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- English Mayonaise produced by the United States American fastfood restaurant chain McDonald's, that is located in the Groninger city of Winschoten, Oldambt...(2.736 ×ばつ 4.864 (3,59 MB)) - 20:50, 6. Jul. 2023
- English Mayonaise produced by the United States American fastfood restaurant chain McDonald's, that is located in the Groninger city of Winschoten, Oldambt...(4.864 ×ばつ 2.736 (4,27 MB)) - 09:01, 7. Jul. 2023
- DescriptionMcDonalds der Informationen.pdf Beitrag in der September-Ausgabe der Zeitschrift Bibliothek. Forschung und Praxis Date September 2007 Source...(1.210 ×ばつ 1.712 (562 KB)) - 12:50, 25. Sep. 2020
- Datei:Japan's fast-food industry - export potential for U.S. products (IA japansfastfoodin268dwos).pdf (treffende Dateiinhalte)originate from the United States or third-country suppliers. Operators of fastfood outlets were unanimous in their satisfaction with local suppliers in terms...(1.093 ×ばつ 1.470 (737 KB)) - 22:29, 17. Aug. 2024
- Datei:Agricultural research (IA CAT90891937291).pdf (treffende Dateiinhalte)proteins. It appears especially promising for dough-like batters for fastfood intermediate products breads and tested at the 15 per- burger buns...(1.306 ×ばつ 1.787 (1,93 MB)) - 09:49, 18. Aug. 2024
- Datei:Foreign agriculture -weekly magazine of the United States Department of Agriculture, Foreign Agricultural Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture (IA CAT10252662899).pdf (treffende Dateiinhalte)greater convenience in preparation. In addition, the growing numbers of fastfood outlets and western-style restaurants have fueled a rapid increase in the...(1.185 ×ばつ 1.614 (1,97 MB)) - 14:44, 18. Aug. 2024
- statement has role: photographer author name string: Donald Trung Wikimedia username: Donald Trung URL: ×ばつ 2.160 (2,28 MB)) - 19:40, 10. Okt. 2024
- Datei:PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY IN FOOD CONSUMPTION ACT (IA gov.gpo.fdsys.CHRG-108hhrg87814).pdf (treffende Dateiinhalte)Than a Ham Sandwich’’ [1/14/03]: ‘‘HERE’S A FASTFOOD nutrition quiz. Which has the fewest calories: a McDonald’s Quarter Pounder with Cheese, Panera’s Smoked...(1.275 ×ばつ 1.650 (1,96 MB)) - 17:54, 20. Aug. 2024
- Datei:Golgota Picnic (programmaboekje).pdf (treffende Dateiinhalte)populaire cultuur (cartoons, televisie), multinationals (McDonald’s, Ikea, Disney, Nike) en fastfood (hamburgers, ketchup, mayonaise en friet) kwamen al eerder...(850 ×ばつ 1.239 (333 KB)) - 16:25, 6. Okt. 2023
- Datei:Agricultural trade highlights (IA CAT10401061030).pdf (treffende Dateiinhalte)they are here in the United States, helping to boost U.S. sales of the fastfood staple by nearly four-fold in the last 10 years. Few products in the world...(1.204 ×ばつ 1.610 (2,16 MB)) - 21:24, 24. Jul. 2023
- Description패스트푸드 감자튀김 Fastfood French fries (25434078495).jpg This photo is No Copyright & Free photo. If you want a original or another picture? please...(4.272 ×ばつ 2.848 (626 KB)) - 10:10, 8. Okt. 2024
- DescriptionMing K Fastfood, The Hague (2018).jpg English: A small local Caribbean-Chinese-style restaurant in the settlement of the Hague. Date 22 August...(1.728 ×ばつ 3.072 (1,55 MB)) - 20:00, 27. Okt. 2020
- DescriptionMcDonald's and Jollibee fastfood branches (V. Tiomico, Santo Rosario, San Fernando, Pampanga; 2017年04月14日).jpg English: Branches of fastfood chains...(3.648 ×ばつ 2.736 (3,71 MB)) - 13:10, 31. Jul. 2022
- Datei:The Carolina journal of pharmacy (serial) (IA carolinajournalo661986).pdf (treffende Dateiinhalte)home in Chapel Hill. Since this predated the numerous restaurants and fastfood establishments now in existence, this was a welcome service to members...(793 ×ばつ 1.256 (30,41 MB)) - 05:26, 26. Okt. 2022
- Datei:Foreign agriculture -weekly magazine of the United States Department of Agriculture, Foreign Agricultural Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture (IA CAT10252662897).pdf (treffende Dateiinhalte)have an ever-increasing array of sophisticated restaurants, efficient fastfood service outlets and institutional feeding organizations ready to satisfy...(1.177 ×ばつ 1.602 (1,87 MB)) - 17:39, 17. Aug. 2024
- Datei:Selected speeches and news releases - United States Department of Agriculture, Office of Public Affairs. (IA CAT10655231013).pdf (treffende Dateiinhalte)vegetables in very small portions, said dietitian Loanne Mullen. 20 "Fastfood fare would contain very little of the element," Mullen said, "even if it...(1.308 ×ばつ 2.072 (1,45 MB)) - 18:29, 18. Aug. 2024
- DescriptionClosed Fastfood Restaurant - - 1522374.jpg English: Closed Fastfood Restaurant This place near the Asda, B+Q Roundabout on the...(640 ×ばつ 427 (62 KB)) - 18:46, 8. Nov. 2024
- Datei:Congressional Record Volume 165, Issue 121, 2019年07月18日.pdf (treffende Dateiinhalte)tremendous difference in the life of a preschool teacher, bank teller, or fastfood worker who today struggles to get by on around 20,000ドル per year. VerDate...(1.275 ×ばつ 1.650 (1,66 MB)) - 06:22, 18. Aug. 2024
- DescriptionFastfoodAmsterdam.jpg Deutsch: Fastfood-Ketten (McDonald's, Burger King, Febo, Subway) in Amsterdam Date 7 October 2010 Source Own work Author...(2.448 ×ばつ 3.264 (2,2 MB)) - 02:54, 25. Mär. 2024
- DescriptionMcDonald's restaurants in Minsk.jpg English: A McDonald's restaurant in Minsk. Date 28 April 2012, 22:23:59 Source Flickr: Typical Belarussion fastfood...(3.264 ×ばつ 2.448 (1,9 MB)) - 06:56, 14. Mai 2022
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