Benutzerin:Frau Schlingmann/huggle.yaml.js
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--- #// This is a configuration of huggle, do not change it unless you know what you are doing. enable:true #// Last version of huggle that wrote into this configuration file (sanity check) version:"3.4.12 build: 4110 3.4.12" report-summary:"Meldung: [[Spezial:Contributions/1ドル|1ドル]]" confirm-multiple:false confirm-talk:true confirm-self-revert:true confirm-whitelist:true #// This option will change the behaviour of automatic resolution, be careful revert-on-multiple-edits:true automatically-resolve-conflicts:true software-rollback:false enforce-months-as-headers:false history-load:true on-next:1 delete-edits-after-revert:true skip-to-last-edit:true preferred-provider:2 remove-oldest-queue-edits:false truncate-edits:true talkpage-freshness:20 remove-after-trusted-edit:true #// Get original creator of every page so that you can G7 instead of reverting the page retrieve-founder:false display-title:false #// Periodically check if you received new messages and display a notification box if you get them check-tp:true manual-warning:false summary-mode:true automatic-reports:false #// HAN han-html:false han-display-user-talk:true han-display-bots:false han-display-user:true watchlist:"nochange" #// Whether edits made by same user should be grouped up together in page automatically-group:true queue-id:"default" #// Location of page (wiki page name, for example WP:Huggle) that should be displayed when you hit next and queue is empty. Leave empty for default page. page-empty-queue:"" enable-max-score:false max-score:0 enable-min-score:false min-score:0 automatic-refresh:true automatically-watchlist-warned-users:true shortcut-hash:"89e303e76b3e4c49769ff165a088e73a" show-warning-if-not-on-last-revision:true number-dropdown-menu-items:true insert-edits-of-rolled-user-to-queue:true #// If true you will not warn users who received a warning recently confirm-on-recent-warning:true #// If warning was sent less than N seconds ago it's considered too recent recent-warning-time-span:120 confirm-warning-on-very-old-edits:true #// If true, the options above will not generate confirmation, but instead will be silently accepted (warning will not be sent) skip-warning-on-confirm:true welcome-good:"false" queues: