Arno Tausch
Arno Tausch (born on February 11, 1951 in Salzburg, Austria) is an Austrian political scientist and one of the founders of quantitative world system and development research in Europe. His research program is focused on world systems theory, development studies and dependency theory, European studies in the framework of core-periphery relationships, and quantitative peace studies.
Dr. Tausch, an active participant in the liberation theology movement and the ecumenical dialogue between the major world religions since the 1970s (see also ecumenism, is one of the leading European authors on the study of the quantitative effects of globalization on the social systems of the host countries and also a frequent contributor of articles to Das Jüdische Echo, Die Zukunft, and International. Die Zeitschrift fuer internationale Politik, all in Vienna, Austria. Dr. Tausch is married to Krystyna Tausch, M.A. since 1978. Krystyna and Arno Tausch have three daughters.
Academic career
Dr. Tausch received his Ph.D. in political science from Salzburg University in 1976 and his habilitation from Innsbruck University. Presently, he is in his academic function Adjunct Professor (Universitaetsdozent) of Political Science at Innsbruck University, Department of Political Science. In his academic career, he was also Associate Visiting Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Hawaii at Manoa, and Guest Researcher, International Institute for Comparative Social Research, Science Center, West Berlin (now: WZB - Social Science Research Center Berlin, upon invitation by the late Karl Wolfgang Deutsch, Stanfield Professor of International Peace at Harvard University.
Arno Tausch in public and his works
He served as an Austrian diplomat abroad and was Counselor for Labor and Migration at the Austrian Embassy in Warsaw and he is now Ministerial Counselor in the Division of European Union Coordination (V.1) at the Ministry of Social Affairs and Consumer Protection in Vienna.
Membership in academic editorial committees and academic boards
- Centro Argentino de Estudios Internacionales (Buenos Aires)
- Entelequia. Revista Interdisciplinar (Universidad de Malaga)
- Institute for Policy Research & Development (London)
By mid 2007, he authored or co-authored 12 world system theory and globalization-skeptical books in English, 5 books in German, and in all over 150 printed or electronic scholarly and current affairs publications in 6 languages (English, Finnish, French, German, Russian and Spanish) for over 40 journals and/or publishing institutions, which feature mainly on quantitative studies on international political economy, peace and development research. Dr. Tausch authored major articles in English and Spanish, initiated the translation of several articles into Russian, and published also in his native German. During the last decades he particularly tried to reach audiences in the Muslim world with 6 major quantitative publications.
In all, his publications and forthcoming publications are under contract with leading publishers, including Dutch University Press, Nova Science Publishers N.Y., Palgrave Macmillan, and others in 22 countries around the globe: Argentina; Australia; Austria; Canada; China; Finland; France; Germany; Greece, India; Israel; Italy; Luxembourg; the Netherlands; Pakistan; Poland; Russia; Slovenia; Spain; Sweden; Turkey, the United Kingdom and the United States of America.
Tausch tries to reach students in the transformation and the developing countries by also publishing a great number of his empirical findings at high-quality websites, freely available on the Internet. Major electronic English language publications are now accessible from the World Systems Archive at the University of California, Riverside, the Global Development Network at Sussex University, the Social Science Research Network in New York and at IDEAS at the University of Connecticut.
Together with Professor Dr. Peter Herrmann from Cork University in Ireland he recently finished a 2 volume book dedicated to the issue of the Euro-Mediterranean partnership of the European Union, which appeared in New York in 2005. This book is a tribute to Andre Gunder Frank, with whom Dr. Tausch worked together for over 30 years, and who contributed his last major article of his life to this volume.
Tausch jointly published with four of the five major world system theory researchers of the world: Samir Amin, Christopher Chase Dunn, Andre Gunder Frank and Immanuel Wallerstein. Unfortunately, there is as yet no joint publication with the fifth of this group of the "founding fathers" of world systems theory, Giovanni Arrighi.
His scholarly work
Impressed, but unconvinced by his early training in neo-classical economics, which he studied under the later Nobel laureate Friedrich August von Hayek, who happened to be a guest professor at Salzburg University at that time, Tausch early on turned to the quantitative study of political economy and quantitative political science. His most influential academic teachers in Austria were Klaus Faupel, Jens Harms, Alfred Kyrer, Eduard März (see also the article on the life and work of Eduard März, written by Nobel Laureate James Tobin, Anton Pelinka and Kurt Rothschild).
After finishing his Ph.D. at Salzburg University, he won a position as assistant professor of political science at Innsbruck University in the fall of 1977. The Department Head at that time was Professor Anton Pelinka.
Together with Otmar Höll and Kunibert Raffer, Tausch pioneered world system and dependency studies in Austria from the mid 1970s onwards. During the later 1970s, researchers like Volker Bornschier and Dieter Senghaas began to refer regularly to his quantitative works. His first true international breakthrough came with the essay, written with Otmar Höll, on Austria and the European Periphery, in 1980.
From then onwards, Tausch’s work had a certain influence on the course of dependency and world system research across the globe. His most influential book is the Socio-Liberal Theory of World Development (1993), which he finished during his stay at the University of Hawaii in Manoa, and which quantitatively tests the cross-national relevance of the socio-liberal reform programs, put forward by Europe’s social democrats during the 1920, like Karl Polanyi and Ernst Wigforss. It is based on politometric studies of development patterns around the globe since the 1960s.
During the 1980s and the early 1990s, Tausch particularly closely worked with the Swedish development and peace researcher Björn Hettne, the Polish development researcher Zbigniew Bablewski, and the Finnish development and peace researcher and politician Kimmo Kiljunen in the framework of the European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI)) working group on development theory. The results of these efforts are. Among others, the United Nations University study (1989). After finishing his habilitation Ph.D. in 1988, his research paradigm received also active support from Professor Tomislav Popovic in Belgrade.
In peace and development research, he was one of the first authors to present skeptical assessments of the perestroika and transformation process. His Russlands Tretmühle (Russia’s treadmill) predicted a re-hardening of the Russian regime.
His later work, written after his entry into public service in 1992, was first of all dedicated to the analysis of social policy and migration in the new wider Europe after the shock therapies which the region experienced. As a researcher, he could greatly benefit from the close relationship he had during these years with key social policy players in East Central Europe. Tausch particularly closely worked with the successive residents of the UNDP in the region, Garry Gabriel, Matthew Kahane, and Jerzy Skuratowicz, and also with like-minded Polish dependency-theory oriented scholar and diplomat Henryk Szlajfer, who at the time of his diplomatic posting in Warsaw was, among others, director of the analytical think tank of the Polish Foreign Office, PISM.
In a way, his works on the process of the extension of the European Union critically took up and empirically developed insights already gained during his collaboration with the late Dudley Seers during the 1970s about the European Periphery, and tested these theories with the latest data, provided especially by the UNDP.
After returning to Vienna from his work as a diplomat in Poland, Tausch’s publications especially dealt with analyses of the contradictions of the process of EU-enlargement, with cross-national aspects of pension reform and with the never-ending debate about Islam and development.
As a quantitative development researcher and also a liberal Catholic, Tausch could never accept the cultural warfare rejections of Turkish EU-membership.
As a scholar and also as public service employee, he wanted to contribute towards good and expanding relations of his home country Austria and the European Union in general with Turkey and moderate Muslim Mediterranean countries.
During the last decade, his works contributed to the debate about Islamophobia. This has become a defining pattern of his writings after the turn of the millenium: opposition to Salafism (salafist distortions of the Muslim Faith), but also opposition to Islamophobia.
Already early on in the 1980s he collaborated with world class Muslim social scientists, like the Pakistani political scientist Syed Farooq Hasnat. From this collaboration originated the essay 1986 'Positions within the Global Order, Patterns of Defense Policies, and National Development: Austria and Pakistan Compared' edited by S. FAROOQ HASNAT and Anton PELINKA A. and published at Izharsons in Lahore, Pakistan.
As a book editor, Tausch later worked particularly closely with the British economist Syed Mansoob Murshed, the Prince Claus Chair in Development and Equity from the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands, and Professor of Economics in Birmingham, UK. His own empirical works on the politometric aspects of the relationships between Islam and development patterns, which squarely contradict Samuel P. Huntington, were particularly well received in the Muslim world, and were based on all the countries with available data, i.e. up to 140 countries of the world.
The very well-known Turkish political scientists Bulent Aras and Suat Kiniglioglu actively championed the reception of Tausch’s quantitative works in the two leading political science journals in Turkey, Alternatives. Turkish journal of international relations and Insight Turkey.
The latest chapter in Tausch’s analysis of Islam and development is the systematic analysis of the data from the European Social Survey, which contradict alarmist views of Muslim migration and Muslim integration in Europe, and argue in favor of what Tausch calls a Lisbon process perspective (see: Lisbon strategy) on the Muslim minorities in Europe. On the Lisbon process, he particularly closely worked and published together with another Muslim world class social science scholar, Almas Heshmati.
His recent writings on pension reform were influenced by Franco Modigliani and Robert Holzmann, social protection department director at the World Bank.
Having left the ivory tower of pure science in December 1991, the international political impact of Tausch's writings can be considered as considerable.
Apart from sharing his analytical academic perspectives with high echelons of the Austrian foreign and international social policy establishment, Dr. Tausch’s publications appeared in the publication series of important foreign policy think tanks in Argentina, Luxembourg, Poland and Turkey (Centro Argentino de Estudios Internacionales the Luxembourg Institute for European and International Studies, LIEIS; the Polish Institute for International Affairs, PISM (2002-2005); and the Ankara Center for Turkish Policy Studies, ANKAM) and of the Jean Monnet Institutes of the European Union (the JMI at the University of Trier, FRG, and the JMI at the University of Catania, Sicily, Italy; see also: Jean Monnet Programme).
He recently contributed also to the analytical journal of the Austrian Armed Forces, Österreichische Militärische Zeitschrift, to the Ministry of the Interior’s BMI SIAK Journal and to the widely circulated Europäische Rundschau, which is one of the major foreign policy journals in Europe, in a way comparable to Foreign Affairs in the United States of America.
Publications, which he authored or co-authored, or to which he contributed, now feature as recommended materials at major Universities and centers of higher learning around the world, and are on the reading lists of major international organizations, such as the European Commission, the ILO, the OECD, the World Bank, and the United Nations, and were referred to in over 70 international journals/yearbooks, textbooks of social sciences, and by the Soros Foundation.
Personal homepage
Publications in print
if not specified otherwise, check for availability at
in English
(1993; in collaboration with Fred PRAGER) 'Towards a Socio-Liberal Theory of World Development'. Basingstoke and New York: Macmillan/St. Martin's Press
(1999, Editor, with Andreas Müller OFM and Paul Zulehner), "Global Capitalism, Liberation Theology and the Social Sciences. An analysis of the contradictions of modernity at the turn of the millennium" (with contributions by Samir Amin et. al) Huntington, New York: Nova Science. Paperback edition 2001
(2001, with Peter Herrmann) Globalization and European Integration. Huntington NY, Nova Science. ISBN: 1-560729295.
(2001, with Gernot Köhler) Global Keynesianism: Unequal exchange and global exploitation. Huntington NY, Nova Science. ISBN 1-59033-002-1. Paperback edition 2001
(2003, Editor) ‘The Three Pillars of Wisdom? A Reader on Globalization, World Bank Pension Models and Welfare Society’. Nova Science Hauppauge, New York, 2003
(2005, Editor, with Peter Herrmann) ‘Dar al Islam. The Mediterranean, the World System and the Wider Europe. Vol. 1: The "Cultural Enlargement" of the EU and Europe's Identity; Vol. 2: The Chain of Peripheries and the New Wider Europe’. Hauppauge, New York: Nova Science Publishers. Abridged paperback editions, 2006, under the title: "The West, Europe and the Muslim World" (Vol. 1) and "Towards a Wider Europe" (Vol. 2)
(2007), ‘The City on a Hill? The Latin Americanization of Europe and the Lost Competition with the U.S.A.’ Amsterdam: Rozenberg and Dutch University Press (for info:
(2007, Editor, with Almas Heshmati), ‘Roadmap to Bangalore? Globalization, the EU’s Lisbon Process and the Structures of Global Inequality’ Hauppauge, N.Y.: Nova Science Publishers (for info:
(2007, with a postface by Christian Ghymers), ‘From the "Washington" towards a "Vienna Consensus"? A quantitative analysis on globalization, development and global governance’. Hauppauge, N.Y.: Nova Science Publishers (for info:
(2007, with Christian Bischof, Tomaz Kastrun and Karl Mueller), ‘Against Islamophobia: Muslim Communities, Social Exclusion and the Lisbon Process in Europe’ Hauppauge, N.Y.: Nova Science Publishers (for info:
(2007, with Christian Bischof, and Karl Mueller), ‘"Muslim Calvinism", internal security and the Lisbon process in Europe’ Rozenberg Publishers, Amsterdam (for info:
(2007), ‘Against Islamophobia. Quantitative analyses of global terrorism, world political cycles and center periphery structures’ Hauppauge, N.Y.: Nova Science Publishers (for info:
in German
(1979) 'Armut und Abhaengigkeit. Politik und Oekonomie im peripheren Kapitalismus'. Studien zur österreichischen und internationalen Politik, Bd. 2 (Eds. P. GERLICH und A. PELINKA) W. Braumueller, Vienna
(1991) 'Jenseits der Weltgesellschaftstheorien. Sozialtransformationen und der Paradigmenwechsel in der Entwicklungsforschung'. (Eds. H. REINWALD, H.A. STEGER) Wilhelm Fink, Muenchen, Beitraege zur Soziologie und Sozialkunde Lateinamerikas (first printing, second printing at Grenzen und Horizonte (Eds. G. AMMON, H. REINWALD, H.A. STEGER) Eberhard, Muenchen)
(1991) 'Russlands Tretmühle. Kapitalistisches Weltsystem, lange Zyklen und die neue Instabilität im Osten'. Eberhard, Muenchen
(1993) 'Produktivkraft soziale Gerechtigkeit? Europa und die Lektionen des pazifischen Modells'. Eberhard, Muenchen
(1997) ‘Schwierige Heimkehr. Sozialpolitik, Migration, Transformation, und die Osterweiterung der Europaeischen Union’ Munich: Eberhard
Articles to collective volumes
in English
(1980, with O. HÖLL) Austria and the European Periphery in 'European Studies of Development' (J. de BANDT J./MANDI P./SEERS D. (Eds.)) Macmillan, London: 28-37
(1986) 'Positions within the Global Order, Patterns of Defense Policies, and National Development: Austria and Pakistan Compared' in 'Security for the Weak Nations. A Multiple Perspective. A Joint Project of Pakistani and Austrian Scholars' (S. FAROOQ HASNAT/PELINKA A. (Eds.)) Izharsons, Lahore: 245-255
(1989) 'Stable Third World Democracy and the European Model. A Quantitative Essay' in 'Crisis in Development' (Z. BABLEWSKI and B. HETTNE (Eds.), The European Perspectives Project of the United Nations University, University of Gothenburg, PADRIGU-Papers: 131-161
(2001) 'Mature Economy' in 'Routledge Encyclopedia of Political Economy' (Ed. R. J. Barry Jones) Vol. 2, pp. 1007 – 1008. London and New York: Routledge
(2002) ‘The European Union and the World System’. in ‘The European Union in the World System Perspective’ (The Polish Institute for International Affairs, Ryszard Stemplowski (Ed.)), Warsaw: Collections PISM (Polish Institute for International Affairs): 45 – 93.
(2003) ‘The European Union: Global Challenge or Global Governance? 14 World System Hypotheses and Two Scenarios on the Future of the Union’ in ‘Globalization: Critical Perspectives’ (Gernot Kohler and Emilio José Chaves (Editors)), pp. 93 – 197, Hauppauge, New York: Nova Science Publishers
(2004) ‚Towards a European Perspective for the Common Mediterranean House and the Positive Development Capability of Islamic Countries’ In ‚European Neighbourhood Policy: Political, Economic and Social Issues’ (Fulvio Attina and Rosa Rossi (Eds.), pp. 145 – 168, Università degli Studi di Catania Facoltà di Scienze Politiche
(2007) ‘Some reflections on European regional development’ In ‘Stosunki ekonomiczne w rozszerzonej Unii Europejskiej. Economic relations in the EU enlarged’ (Jaroslaw Kundera (Ed.)), pp. 399 – 408, Wroclaw: Kolonia Limited.
(2007), ‘World Bank Pension Reforms and Development Patterns in the World System and in "Wider Europe"’ In ‘Reforming European Pension Ssystems’ (Arun Muralidhar and Serge Allegreza (Eds.)), pp. 167 – 222, Amsterdam, NL and West Lafayette, Indiana, USA: Dutch University Press, Rozenberg Publishers and Purdue University Press.
(2007), `Global Terrorism and World Political Cycles’ In History & Mathematics. Moscow: KomKniga/URSS. P.99-126. ISBN 9785484010011.
in French
(1980) 'Gierek-Dengisme' in 'Transfert de Technologie et Developpement: Un Debat' (MASINI J. (Ed.)) Institut d'Etude du Developpement Economique et Social-Universite de Paris I- Pantheon Sorbonne: 82-84
in German
(1974) 'Statistische Auswertung: Medienforschung in Oesterreich' in 'Medienforschung in Oesterreich' (FABRIS H.H./ FIRNBERG H. (Eds.) Springer, Vienna, New York: 44-80
(1976 co-author in.:/ FABRIS H.H./ KREUZHUBER H.) 'Das Internationale Jahr der Frau 1975 und die Darstellung von Frauenthemen in den oesterreichischen Massenmedien' Bundesministerium fuer Soziale Verwaltung, Staatsdruckerei L 61 33 3 37/F/F/O, Vienna: 69-73
(1977) 'Ist der Kapitalismus tot? Zur Verelendung in Oesterreich' in 'Armut in Oesterreich' (JG in der SPOe Steiermark/Erklaerung von Graz fuer solidarische Entwicklung (Eds.)) Leykam, Graz: 66-100
(1979) 'Weltweite Armut' in 'Christliche Markierungen' (DOTTER F. et al. (Eds.)) Europa, Vienna: 137-170
(1980) 'Sozialwissenschaftliche Revolutionsforschung - Revolutionstheorien. Eine Auswahlbibliographie' in 'Revolution und Gesellschaft' (REINALTER H. (Ed.)) Inn, Innsbruck: 223-228 (Bibliography)
(1980) 'Ruestung und peripherer Kapitalismus' in 'Aktuelle Beitraege zur Entwicklungspolitik' (RAFFER K./KOPEINIG M. (Ed.)) Oesterreichischer Informationsdienst fuer Entwicklungspolitik: 73-120
(1982) 'Ruestung und Lebensbedingungen in der Dritten Welt' in 'Ruestung und Oekonomie' (SONNTAG Ph. (Ed.)) Haag und Herchen, Frankfurt a.M.: 176-188
(1985) ‘Rüstung und Humanentwicklung im Weltsystem – Zur Kritik der Wachstums- und Verteilungstheorie E. Weedes’ in ‚Friedensforschung und Friedensbewegung’ (SKUHRA A. and WIMMER H. (Eds.) Vienna: VWGÖ: 170 - 194
(1986) 'Costa Rica im System der internationalen Stratifikation' in 'Costa Rica' (MAISLINGER A. (Ed.) Innverlag, Studien zur Politischen Wirklichkeit, 3: 197-207
(1986) 'Entwicklungsmodell realer Sozialismus? - Eine politometrische Untersuchung zu Verteilung, Wachstum und Humanentwicklung in Weltmarkt-abgekoppelten Systemen' in „Reader Politikwissenschaft", Haag und Herchen, Frankfurt a.M.: 60-103
(2004) ‘Europa - groß und mächtig?’ In "Solidarität. Gesellschaft, Gemeinschaft und Individuum in Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft" (Michael Rosecker and Bernhard Müller (Eds)) Wiener Neustadt, Austria: Verein Alltag Verlag, ISBN 3--902282-02-9: pp. 98 - 126
Articles in referenced scholarly journals as author or co-author
in English
(1985) 'Development, Social Justice, and Dependence in Poland' Occasional Paper, 9, Transnational Corporations Research Project, Faculty of Economics, University of Sydney (N.S.W.)
(1990) ‘Quantitative aspects of a socio-liberal theory of world development’. Economic Papers, Warsaw School of Economics, Research Institute for Developing Countries, 23: 64 – 167
(2003) „Social Cohesion, Sustainable Development and Turkey’s Accession to the European Union". Alternatives: Turkish Journal of International Relations, 2, 1, Spring and (journal is available electronically)
(2005) ‚Did recent trends in world society make multinational corporations penetration irrelevant? Looking back on Volker Bornschier's development theory in the light of recent evidence’. Historia Actual On-Line, 6 (2005), [revista en línea, Universidad de Cadiz, Espana] Disponible desde Internet en: (journal is available electronically)
(2005) ‚Europe, the Muslim Mediterranean and the End of the era of Global Confrontation’. Alternatives. Turkish Journal of International Relations, Volume 3, Number 4, Winter 2004, available at: (journal is available electronically)
(2005) 'Is Islam really a development blockade? 12 predictors of development, including membership in the Organization of Islamic Conference, and their influence on 14 indicators of development in 109 countries of the world with completely available data'. Ankara Institute for Turkish Policy Studies, ANKAM, Insight Turkey, 7, 1, 2005: 124 - 135.
(2005, with Russell A. Berman) „Yet Another reason They Dislike Us. „Europe is rich, but the United States is richer." Hoover Digest, 2005, 1: 69–73
(2006) ‘On heroes, villains and statisticians’. The Vienna Institute Monthly Report, No. 7, July 2006: 20 - 23. Vienna: The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (wiiw)
(2006), ‘Towards a New EU Policy for the Mediterranean South?’ Current Politics and Economics of Europe, Volume 17 Issue 3.
(2006, with Almas Heshmati) ‘Turkey and the Lisbon process. A short research note on the position of Turkey on a new "Lisbon Strategy Index" (LSI).’ Ankara Institute for Turkish Policy Studies, ANKAM, Insight Turkey, 8, 2, 2006: 7 – 18.
(2007), ‘Beyond The Wahington Consensus: A Quantitative Reflection on the World Economic and World Political Conditions of Turkish EU-Accession’ Current Politics and Economics of Europe, Volume 18 Issue 2.
(2007), ‚Quantitative World System Studies Contradict Current Islamophobia: World Political Cycles, Global Terrorism, and World Development’. Alternatives. Turkish Journal of International Relations, 6, 1&2, Spring and Summer 2007, p. 15 - 81. available at: (journal is available electronically)
(2007), "The world economy heading towards another depression? On the renewed international interest in Kondratiev waves" in History and mathematics (special issue): Analyzing and Modeling Global Development (Moscow) Grinin L., Munck V. C. de, Korotayev A. (Ed.). Moscow: "Anthropology of the East" Center, Russian State University for the Humanities, 6 Miusskaya Ploshchad', Moscow 125267, Russia, pp. 99 - 126 [available from international book trade at:]
in Russian
(2002) ‘Evropeiskii Sojus i budushaja mirovaja sistema" in Evropa, 2(3), 2002: 23 – 62, Warsaw, Polish Institute for International Affairs (in Russian language; translated from the English language manuscript by the Polish Institute for International Affairs)
(2003) ’Jevropejskaja perspektiva: po puti k sosdaniju "obshtshevo srjedisemnomorskovo doma" i integrirovaniju polozytelnovo potencjala obshestvjennovo razvitija islamskich stran’ in Evropa, 4 (9), 2003: 87 – 109, Warsaw, Polish Institute for International Affairs (in Russian language; translated from the English language manuscript by the Polish Institute for International Affairs)
(2007), ‘Jevropejski sojus – "grad na cholmje" i Lisabonskaja strategija’ Mirovaia ekonomika i mezhdunarodnye otnosheniia (Institut mirovoi ekonomiki i mezhdunarodnykh otnoshenii (Rossiiskaia akademiia nauk)), 3, Mart 2007, ISSN 0131-2227: 65 – 72 (translated and shortened by Russian Academy of Science Member Professor Victor Krasilshchikov, IMEO, Moscow)
in Spanish
(1989) 'Armas socialistas, subdesarrollo y violencia estructural en el Tercer Mundo' Revista Internacional de Sociologia, CSIC, Madrid, 47, 4: 583-716
in German
(1973) 'Zur Analyse politischer Systeme in Lateinamerika' Zeitschrift fuer Lateinamerika, Wien, [Zeitschrift für Lateinamerika, Wien : Forschung, Berichte, Informationen / Österreichisches Lateinamerika-Institut. - Wien : Österreichische Entwicklungszusammenarbeit ISSN 0049-8645 Erscheinungsverlauf: Nr. 1.1971 - 50.1996], 5: 40 - 56
(1973, co-author to the main author: Tausch W. et al.) 'Entwicklungsländerforschung als Lernprozess’ Österreichische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft [quarterly journal of the Austrian Association for Political Science. Abstracts in English and German], 4: 387 - 417
(1978) 'Politische Systeme und Abhaengigkeit. Ein faktorenanalytisches Modell' Internationale Entwicklung, I + II: 54 – 62
(1981) 'Burgermark - Der Burgerstimmenanteil auf Gemeindeebene und Bezirksebene' Journal fuer Sozialforschung, 21, 3: 265-283
(1982) 'Gleicher als die Anderen?' Oesterreichischer Forschungsalmanach: 200-212
(1983) 'Erzwungene Technologie - Abhaengigkeit, Ruestung und Konsum in Osteuropa. Reflexionen ueber Intelligence Research und die amerikanische Aussenpolitik' Oesterreichische Zeitschrift fuer Politikwissenschaft, 4: 452-467
(1984) 'Umverteilen vor dem Wachstum? Umverteilung, Geburtenpolitik und langfristige Entwicklung in China' China-Report [China-Report = Zhongguo-baodao / ÖGCF, Gesellschaft zur Förderung Freundschaftlicher und Kultureller Beziehungen zur VR China. - Wien: Kaminski Erscheinungsverlauf: Nr. 1.1971] 77-78: 52-66
(1984) 'Zentrum, Peripherie, strukturelle Gewalt und Superruestung. Unterwegs zu einem politometrischen Modell' Dialog [Austrian Study Center for Peace and Conflict Resolution, Schlaining, Austria], 1, 1: 72-106
(1984) 'Zur kubanischen Entwicklungseffizienz' Zeitschrift fuer Lateinamerika, Wien, 25: 33-44
(1986) 'Was bleibt von der Dependenztheorie?' Journal fuer Entwicklungspolitik, 3: 84-90
(1987) 'Geburtenrate und Weltentwicklung. Die Bedeutung der Bevoelkerungsentwicklung fuer Lebensqualitaet, Wachstum und Verteilung und die krichlichen Nord - Suedbeziehungen' Dialog, 8, 1: 239-273
(2006), ‚Für Rückkehr der Vernunft in der Türkei-Politik’ Europäische Rundschau, 34, 1: 121 – 132
(2007), ‚Zu einer Lissabon-Prozess-bezogenen Perspektive ueber die muslimische Gemeinschaft in Europa. Zusammenstellung und Wertung europaweit vorliegender Materialien, insbesondere des „European Social Survey"’ OeMZ. Oesterreichische Militaerische Zeitschrift, 1, 2007: 53 – 57
(2007, with Krystyna Tausch), ‘Die Sepharden und ihr vergessenes Erbe in Europa’ Hispanorama (Zeitschrift des Deutschen Spanischlehrerverbandes (DSV), Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg Lehrstuhl Auslandswissenschaft -Romanischsprechende Kulturen), 115, 1, 2007: 53 - 57
Other publications in referenced scholarly journals as author or co-author
in English
(1983) 'German Language Research about Brazil' Latin American Research Review, 3: 261-263 (Book review article)
(1986) 'Austria. Shadows from the Past' Economic and Political Weekly (Bombay), 21, 52, Dec. 27: 2264 (Current affairs comment)
(1986) 'Windstille' The Jerusalem Journal of International Relations, 4: 147 - 148 (Book review)
(1987) 'Transnational Corporations and Underdevelopment' Acta Sociologica, 30, 1: 118-121 (Book review article)
(1990) 'Bruno Kreisky' Economic and Political Weekly (Bombay), 25, 33, August 18: 1826 (Current affairs comment)
(2005) ‘A Humanist and Activist for Human Rights. To the Memory of Andre Gunder Frank, February 24, 1929 – April 23, 2005’ Das Jüdische Echo, 54, Tischri 5766, Oktober 2005: 261 – 263 (obituary)
(2006) ‚Book Review: M. Fatih Tayfur ‚semiperipheral Development and Foreign Policy. The cases of Greece and Spain.’ Reseñas de Journals y Libros, Centro Argentino de Estudios Internacionales, Number 2, Febrero 2006, available at (journal is available electronically). Also appeared in Entelequia. Revista Interdisciplinar (Malaga), available at:
in Russian
(2004) ‚Das Christentum in der arabischen Welt (El Hassan bin Talal)’ Book review in Evropa, (4), 3, 12, 2004: 197 – 199, Warsaw, Polish Institute for International Affairs (in Russian language; translated from the English language manuscript by the Polish Institute for International Affairs)
(2005) ‘Book review article: Michael Mesch and Agnes Streissler (Eds.), US-amerikanisches und Europäisches Modell’ in Evropa, (5), 2 (15), 2005: 175-185, Warsaw, Polish Institute for International Affairs (in Russian language; translated from the English language manuscript by the Polish Institute for International Affairs)
in German
(1972) 'Der Nahostkrieg in der westdeutschen Presse' Publizistik. Vierteljahreshefte fuer Kommunikationsforschung, 17, 4: 117-118 (book review)
(1973) 'Rassenbeziehungen in den USA' Oesterreichische Zeitschrift fuer Politikwissenschaft, 2, 2: 203 - 207 (Book review article)
(1977) 'Neuere Literatur zur Verteilungstheorie' Oesterreichische Zeitschrift fuer Politikwissenschaft, 6, 3: 355-358 (Book review article)
(1986) 'Rezension: Weltentwicklungsbericht 1984' Koelner Zeitschrift fuer Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 1: 164-167 (Book review article)
(2004) ‚EU-Erweiterung oder Rekolonisierung des europäischen Ostens? Besprechungsessay zu: Hannes Hofbauer: Osterweiterung’ Zeitschrift fuer Weltgeschichte, ISSN 1615-2581, 5, 2, Herbst 2004: 113 – 128 (Book review article)
Book-length publications, published in referenced research report series
in English
(1982) 'Aggregate Data Set Eastern Europe.' Cologne: Koelner Zentralarchiv fuer empirische Sozialforschung, MRDF + Codebook, ZA Study 1159
in German
(1976) 'Die Grenzen der Wachstumstheorie' Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Political Science, Paris-Lodron-Universitaet Salzburg, published by the Vienna Institute for Development (2 volumes)
International electronic publications
@-books in referenced e-book series
in English
(1998) ‘Globalization and European Integration’ Electronic book publication at the World Systems Archive (Coordinator: Christopher K. Chase-Dunn, University of California, Riverside)
(2005) ‚World Bank Pension reforms and development patterns in the world system and in the "Wider Europe". A 109 country investigation based on 33 indicators of economic growth, and human, social and ecological well-being, and a European regional case study’. A slightly re-worked version of a paper, originally presented to the Conference on "Reforming European pension systems. In memory of Professor Franco Modigliani. 24 and 25 September 2004", Castle of Schengen, Luxembourg Institute for European and International Studies. Available from the Luxembourg Institute for European and International Studies (LIEIS), at
(2005) 'Is Islam really a development blockade? 12 predictors of development, including membership in the Organization of Islamic Conference, and their influence on 14 indicators of development in 109 countries of the world with completely available data'. Ankara Institute for Turkish Policy Studies, ANKAM, Insight Turkey, available at
(2006), ‘From the "Washington" towards a "Vienna Consensus"? A quantitative analysis on globalization, development and global governance’. Paper, prepared for the discussion process leading up to the EU-Latin America and Caribbean Summit 2006, May 11, 2006 to May 12, 2006, Vienna, Austria. Centro Argentino de Estudios Internacionales, Buenos Aires, available at: (First edition: February 2006, second edition: April 2006). Rapid download also available from:
(2006, with Bischof, Christian; Kastrun, Tomaz; and Mueller, Karl), ‘Why Europe has to offer a better deal towards its Muslim communities. A quantitative analysis of open international data’. CAEI (Buenos Aires) – Entelequia (Malaga), D.L.: CA-612/05, ISSN: 1885-6985, ISBN: 84-690-1558-3, depósito legal en la Biblioteca Nacional de España número de registro: 06/78410, available at: Also available, among others, from: a) featured research papers, Global Development Network, at b) European Social Survey homepage at , c) ANTIGONE is the official National Focal Point (NFP) of the RAcism and XEnophobia Network (RAXEN) of the European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia (EUMC) of the European Union (direct access: ) d) Mediterranean Library, University of Aix en Provence, at e) the Austrian Institute for International Affairs at f) Euroislam (GSRL, Le Groupe de Sociologie des Religions et de la Laïcité, CNRS Paris, and Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, Harvard University), available at:
(1998/2007) 'Transnational integration and national disintegration' Electronic book publication at the World Systems Archive (Coordinator: Christopher K. Chase-Dunn, University of California, Riverside), available at: (part 1) and (part 2). Updated re-edition 2007 under the title: "The European Union at 50. What Europe can learn from Latin American social science after 5 decades of European integration. An essay in honor of Osvaldo Sunkel". Entelequia and CAEI e-books, available, among others, at:
in German
(2001) 'Sozial- und gesundheitspolitische Aspekte der EU-Erweiterung' Band 48, Schriftenreihe des Zentrums für europäische Studien, Jean Monnet Lehrstuhl für europäische Studien, Universität Trier, available at (a short summary also appeared in Focus Europa. Journal zur Erweiterung der EU, Institut für den Donauraum, Wien:
(2004) ‚Soziale und regionale Ungleichgewichte, politische Instabilität und die Notwendigkeit von Pensionsreformen im neuen Europa’ Schriftenreihe des Zentrums für europäische Studien, Universität Trier, Band 56, ISSN 0948-1141, available at
(2007) ‚Die Zukunft des Europäischen Sozialmodells. Eine Vorlesung über Europa – 50’ Schriftenreihe des Zentrums für europäische Studien, Universität Trier, Band 61, ISSN 0948-1141, available at
Publications in fully referenced academic electronic journals
in English (see also – publications in scholarly journals)
(2003) „Social Cohesion, Sustainable Development and Turkey’s Accession to the European Union". Alternatives: Turkish Journal of International Relations, 2, 1, Spring and
(2005) ‚Did recent trends in world society make multinational corporations penetration irrelevant? Looking back on Volker Bornschier's development theory in the light of recent evidence’. Historia Actual On-Line, 6 (2005), [revista en línea, Universidad de Cadiz, Espana] Disponible desde Internet en:
(2005) ‚Europe, the Muslim Mediterranean and the End of the era of Global Confrontation’. Alternatives. Turkish Journal of International Relations, Volume 3, Number 4, Winter 2004, available at:
(2006) ‚Book Review: M. Fatih Tayfur ‚semiperipheral Development and Foreign Policy. The cases of Greece and Spain.’ Reseñas de Journals y Libros, Centro Argentino de Estudios Internacionales, Number 2, Febrero 2006, available at
(2007), ‚Quantitative World System Studies Contradict Current Islamophobia: World Political Cycles, Global Terrorism, and World Development’. Alternatives. Turkish Journal of International Relations, 6, 1&2, Spring and Summer 2007, p. 15 - 81. available at:
Articles in referenced academic electronic working paper series
in English
(2005) ‚Reforming European Pension Systems’. Transcript of the debate at the Conference on "Reforming European pension systems. In memory of Professor Franco Modigliani. 24 and 25 September 2004", Castle of Schengen, Luxembourg Institute for European and International Studies. Available from the Luxembourg Institute for European and International Studies (LIEIS), at
(2005) ‚Tectonic shifts in the structure of international inequality’. Centro Argentino de Estudios Internacionales, Teoría de las Relaciones Internacionales Working Paper N° 11, Fecha de Publicación: 14/11/05, available at
(2006), ‘The Lisbon process, re-visited. A reality check of the European social model. Paper, prepared for the International Conference "Economic Relations in the Enlarged EU". University of Wroclaw, Poland. May 11, 2006 – May 12, 2006; Pan-European Conference of the Jean Monnet Institutes. Available at: Rapid download also available from:
(2007), ‘Correctly finger-pointing the Lisbon-process-villains. A re-analysis of the study, recently presented by Jose Manuel Durao Barroso: Centre for European Reform (CER)(2006), "The Lisbon Scoreboard VI. Will Europe’s economy rise again?" (Author: Aurore Wanlin). London: Centre for European Reform:’ Centro Argentino de Estudios Internacionales, European Program Working Papers, 13: 1- 21 (entire); available at: Also available from: William Thompson Working Papers, 4, ISSN: 1649-9743, provided by Institute for Independent Research, Cork, Ireland, available at:
in Spanish
(2006, with Alfonso Galindo Lucas), "La Unión Europea, La "Ciudad en la Colina" y el proceso de Lisboa". Centro Argentino de Estudios Internacionales, Integración Regional Working Paper No 12, Fecha de Publicación: 31/01/06, available at
Other academic Internet publications (see also publications in print)
in English
(2001) The European Union: global challenge or global governance? 14 world system hypotheses and two scenarios on the future of the Union Band 49, Schriftenreihe des Zentrums für europäische Studien, Jean Monnet Lehrstuhl für europäische Studien, Universität Trier
(2004) ‚Towards a European Perspective for the Common Mediterranean House and the Positive Development Capability of Islamic Countries’ In ‚ European Neighbourhood Policy: Political, Economic and Social Issues’ (Fulvio Attina and Rosa Rossi (Eds.) Università degli Studi di Catania Facoltà di Scienze Politiche: 145 – 168. Also available at:
(2004) (Ed., together with Peter Herrmann, University of Cork, Ireland) DAR AL ISLAM. EUROPE, THE WORLD SYSTEM AND THE ULTIMATE EU-ENLARGEMENT. Contributors: Samir Amin, Syed M. Ahsan, Pat Cox, Andre Gunder Frank, Peter Herrmann, Gernot Köhler, Victor Krassilchtchikov, Rabbi Michael Lerner, Syed Mansoob Murshed, Hans-Heinrich Nolte, John R. Oneal, Kunibert Raffer, Bruce Russett, Clara Mira Salama, David Skidmore, Arno Tausch, The First Declaration of Alexandria, Alfred Tovias, Patrick Ziltener. © Nova Science Hauppauge, New York, 2004
(2005, with Russell A. Berman) „Yet Another reason They Dislike Us. „Europe is rich, but the United States is richer." Hoover Digest, Electronic edition, 1, 2005 at
(2005) ‘Goodbye compañero Andre Gunder Frank’ The Róbinson Rojas Archive, London, at, also published by CSC Canada(Cultures and Sciences Canada) at
(2007) ‘K-cycles, center-periphery structures, and global terrorism. A quantitative analysis.’ Working Papers, Teoría de las Relaciones Internacionales, Centro Argentino de Estudios Internacionales, 30, available at:
in Russian
(2002) ‘Evropeiskii Sojus i budushaja mirovaja sistema" in Evropa, 2(3), 2002: 23 – 62, Warsaw, Polish Institute for International Affairs (in Russian language; translated from the English language manuscript by the Polish Institute for International Affairs), available at:
(2003) ’Jevropejskaja perspektiva: po puti k sosdaniju "obshtshevo srjedisemnomorskovo doma" i integrirovaniju polozytelnovo potencjala obshestvjennovo razvitija islamskich stran’ Evropa, 4 (9), 2003: 87 – 109, Warsaw, Polish Institute for International Affairs (in Russian language; translated from the English language manuscript by the Polish Institute for International Affairs), available at:
(2004) ‚Das Christentum in der arabischen Welt (El Hassan bin Talal)’ Book review in Evropa, (4), 3, 12, 2004: 197 – 199, Warsaw, Polish Institute for International Affairs (in Russian language; translated from the English language manuscript by the Polish Institute for International Affairs), available at:
(2005) ‘Book review article: Michael Mesch and Agnes Streissler (Eds.), US-amerikanisches und Europäisches Modell’ in Evropa, (5), 2 (15), 2005: 175-185, Warsaw, Polish Institute for International Affairs (in Russian language; translated from the English language manuscript by the Polish Institute for International Affairs), available at:
in German
(2003) Für ein gemeinsames €uropa. Argumente aus der Sicht des „globalen Keynesianismus". Die Zukunft, 3, 16 – 23; also: Studien von Zeitfragen (Internet edition), 37, November 2003
(2005) ‚Skriptum: Europäisches und internationales Sozialrecht; Europäische und internationale Sozialpolitik.’ Textbook for students of European studies, available at:
Literature on the works of Arno Tausch in International Journals
Alternatives. Turkish Journal of International Relations, 2003, 2, 3&4, Fall-Winter (Raffer K. on "The Three Pillars of Wisdom, 2003")
Arena Magazine, Sydney, 2001, 52, April/May: 44-46 (book review, Wheelwright T. on "Global Capitalism, Liberation Theology and the Social Sciences, 1999")
BBC Monitoring International Reports "AUSTRIAN ISLAM CONFERENCE SPEAKERS AT ODDS OVER DEMOCRACY, SECULARISM, BBC Monitoring International Reports, March 28, 2007 Wednesday, A200703281B-143F1-GNW, 374 words"
Beitraege zur Geschichte der Arbeiterbewegung, 40, 2, June 1998: 3 – 15 (on collective volume Reinalter H. (1980), ‚Revolution und Gesellschaft’)
Beitraege zur historischen Sozialkunde (Vienna), 1997, 27, 4 (Nolte H. H. on „Russlands Tretmühle")
Beitraege zur Konfliktforschung, 15, 4, 1985: 131 – 164 ((on collective volume Sonntag H. (1980), ‘Ruestung und Oekonomie’)
Beitraege zur Sozialen Sicherheit, Bundesamt fuer Sozialversicherung, Forschungsbericht 10/05 (Bern) (on „The Three Pillars of Wisdom, 2003")
Bulletin, Soziologisches Institut d. Universität Zurich, 1979, Special edition: Compendium of data for world systems analysis (reference to and data from "Die Grenzen der Wachstumstheorie, 1976")
Choice. Current Reviews for Academic Libraries, 1994, 31, 10: 1630 - 1631 (on "Towards a Socio-Liberal Theory of World Development, 1993")
Cooperation and Conflict, 1985, 20: 317-318 (on collective volume Skuhra A. and Wimmer H. (1985) ‚Friedensforschung und Friedensbewegung’)
Current Contents of Periodicals in the Middle East, Volume 22, Number 2, April 2002, Volume 25, Number 3, July 2005, Volume 26, Number 3, June 2006, and VOL. 27, No. 1 February 2007, prepared by Marion Gliksberg, The Librarian, Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies, Tel Aviv University
Das Argument, 1989, 173: 134-136; 1990, 32, 183: 759-768; 1992; 34, 3: 478-479 (various references to the books "Jenseits der Weltgesellschaftstheorien" and on "Rußlands Tretmühle")
Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie, 1983, 31, 12: 1345 - 1354 (on collective volume Sonntag H. (1980), ‘Ruestung und Oekonomie’)
Die Zeit, 1987, 42, 38: 11-09-1987 (on collective volume Maislinger A. (1986) ‘Costa Rica’)
Drustvena istrazivanja (Zagreb), 1995, 4, 1, 15, Jan./February, 5 - 21 (Mislav Kukoc on "Towards a Socio-Liberal Theory of World Development", 1993)
ERC Working Papers in Economics, Middle East Technical University, Ankara 04/11, September 2004 (Cem Somel "Commodity Chains, Unequal Exchange and Uneven Development" on "Global Keynesianism")
Eurasian Geography and Economics, 47, 6: 683 – 697 (Dahlmann C. (2006) on "Dar al Islam", 2005)
Europa-Archiv, 37, 12, 1982: 393 – 396 (on collective volume Sonntag H. (1980), ‘Ruestung und Oekonomie’)
Europäische Rundschau, 1987, 15, 2: 133-34 (on collective volume Maislinger A. (1986) ‘Costa Rica’)
European Foreign Affairs Review; Spring 2005, Vol. 10 Issue 1, p. 39-77 (Sharon Pardo and Lior Zemer: ‘Towards a New Euro-Mediterranean Neighbourhood Space’), Spring 2006, 11, 1 (Yehezkel Dror et al. ‘Approaches and and Principles for an Israeli Grand Strategy towards the European Union’) (both on "Dar al Islam, 2005)
European Journal of Comparative Economics, 2007, 3, 2, pp. 133-170 (Almas Heshmati on articles and earlier work in the context of Lisbon indicator construction "Alternative Composite Lisbon Development Strategy Indices: A Comparison of EU, USA, Japan and Korea")
evangelischer pressedienst entwicklungspolitik, 1979: 24: 27 (Book review by Dieter Senghaas on „Armut und Abhängigkeit")
Evropa (Warszawa), 4, 1, 10, 2004: 41 (Juchler J. "Otnoshenije w bostotchnoevropeiskich stranach k passchirjeniju ES - vysokaja stjepen soglasija i cushtshestvienny potencial rasotsharovanija" on article (2004) ‚EU-Erweiterung oder Rekolonisierung des europäischen Ostens? Besprechungsessay zu: Hannes Hofbauer: Osterweiterung’ Zeitschrift fuer Weltgeschichte, ISSN 1615-2581, 5, 2, Herbst 2004: 113 – 128 (Book review article))
Filozofska istraživanja - Philosophical Research (Zagreb) 01/2006, (Miroslav Kukoc "Philosophy and Cultural Pluralism in the Age of Globalization" on "Towards a Socio-Liberal Theory of World Development")
Forschungsstelle Osteuropa Bremen, Arbeitspapiere und Materialien, Nr. 72 – November 2005 („Russlands Regionen auf dem Weg nach Europa?" Herausgegeben von Galina Michaleva, on „Dar al Islam")
Friedenspolitischer Ratschlag (AG Friedensforschung an der Uni GH Kassel), Mai 2004: 1 - 4 (on „Schwierige Heimkehr, 1997")
Gegenwartskunde, 1988, 2: 159-170 (on collective volume Maislinger A. (1986) ‘Costa Rica’) Hispanic American Historical Review, 68, 1, February 1988, pp. 156 - 157 (on collective volume Maislinger A. (1986) ‘Costa Rica’)
Historia Actual Online, 2005, 07, available at: (Número 7 (Primavera 2005), 171-172 review on: Attinà, Fulvio; Rossi, Rosa (ed.), European Neighbourhood Policy: Political, Economic and Social Issues. Catania, The Jean Monnet Centre "Euro-Med", 166 pp by Alejandro Román Antequera, University of Cadiz)
Informationen über multinationale Konzerne, 1988, 4: 26 - 28 (Book review by M. Nollert on „Jenseits der Weltgesellschaftstheorien 1987")
Insight Turkey, January-March 2004, Volume 6, Number 1 (on "Dar al Islam, electronic book publication, Universitá di Catania, 2004")
International Journal of Comparative Sociology.2005; 46: 179-213 (World-Systems Analysis after Thirty Years: Should it Rest in Peace? Stephen K. Sanderson, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, USA,; on Kohler/Chaves (2003), ‘Globalization: critical perspectives’)
International Social Security Review, Volume 56 Issue 3-4 November 2003 (Book note on "The Three Pillars of Wisdom, 2003"), 176–189.
Internationale Entwicklung, 1980, 4: 55 - 62 (Achatz F. on article, Internationale Entwicklung, 1978)
Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft (Friedrich Ebert Stiftung), 1998: 4 (Book Review on „Schwierige Heimkehr 1997")
IPW-Berichte (GDR), 1983, 5: 53 - 54 (on collective volume Sonntag H. (1980), ‘Ruestung und Oekonomie’)
Journal of International and Comparative Law, Spring, 2006, 14 ("ARTICLE: JUSTICE & FOREIGN AFFAIRS: TAKING THE EUROPEAN NEIGHBOURHOOD PARTNER COUNTRIES TO THE EUROPEAN COURT OF JUSTICE", Lior Zemer* and Sharon Pardo on ‚European Neighbourhood Policy: Political, Economic and Social Issues’ (Fulvio Attina and Rosa Rossi (Eds.), Università degli Studi di Catania Facoltà di Scienze Politiche)
Journal of Australian Political Economy, 2001, 47: 148 (book review, Wheelwright T. on "Global Capitalism, Liberation Theology and the Social Sciences, 1999")
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 28, 2002 (Kupiszewski M., article, on unpublished estimates of Polish migration potential, later on published in "Global Keynesianism")
Journal of World Systems Research, 1999, Vol V, 2, 253-274 (reference to "Schwierige Heimkehr, 1997")
Journal of Economic Literature, 32, 3, pp. 1354 – 1364 (Book note on "Towards a Socio-Liberal Theory of World Development’)
Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 1980, 2: 403-404 (book review by Weede E. on „Armut und Anhängigkeit, 1979")
Journal of Development Studies, 17, 4, 1981: 376 – 377 (on collective volume de Bandt J. et al. (1980), "European Studies in Development")
Journal of Peace Research, 24, 4, December 1987: 339 – 363 (on collective volume Skuhra A. and Wimmer H. (1985) ‚Friedensforschung und Friedensbewegung’))
Journal of Common Market Studies, 2004, 1 (Book Reviews) (Duina F. on ‘Globalization and European Integration’)
Journal für Entwicklungspolitik, 1988, 1: 190; 1981, 2: 59-61
Journal of Latin American Studies, 1988, 20, 2: 237 (on collective volume Maislinger A. (1986) ‘Costa Rica’)
Journal of Regional Science, 1982, 22, 2: 265 (on collective volume de Bandt J. et al. (1980), "European Studies in Development")
Lutherische Monatshefte, 12, 1992, 534 – 536 (W. Grode „Osteuropa im Prozess der Zivilisation" on „Rußlands Tretmühle")
Medzinárodné Otázky (Slovenský Inštitút Medzinárodných Štúdií, Bratislava) nr 4/2002, ročník XI, s. 132-134 to articles and statistical analyses in the context of the Eastern enlargement of the European Union)
Medzinárodné vzt’ahy. Vedecky casopis pre medzinárodné politické, ékonomické, pravne a kult ́rne vzt’ahy Fakulty medzinárodnych vzt’ahov Ekonomickej univerzity v Bratislave, (3), 1, 2005: 92 ( (references to articles and statistical analyses in the context of the Eastern enlargement of the European Union)
MERIA News, GLORIA Center, Interdisciplinary Center University in Herzliya, Israel, MERIA News - Issue 2 - January 2005 and Volume 11, Issue 2 - April 2007
Milano Finanza, June 2, 2007 ("Che si legge a Palazzo" on: "Against Islamophobia: Quantitative Analyses of Global Terrorism, World Political Cycles and Center Periphery Structures")
Neue Dialoghefte (Berlin) Heft 1/2002 (51) [Jens Langer, Rostock, Rez: Global Capitalism, Liberation Theology and the Social Sciences. An Analysis of the Contradictions of Modernity at the Turn of the Millennium. Andreas Müller, Arno Tausch and Michael Zulehner. Under Collaboration of Henry Wickens, 332 S. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Huntington New York 2000, Heft 1/2002 (51)]
Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 1987, 146, 27/28 June (91) (on collective volume Maislinger A. (1986) ‘Costa Rica’)
OECD – Employment Outlook, 2005 (on Kohler/Chaves (2003), ‘Globalization: critical perspectives’)
Österreichische Militärische Zeitschrift, 1982, 5: 430 - 432 (on German language articles on Austrian arms exports)
Österreichische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, 1978, 4: 453 - 463; 1979, 3: 379-380; 1981, 2: 165-183; 1982, 2: 241 – 244, 1986, 15, 3: 334 – 335 (reviews of and references to various works)
Österreichisches Jahrbuch für Internationale Politik, 1986, 3: 363; 1988: 358 - 359 (reviews of various works)
Pakistan Times, 1987, April 24 (book review on collective volume Farooq-Hasnat S. and Pelinka A. (1986), ‘Security for the Weak Nations’)
Peace Research Abstracts, 2000, 37, no. 4 (on "Global Capitalism, Liberation Theology and the Social Sciences")
Political Science Quarterly, 1978, Vol. 93, No. 2 (Summer, 1978) , pp. 277-299 (reference to ongoing studies in the article "Migrant Workers and European Democracy")
Political Studies, 1995, 43, 4: 730 - 731 (book review on „Towards a Socio-Liberal Theory of World Development, 1993")
Politik und Gesellschaft Online/International Politics and Society (Friedrich Ebert Stiftung), 1998: 4 (online) (Book Review on „Schwierige Heimkehr 1997")
Politische Vierteljahresschrift; 1991, 32: 4 - 33 (Menzel U. (1991), on Bablewski Z. and Hettne B. (1989), „Crisis in Development")
Problemas del Desarrollo. Revista Latinoamericana de Economia, 37, 145, Abril-Junio 2006 (on "Dar al Islam")
Regional Studies, 1981, 15, 4: 543 (on collective volume de Bandt J. et al. (1980), "European Studies in Development")
Review. A Journal of the Fernand Braudel Center, 2003, 26, 1, Winter: 49-66 (Nolte H. H. on articles on the European periphery)
Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 1988, 14, 2: 354-359 (Book review by M. Nollert on „Jenseits der Weltgesellschaftstheorien 1987")
Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Volkswirtschaftslehre und Statistik, 1981 (Book review on „Armut und Abhängigkeit, 1979")
Science and Society, New York: Jul 2006. Vol. 70, Iss. 3; pg. 397, 14 pgs (Steve Ellner: „THE DEFENSIVE STRATEGY ON THE LEFT IN LATIN AMERICA: OBJECTIVE AND SUBJECTIVE CONDITIONS IN THE AGE OF GLOBALIZATION" on „Globalization: Critical Perspectives")
Social Justice, Vol. 32, 2005 (remembering Andre Gunder Frank. In this context, his last article ever written, published in the volume "Dar al Islam, 2005" is mentioned)
Sociologia Ruralis, 1982, 22, 1: 82 (on collective volume de Bandt J. et al. (1980), "European Studies in Development")
Student Economic Review, 2005, 19 (electronic scholarly journal, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, Stéfanie Jung and Stanislav Kubacek, article on Turkey, articles on Turkey are quoted)
Suedwind Magazin (Vienna) Südwind Magazin 11 / 2006, Seite 8 (Article „Wohlstand statt Ausgrenzung Der wirtschaftliche Aufstieg muslimischer ImmigrantInnen fördert den sozialen Frieden in Europa. Ausgrenzung und dumpfe Anti-Ausländerkampagnen schüren Konflikte." refers to the study „Why Europe should offer a better deal towards its Muslim communities, 2006")
The Nation (Pakistan), 1987, August 21, 1987 (book review on collective volume Farooq-Hasnat S. and Pelinka A. (1986), ‘Security for the Weak Nations’)
Theologie im Kontext, Missionswissenschaftliches Institut Missio e.V. Aachen, 22, 1, 2001: 109 (Raul Fornet Betancourt, book review, on "Global Capitalism, Liberation Theology and the Social Sciences, 1999")
United Nations CTC Reporter (now: Transnational Corporations), UNCTAD, New York, 1986, 22, Autumn: 56-57 (article refers to the study (1985) 'Development, Social Justice, and Dependence in Poland' Occasional Paper, 9, Transnational Corporations Research Project, Faculty of Economics, University of Sydney (N.S.W.))
United Nations University Annual Report 2002 Tokyo, 2003: 71 (yearbook refers to the volume "The Three Pillars of Wisdom, 2003")
Utopie Kreativ, 2002, 135, January: 83-84 (book review, on "Global Capitalism, Liberation Theology and the Social Sciences, 1999")
Vierteljahresberichte. Probleme der Internationalen Zusammenarbeit (Friedrich Ebert Stiftung), 117, September 1989: 311 - 313 (Book review on „Jenseits der Weltgesellschaftstheorien, 1987")
Weimarer Beitraege, 44, 3, 1998: 364 – 391 (on Reinalter H. (1980), ‚Revolution und Gesellschaft’)
Wiener Zeitung (amtliche Wiener Zeitung), 2005, May 1st, 2005, page 10 (Article 'Ein Sonderweg mit Stolpersteinen' refers to center-periphery perspective on East European development after enlargement)
Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, 1981, 4: 484-487; 1988, 14, 4: 567-570 (book reviews by K. Raffer on ‚Armut und Abhängigkeit’ and ‚Jenseits der Weltgesellschaftstheorien, 1987’)
Zeitschrift für Lateinamerika, Vienna, 1986, 30/31: 67-84 (article by K. Raffer refers to statistical analyses and data)
Zeitschrift für Politik (München), 1988, 35, 3 (on collective volume Maislinger A. (1986) ‘Costa Rica’)
Reference to the works of Arno Tausch in international book publications
1977. edition suhrkamp, Frankfurt (Dieter Senghaas 'Weltwirtschaftsordnung und Entwicklungspolitik' 1977, on „Die Grenzen der Wachstumstheorie")
1979. Braumueller, Vienna (Theodor Veiter ‚Das österreichische Volksgruppenrecht seit dem Volksgruppengesetz von 1976’ 1979 on"Nicht nur der Artikel 7" (article on the Slovenian minority in Austria))
1980. Junius-Verlag, Hamburg (Rose Gauger ’Wird die Barbarei siegen? Bericht ueber den Widerstand in den USA’ 1980, on unpublished materials about African American poverty in the US)
1980. Campus-Verlag, Frankfurt (Volker Bornschier 'Multinationale Konzerne, Wirtschaftspolitik und nationale Entwicklung im Weltsystem' 1980, on „Die Grenzen der Wachstumstheorie")
1982. Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt (Luis Zambrano ‚Entstehung und theologisches Verständnis der Kirche des Volkes (Iglesia Popular) in Lateinamerika’ 1982, on „Armut und Abhängigkeit")
1983. Westview Press, Boulder, Col. (Otmar Höll ‘Austria's technological dependence : basic dimensions and current trends’ 1983, on „Armut und Abhängigkeit")
1983. Westview Press, Boulder, Col. (Otmar Höll ‘Small states in Europe and dependence’, 1983, on „Armut und Abhängigkeit")
1984. dtv, Munich (Henning Behrens and Paul Noack 'Theorien der internationalen Politik' 1984, on „Armut und Abhängigkeit")
1986. edition suhrkamp, Frankfurt (Dieter Senghaas and Ulrich Menzel 'Europas Entwicklung und die Dritte Welt' 1986, on „Jenseits der Weltgesellschaftstheorien")
1988. edition suhrkamp, Frankfurt (Dieter Senghaas 'Konfliktformationen im internationalen System' 1988, on „Jenseits der Weltgesellschaftstheorien") )
1990. Campus-Verlag, Frankfurt (Volker Bornschier and Peter Lengyel‚ 'World Society Studies', Vol. 1, 1990, on „Jenseits der Weltgesellschaftstheorien")
1992. Loecker-Verlag, Vienna (Ewald Nowotny ‚Sozialdemokratische Wirtschaftspolitik: die solidarische Leistungsgesellschaft’ 1992, on „Produktivkraft soziale Entwicklung")
1993. Routledge, London and New York ('International Bibliography of Economics', 1993, on "Towards a Socio-liberal Theory of World Development")
1994. Palgrave Macmillan (Alfredo C Robles ‘French Theories of Regulation and Conceptions of the International Division of Labour’, 1994, on "Towards a Socio-liberal Theory of World Development"))
1995. Schriften des Deutschen Übersee-Instituts (Ulrich Menzel: ‚Geschichte der Entwicklungstheorie. Einführung und systematische Bibliographie’ 1995, on "Towards a Socio-liberal Theory of World Development"))
2000. Macmillan/Saint Martin's Press (Elizabeth de Boer-Ashworth 'The Global Political Economy and Post-1989 Change' 2000, on "Towards a Socio-liberal Theory of World Development"))
2001. Politica, Schriftenreihe zur politischen Wissenschaft, Kovacs-Verlag, Hamburg (Dariusz Adamczyk ‘Zur Stellung Polens im modernen Weltsystem der fruehen Neuzeit’ 2001, on "Schwierige Heimkehr")
2002. Greenwood Publishing Group, Westport, Connecticut (Ramón Grosfoguel, Ana Margarita Cervantes Rodriguez 'The Modern/Colonial/Capitalist World-System in the Twentieth Century, 2002, on "Global Keynesianism"))
2003. Promedia Verlag Wien (Hannes Hofbauer‚Osterweiterung. Vom Drang nach Osten zur peripheren EU-Integration’, 2003, on "Towards a Socio-liberal Theory of World Development"))
2003. Xlibris, Philadelphia, Pa. (Meynagh, K. ‚History of social theory in the light of intercivilizational perspective: perennial questions, modern answers’, 2003, on general input to the volume)
2004. The University of Michigan Press (Robert J. S. Ross 'Slaves to Fashion. Poverty and Abuse in the New Sweatshops', 2004, on general input to the volume)
2004. Ashgate Publishing Company, London (Ivan Petrella ‘The Future of Liberation Theology: An Argument and Manifesto’, 2004, paperback 2006, on "Global Capitalism, Liberation Theology and the Social Sciences"))
2004. Promedia Verlag Wien (Joachim Becker and Andrea Komlosy (Eds.), "Grenzen weltweit. Zonen, Linien, Mauern im historischen Vergleich" on journal article, Oesterreichische Monatshefte)
2005. The World Bank, Washington D.C. (Robert Holzmann and Richard Hinz 'Old Age Income Support in the 21st Century’, on "The Three Pillars of Wisdom"))
2005. OECD Employment Outlook (OECD, 2005, ISBN 92 – 64 – 01045 – 9, on "Globalization: Critical Perspectives" (collective volume Kohler/Chaves))
2006. The World Bank, Washington D.C. (Robert Holzmann and Edward Palmer (Ed.) ‘Pension Reform: Issues and Prospects for Non-Financial Defined Contribution (NDC) Schemes’, on "The Three Pillars of Wisdom"))
2006. Adonis & Abbey Publishers Ltd, London (Mammo Muchie (Editor) and Li Xing (Editor) in "Globalization, Inequality and the Commodification of Life and Well-Being" (Paperback) on "Global Capitalism, Liberation Theology and the Social Sciences")
2006. Handbook of Latin American Studies, United States Library of Congress (on the 1989 article for Revista Internacional de Sociologia, Madrid)
2007. Lund Studies in Human Ecology (John Brolin, Lund University, Sweden: "The Bias of the World. Theories of Unequal Exchange in History": Lund Studies in Human Ecology, 9, on "Global Keynesianism")