröße: 216 × ばつ 300 Pixel, Dateigröße: 69 KB)
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Coat of Arms of Ventspils.svg
English: Coat of arms of the city of
Ventspils , Latvia.
Autor/-in unbekanntUnknown author
Public domain Public domain false false
[画像:Public domain ]
Copyright Law of the Republic of Latvia : of April 6, 2000 - Full text (.pdf)
Section 6. Non-Protected Works
The following shall not be protected by copyright:
regulatory enactments and administrative rulings, other documents issued by the State and Local Governments and adjudications of courts (laws, court judgements, decisions and other official documents), as well as official translations of such texts and official consolidated versions;
State approved, as well as internationally recognised official symbols and signs (flags, Coats of Arms, anthems, and awards), the use of which is subject to specific regulatory enactments;
maps, the preparation and use of which are determined by regulatory enactments;
information provided in the press, radio or television broadcasts or other information media concerning news of the day and various facts and events;
ideas, methods, processes and mathematical concepts.
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Klicke auf einen Zeitpunkt, um diese Version zu laden.
Version vom Vorschaubild Maße Benutzer Kommentar
aktuell 08:05, 12. Apr. 2011 Vorschaubild der Version vom 08:05, 12. Apr. 2011 216 × ばつ 300 (69 KB) Jcb Reverted to version as of 21:31, 2 April 2011 - please read my comment while I reverted the first time!!!
07:23, 12. Apr. 2011 Vorschaubild der Version vom 07:23, 12. Apr. 2011 216 × ばつ 248 (38 KB) Kikos Reverted to version as of 14:10, 21 February 2011 THIS is real COA, not pin with name!
22:31, 2. Apr. 2011 Vorschaubild der Version vom 22:31, 2. Apr. 2011 216 × ばつ 300 (69 KB) Jcb Reverted to version as of 13:05, 10 April 2008 - the other version is a duplicate of File:LVA Ventspils COA.svg
15:10, 21. Feb. 2011 Vorschaubild der Version vom 15:10, 21. Feb. 2011 216 × ばつ 248 (38 KB) Dark Eagle upd from lv:Attēls:Coat of Arms of Ventspils2.svg
14:05, 10. Apr. 2008 Vorschaubild der Version vom 14:05, 10. Apr. 2008 216 × ばつ 300 (69 KB) Ypcyc {{Information |Description= {{en| Coat of arms of Ventspils .}} {{lv| Ventspils ģerbonis.}} {{ru| Герб Вентспилса .}} |Source
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