From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository
Dieser Benutzer spricht Deutsch als Muttersprache .
Этот участник может вносить вклад в данный проект на русском языке начального уровня.
90,000+ This user has made over 90,000 contributions to Commons, including over 39,134 uploaded images.
127,000+ This user has made over 127,000 contributions to Wikimedia projects.
You may send this user an e-mail.
This user finds copyright paranoia disruptive.
This user contributes using Adobe Photoshop Lightroom .
Everything is already photographed. But not from me yet.
My private self: My website.
Gedanken über Commons auf der WikiCon
- Ist Commons noch zu retten? (2017)
- Commons und die Metadaten (2018)
- Quo vadis Wikimedia Commons? (2024)
useful links
- Platzhalter im LrMediaWiki
- Category:OTRS pending
- Commons:E-Mail-Vorlagen
- QI count
- FP count
- VI count
- Unassessed QIC
- Category:Quality images by Stepro
- Category:Featured pictures by Stepro
- Category:Valued images by Stepro
- GLAMorous Tool
- Aufrufzahlen der eigenen Fotos
- Cropanforderungen für WikiData
- WikiScan
- {{Art Photo}} {{Artwork}} {{Photograph}}
- {{Wikidata Infobox}}
- {{Prospective category}}
- {{Consent}}
- {{Heirs-license}}
- {{Author|original|[[User:Stepro|Steffen Prößdorf]]}}; {{Author|derivative|{{U|UserNameCropper}}}}
- PagePile