Ars Technica
Ars Technica is a computer-enthusiast website started by Ken 'Caesar' Fisher in 1998. Originally a hobbyist site catering mostly to hardware enthusiasts, it has grown into a full-blown tech-geek portal, covering of all the important tech news from gadgets to supercomputers. The name "Ars Technica" comes from the Latin for "(The) Technical Arts."
The main site contains both news stories submitted by many authors, as well as featured articles. Featured articles are less frequent, but go into more depth than the news stories. Regular columns include Game.Ars, Science.Ars, Linux.Ars, and Mac.Ars. Game.Ars presents new advances and insights into the world of gaming. Science.Ars regularly presents recent findings in the world of science, from the latest mission in space to the most recent research on global warming. Linux.Ars provides stories about the world of Linux, as well as tools, tips, tweaks, and a cool app of the week. Mac.Ars provides news and information on new and upcoming Apple hardware, software, and events. Also common are hardware reviews, technology explanations, and in depth coverage of technology events. More information can be found on the welcome page.
Ars Technica also maintains the Ars OpenForum, a bulletin board with thousands of active users. The OpenForum is primarily dedicated to discussion of technology issues, but everything from dating techniques to the latest political outrage is also thoroughly dissected in the more general areas of the Forum. Continuing on the Roman theme, references to Latin and Ancient Rome may be found in small corners of the site, such as the ranks and custom titles of the forum members.
Today, some 6 years after its inception, Ars Technica is one of the last genuinely vibrant, mostly civil, free (though areas outside the "Ars Mission", such as The Lounge, are subscription based) large bulletin board style forums on the Internet. It represents one of the largest technology enthusiast populations with a truly global userbase, including everyone from IT administrators in charge of thousands of workstations at large companies to PC hobbyists building their own computers and tinkering with Linux.
Ars Technica maintains both free access and subscription based areas. The free areas cover the gamut of technology discussion, with many specialized forums for specific operating systems and platforms. The subscription based areas are for topics which don't correlate directly with the Ars mission of intelligent, helpful technology discussion. These areas include a forum for general conversation (The Lounge), political debate (The Soap Box), a forum on dating and relationship issues (The Velvet Room), and certain unique features for paid members. Prospective subscribers can view their options at the Subscription page.
Ars Front Page
Regular Front Page Features
- Linux.ars
- Science.ars
- Game.ars
- Mac.ars
- Ars Buyer's Guide
Active Front Page Writers
- Ken 'Caesar' Fisher
- Eric Bangeman
- John Siracusa
- Jon "Hannibal" Stokes
- Carl Salminen
- Fred "zAmboni" Locklear
- Jonathan M. Gitlin
- Charles Jade
- Julian Marcone
- Matt Woodward
- Ben Kuchera
- Clint Ecker
- Adam Baratz
- Adam Israel
- Elle Cayabyab
- Jorge Castro
Front Page Writers of Days Gone Past
- Ator
- Panders
- Geon
- Loki
- SemiOn
- Johnnyace
- Scott "Damage" Wasson
- Hanser
- andyfatbastard
- Hat Monster
Ars OpenForum
Forums Listing
Hardware & Tweaking
Audio Visual Club
- Description: Focused technical discussion relating to all video and audio products, issues, and support.
- Current moderators: Deffexor, stickmewithneedles, Xevion.
- Moderator alumni: DeetlitCryogenic, Zathras2
- Creation date: Unknown
- Topica Principalia: monitors (CRT and LCD), DJ'ing, audio devices, audio hardware, video hardware, video editing, audio editing, hi-fi sound systems, headphones, speakers, photography
Case & Cooling Fetish
- Description: Cool that burning love here, where users discuss all that is casedom, including power supplies.
- Current moderators: continuum, Spiv.
- Moderator alumni: Unknown
- Creation date: Unknown
- Topica Principalia: computer enclosures, case modifications/related electronics/neon lights/knobs/switches/etc, fans and fan controllers, power supplies, water cooling, case painting/powder coating, case windows
CPU & Motherboard Technologia
- Description: Focused discussion on CPUs, Motherboards (with their lovely chipsets), RAM, and overclocking, of course.
- Current moderators: IceStorm, Hannibal.
- Moderator alumni: Unknown
- Creation date: Unknown
- Topica Principalia: processors, motherboards, ram, overclocking, system stability, system compatibility.
Mobile Computing Outpost
- Description: Stay informed and stay connected when running between shelters from the Daystar! Discussion focused on Mobile Computing, including laptops, PDAs, phones, and more.
- Current moderators: Ohrmazd.
- Moderator alumni: Unknown
- Creation date: Unknown
- Topica Principalia: laptops, pdas, cellphones, GPS.
Networking Matrix
- Description: The home for networking related chat. Networking hardware, configurations, WANs, LANs, home ‘nets, you name it.
- Current moderators: BobDole, Jacobi.
- Moderator alumni: Unknown
- Creation date: Unknown
- Topica Principalia: NICs, routers, switches, Lans, ethernet cable, wireless.
Other Hardware
- Description: All other things hardware. Dig in. Note: Please post mobo, CPU, RAM, audio, networking, and video discussion in their respective forums.
- Current moderators: AlphaMeridian, pauli.
- Moderator alumni: Unknown
- Creation date: Unknown
- Topica Principalia: optical drives, hard drives, scanners, printers.
Agora Classifieds
- Description: Buy, sell, or trade hardware! Open to private individuals, only. No vendors, dealers, or SPAM.
- Current moderators: Clint, SuperDave.
- Moderator alumni: Leavitron, Skriz.
- Creation date: Unknown
- Topica Principalia: for sale, want to buy, for trade.
Operating Systems & Software
- Description: OS talk can sometimes get a little hot, but flame-fighters are standing by.
- Current moderators: Aurich, kurt-o, PeterB.
- Moderator alumni: Man With No Head
- Creation date: Unknown
- Topica Principalia: apple v. x86, linux v. microsoft, firewire v. usb. basically any sort of flammable platform arguing goes here
Microsoft OS & Software Colloquium
- Description: This forum is for discussions of application and Microsoft OS use, general support, and enthusiasm. Includes Win9x and basic Windows XP Home and Professional coverage of a non-high-end nature.
- Current moderators: Kurt, MrMills.
- Moderator alumni: Unknown
- Creation date: Unknown
- Topica Principalia: Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME and Windows XP software discussion and support. This is not where you go for Windows administration help! A popular thread is the "show me your desktop" thread.
Linux Kung Fu
- Description: Anything relating to Linux (well, all *NIXes are cool), especially support!
- Current moderators: StoneTable, treatment.
- Moderator alumni: Unknown
- Creation date: Unknown
- Topica Principalia: GNU/Linux, *bsd, solaris, aix, and pretty much any open source unix based operating systems. Servers, desktops, getting devices to work, configuration, what distro is best?, linux newb help, fixing broken stuff, most other OSS/FS discussion
NT, Win2K, & XP Technical Mojo
- Description: High-end Technical Voodoo only. Administration, high-end troubleshooting, and system architecture for all things New Technology (Win2K, XP, and .NET).
- Current moderators: o2, PeterB.
- Moderator alumni: Unknown
- Creation date: Unknown
- Topica Principalia: Technical information about "server" and "professional" class installations of Microsoft Windows. Active Directory, roaming profiles, host scripting, administration issues, clustering, IIS, SQL Server, Exchange
Distributed Computing Arcana
- Description: A forum for discussing SETI, RC5, and other distributed computing efforts. There's stats, benchmarking, tips and more.
- Current moderators: Fragile, Tom the Melaniephile, Xyzzy, and zAmboni.
- Moderator alumni: Rat Bastard
- Creation date: Unknown
- Topica Principalia: The Ars food court: There are tons of Ars DC groups. Topics include getting better performance out of your computer/cluster, what computer is best for what team, challenges (gaunlets), taunting and so forth.
Macintoshian Achaia
- Description: This forum is for the discussion of Macintosh and other Apple-related ventures. All comparative threads regarding Macs and other platforms belong in the Battlefront.
- Current moderators: BenN, eJacqui, kennedye, and | Palindrome |.
- Moderator alumni: Unknown
- Creation date: Unknown
- Topica Principalia: Pretty much anything Apple related. Note: this does not include monitors, kvms, speakers, keyboards, mice. Those all still go in their respective fora as listed above. Topics generally include: troubleshooting hardware or software issues, Mac OS X/9 software, architecture discussion (G5/G4/G3), platform speculation (rumors), and other "cool" things that come down the pipe that are Apple related (i.e. Virginia tech xserve cluster), Apple server administration, command line help.
Programmer's Symposium
- Description: This forum is dedicated to discussions relating to programming, hacking (in the good sense), and coding (including HTML and Javascript).
- Current moderators: Kurt, MrMills.
- Moderator alumni: Unknown
- Creation date: Unknown
- Topica Principalia: All languages, techniques, algorithms, recommended literature
Ars Lykaion
Gaming, Extra Strength Caplets
- Description: Focusing on playing, game theory, and the laying down of gratuitous smack.
- Current moderators: AlphaMeridian, pauli, Calvin, WyldKard.
- Moderator alumni: Unknown
- Creation date: Unknown
- Topica Principalia: Servers, tournaments, game discussion, console discussion. Warez are banned.
The Lounge
- Description: Sit back, relax and vent yer geek angst. You must be a subscriber to post in this forum.
- Current moderators: GwT, Semi On.
- Moderator alumni: Unknown
- Creation date: Unknown
- Topica Principalia: Nothing whatsoever. Or everything all at once. It's hard to tell. You decide. (This is where conversation about anything non-technical (the rest of the fora), non-political (The Soap Box), and non-romantic and non-sexual (The Velvet Room) goes.)
The Soap Box
- Description: Speak your mind on all things political, religious, & sociological. You must be a subscriber to post in this forum.
- Current moderators: Jessica, dasein, KD5MDK, Richard Berg.
- Moderator alumni: Unknown
- Creation date: Unknown
- Topica Principalia: Political debate and other inflammable material, such as abortion, capital punishment, religion, morality, and the legality or illegality of certain issues.
The Boardroom
- Description: Dedicated to increasing your business and entrepreneurial IQ. Starting a company? Creating a resume? Trying to effect change at work? Bring it on.
- Current moderators: MrSmith, Norrick.
- Moderator alumni: Unknown
- Creation date: Unknown
- Topica Principalia: This is where work-related material goes. Many a business-savvy arsian is standing by to help out with work issues.
Ars Technica News & Discussion
- Description: This area is for commenting on Ars Technica News, Articles, and Editorials.
- Current moderators: Caesar. (Most current and former writers can also moderate here)
- Moderator alumni: Unknown
- Creation date: Unknown
- Topica Principalia: This forum is dedicated to discussion of front-page articles. Nothing more, nothing less. Threads are also cross-linked in related fora.
The Velvet Room
- Description: The Ars After Hours hangout for matters relating to that other geek pursuit, pimpin'. You must be a subscriber to post in this forum, and you must also be registered to view this forum.
- Current moderators: Hannibal, Semi On.
- Moderator alumni: Unknown
- Creation date: Unknown
- Topica Principalia: A dating advice forum, created to remove these topics from the Lounge.
OpenForum Feedback & Suggestions
- Description: Use this for talking about UBB.x, fellow Arsnicks. Suggestions, bugs, comments welcome.
- Current moderators: Magus`.
- Moderator alumni: Unknown
- Creation date: Unknown
- Topica Principalia: Dedicated to discussion about the forum itself.
Ars Subscription Member Areas
Ars PDF Technical Library
- Description: This is the Ars Technica PDF library. You will have to be a Premier Subscriber to access this area.
- Current moderators: Ohrmazd.
- Moderator alumni: Unknown
- Creation date: Unknown
- Topica Principalia: This is where PDF versions of front-page articles are posted for download.
Subscription Support & Service
- Description: This forum is for service and support for Ars subscriptions. Problems with your subscription? Requests for custom titles? Post here.
- Current moderators: Caesar.
- Moderator alumni: Unknown
- Creation date: Unknown
- Topica Principalia: A forum for subscription-related issues. Any problems with or questions about subscription-only features are posted here.
Ars Emporium Customer Service
- Description: This forum is for customer questions and support involving the Ars Emporium merchandise site. Posting your queries to this forum will be the best way to get an informative response from those who are involved in the various projects.
- Current moderators: ProphetM.
- Moderator alumni: Unknown
- Creation date: Unknown
- Topica Principalia: Questions and comments about Ars Technica wares available for sale go here. Clothing, mugs, mousepads, and anything else with the Ars logo on it: if you want to know, ask here.
Ars Orbiting HQ Uplink
The Moderators' Quorum
- Description: This forum is for moderator business only. Really, you’re not missing much.
- Current moderators: Caesar.
- Moderator alumni: Unknown
- Creation date: Unknown
- Topica Principalia: Off-limits to anyone not a moderator.
The Writers' Block
- Description: This forum is for an internal discussion of writing ideas and projects. We welcome outside writers and their suggestions. If you have an idea, please contact | Palindrome |.
- Current moderators: Reindeer Flotilla.
- Moderator alumni: Unknown
- Creation date: Unknown
- Topica Principalia: This is a restricted forum, the contents usually are draft articles and draft news postings or (rarely) a writer claiming a news story as his.
Dungeon Masters' back room
- Description: This forum is for Ars game server admin business only. Really, you’re not missing much.
- Current moderators: Caesar.
- Moderator alumni: Unknown
- Creation date: Unknown
- Topica Principalia: