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Vorlage:Short description Vorlage:Infobox publisher

Millarworld Limited is a comic book company that was founded in 2004 by Scottish comic book writer Mark Millar as a creator-owned line.[1] The imprint is best known for publishing the books Wanted , Chosen, The Unfunnies , Kick-Ass and War Heroes .

Wanted, published by Top Cow Productions, was loosely adapted into a feature film of the same name by Universal Pictures, released on 27 June 2008.[2] Chosen, published by Dark Horse Comics, was described by Millar as a sequel to the Bible, and has been optioned by Sony Pictures. The Unfunnies was a funny animal horror story published by Avatar Press. Kick-Ass, which was illustrated by John Romita Jr. and published by Marvel, was adapted into a film of the same name by Matthew Vaughn, and released in the United Kingdom on 26 March 2010 and the United States on 16 April.

In September 2008 it was announced that the yet unfinished War Heroes had been optioned by Sony Pictures Entertainment, with Michael De Luca as producer and Millar taking an executive producer role.[3]

Millar has stated that whenever he sells the film adaptation rights to one of his creator-owned comics properties, he gives half of the money to the artist who illustrated the comics, despite his agent's reaction to this, saying, "Everything, all the money from the advance, the toys, the games, 50–50, so it's fair. I see it as a collaboration. If I drew, I could keep everything for myself, but I actually like the idea of having a talent that I'm not selling. One of my friends said, 'You could make even more money by drawing, too,' and I said, 'Yeah, and I suppose I could make even more money by lap dancing. It's nice to have something that's just for me."[4]

In October 2014, following months of delays for Jupiter's Legacy #5, Millar stated that beginning in April 2015, all Millarworld series would be completely drawn before the publication of their debut issues, in order to maintain a monthly schedule.[5]

On 7 August 2017, Millarworld was acquired by the American streaming media company Netflix.[6] [7]

The first comic book series that Millarworld published post acquisition was The Magic Order.[8] The first issue was published on June 13, 2018.[9]

On 17 July 2018 it was announced that Netflix had started work on the first set of films to be adapted from comics. These are: Empress, Huck and Sharkey the Bounty Hunter. The comic book series Jupiter's Legacy and American Jesus will be adapted as television series.[10]

On 6 December 2018, Millar provided an update to the progress of the Millarworld properties adapted for Netflix. Jupiter's Legacy is going to be first television series released, with Steven S. DeKnight as the show runner, with American Jesus as the second television series released, with Everardo Gout and Leopoldo Gout as the show runners. Empress, Sharkey the Bounty Hunter and Huck are scheduled to be feature films in development. Under Netflix, Millar will exclusively adapt new Millarworld properties to the streaming service, with select properties having comic book tie-ins, starting with Prodigy.[11]

On 11 March 2019, Netflix announced that it will produce anime series based on Supercrooks. It will be produced by Bones, and is described as a "superpowered heist comic".[12]


Year Title Issues Artist Publisher Adaptation
2004 The Unfunnies 4 Anthony Williams Avatar Press
Wanted 6 J.G. Jones Top Cow Productions Wanted
2008–2010 Kick-Ass 8 John Romita Jr. Icon Comics Kick-Ass
2008 War Heroes 6 Tony Harris Image Comics
2009 American Jesus Peter Gross Upcoming Netflix series
2010 Nemesis 4 Steve McNiven Icon Comics
Superior 7 Leinil Francis Yu
2010–2012 Kick-Ass 2 7 John Romita Jr. Kick-Ass 2
2012 Supercrooks 4 Leinil Francis Yu Upcoming Netflix anime
Kingsman: Secret Service 6 Dave Gibbons Kingsman: The Secret Service
MPH 5 Duncan Fegredo
2012–2013 Hit-Girl 5 John Romita Jr.
2013–2014 Kick-Ass 3 8 John Romita Jr.
2013–2017 Jupiter's Legacy 10 (2 volumes) Frank Quitely Image Comics Upcoming Netflix series
2014 Starlight 6 Goran Parlov
2015–2016 Jupiter's Circle 12 (2 volumes) Wilfredo Torres
Huck 6 Rafael Albuquerque Upcoming Netflix film
2015 Chrononauts 4 Sean Gordon Murphy
2016 Empress 7 Stuart Immonen Icon Comics Upcoming Netflix film
2016–2017 Reborn 6 Greg Capullo Image Comics Upcoming Netflix film
2018 The Magic Order 6 Olivier Coipel Image Comics Upcoming Netflix series
Prodigy 6 Rafael Albuquerque Upcoming Netflix film
2019 Sharkey the Bounty Hunter 6 Simone Bianchi Upcoming Netflix film
Space Bandits 5 Matteo Scalera Image Comics



Vorlage:Mark Millar Millarworld bei Netflix

  1. Apply for a Trademark. Search a Trademark. In: Abgerufen im 1. Januar 1 
  2. Referenzfehler: Ungültiges <ref>-Tag; kein Text angegeben für Einzelnachweis mit dem Namen nabswanted.
  3. Marc Graser: Sony, DeLuca gear up for War. 26. September 2008; abgerufen im 1. Januar 1. Fehler bei Vorlage * Parametername unbekannt (Vorlage:Cite web): "newspaper"
  4. Mark Millar's graphic novels really are graphic but the Coatbridge boy behind Wanted and new teen film Kick-Ass is surprisingly mild-mannered. 13. Dezember 2009; abgerufen im 1. Januar 1. Fehler bei Vorlage * Parametername unbekannt (Vorlage:Cite web): "newspaper"
  5. Stephen Gerding: Exclusive: Millar Expands Jupiter's Legacy World with Prequel Series. Comic Book Resources, 20. Oktober 2014, abgerufen am 11. März 2015. 
  6. Netflix buys Scots comic book firm Millarworld In: BBC News, 7. August 2017 (britisches Englisch). 
  8. Todd Spangler: Netflix Releases Trailer for First Comic Book, ‘The Magic Order’ In: Variety, 30. Mai 2018. Abgerufen am 19. Juli 2018 (amerikanisches Englisch). 
  9. The Magic Order #1 (Of 6) | Releases | Image Comics. In: Abgerufen am 19. Juli 2018 (englisch). 
  10. Netflix announces its first TV shows and movies from Millarworld In: Engadget. Abgerufen am 19. Juli 2018 (amerikanisches Englisch). 
  11. Mark Millar gives updates on Netflix movies, shows and comics In: IGN . Abgerufen am 6. Dezember 2018 (amerikanisches Englisch). 
  12. Netflix Developing Supercrooks Anime Based on Mark Millar Series. In: CBR. 11. März 2019; abgerufen im 1. Januar 1. 
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