Diskussion:Thierry Lalo
Falsches Bio
Die Bio aux Copainsdavant ist nicht die bio von dieser Thierry Lalo aber von einem anderem. Thierry war ein bisschen junger und hat nie in diesen Schulen gewesen. Er wohnte in Paris und nicht in ARPAILLARGUE ET AUREILHAC, France . Excuse my poor german but I have to tell you you have made a few mistakes.: I've known him a (very very little) bit and know that he was raised in my own town in the western parisian suburb. He's done very high level studies ans not the schools mentionned here. He was quite secret so you would cross difficulties if you look for good informations on the Internet.
He also made other CDs with the Vice Messengers. Lumieres d'automne (2007); Meet the new Voice Mesenegrs (2005)
He also wrote a lot of jazz operas for children choirs .
Pinnochio , ... http://www.thierrylalo.com/?page_id=1593 I'm afraid I can not contribute to the wikipedia "auf Deustch" !!