User contributions for Tosaka~commonswiki
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A user with 650 edits. Account created on 13 August 2007.
17 May 2010
- 22:2922:29, 17 May 2010 diff hist +344 N File:Cutting work -1.PNG {{Information |Description={{en|1=Cutting work #1}} |Source=Made by uploader (ref:堂田邦明著、『金型のしくみ』、ナツメ社、2010年5月5日初版発行、ISBN 9784816348433) |Author=Tosaka |Date=2010年05月18日 |Permission= |o
- 22:2922:29, 17 May 2010 diff hist +344 N File:Cutting work -2.PNG {{Information |Description={{en|1=Cutting work #2}} |Source=Made by uploader (ref:堂田邦明著、『金型のしくみ』、ナツメ社、2010年5月5日初版発行、ISBN 9784816348433) |Author=Tosaka |Date=2010年05月18日 |Permission= |o
29 April 2010
- 15:0215:02, 29 April 2010 diff hist +535 N File:Leakage Current (2 models).PNG {{Information |Description={{en|1=Gate leakage and Off-state leakage}} |Source=Made by uploader (ref:鈴木五郎著、『システムLSI設計入門』、コロナ社、2003年3月20日初版第1刷発行、ISBN 4339007536, 佐藤淳一著、『半導体
20 April 2010
- 23:3923:39, 20 April 2010 diff hist +427 N File:Air Defense Identification Zone of Japan.PNG {{Information |Description={{en|1=Air Defense Identification Zone (Japan)}} |Source=Made by uploader (Ref:日本航空広報部編、『航空実用ハンドブック』、朝日ソノラマ、2005年1月31日第1刷発行、ISBN 4257037059) |Author=[[Use
- 10:0310:03, 20 April 2010 diff hist +1,301 N File:Jet-liner's antennas.PNG {{Information |Description={{en|1=Jet-liner's antennas<br />1.Wether radar(Send/Rcv., SHF) 2.Localizer(Rcv., VHF) 3.Glide slope capture(Rcv., UHF) 4.TCAS(S/R UHF) 5.DME(S/R SHF) 6.GPS(R UHF) 7.VHF(S/R) 8.CBB(KU) 9.VOR(R VF/HF) 10.SATCOM(S/R UHF) 11.HF Com
- 09:3209:32, 20 April 2010 diff hist +425 N File:Jetliner's wing structure (B-777).PNG {{Information |Description={{en|1=Jetliner's wing structure (B-777)<br />1.Front beam 2.Rear beam}} |Source=Made by uploader (Ref:日本航空広報部編、『航空実用ハンドブック』、朝日ソノラマ、2005年1月31日第1刷発行、ISBN 4
- 09:3209:32, 20 April 2010 diff hist +524 N File:B-777 Main gear steering system.PNG {{Information |Description={{en|1=B-777 Main gear steering system<br />When a front gear steered over 10 degree, main gear's rear 2 wheels will start those steering for minimizing turnning stress.}} |Source=Made by uploader (Ref:見森昭編、『飛行�
8 April 2010
- 10:3810:38, 8 April 2010 diff hist 0 File:Pressurized Water Reactor for ship.png uploaded a new version of File:Pressurized Water Reactor for ship.JPG: |Description=Aircraft carriers' Nuclear power plant |Date=2010年04月08日
31 March 2010
- 23:1823:18, 31 March 2010 diff hist +398 N File:Jet-liner's main fuel tanks(B-777).PNG {{Information |Description={{en|1=Jet-liner's main fuel tanks of B-777}} |Source=Made by uploader (ref:日本航空広報部編、『航空実用ハンドブック』、朝日ソノラマ、2005年1月31日第1刷発行、ISBN 4257037059) |Author=[[User:T
30 March 2010
- 12:2012:20, 30 March 2010 diff hist +399 N File:Jet airliner's tire arrangement(6models).PNG {{Information |Description={{en|1=Jet airliner's tire arrangement (6 models)}} |Source=Made by uploader (ref:久世紳二著、『旅客機の開発史』、日本航空技術協会、2006年9月11日第1版第1刷発行、ISBN 4902151146) |Author=[[User:
28 March 2010
- 08:0608:06, 28 March 2010 diff hist +517 N File:Jet-liner's door (3 types).PNG {{Information |Description={{en|1=3 types of Jet-liner's door<br /> Left: 1.Flip top&bottom 2.Pull 3.Turn out Center: 1.Push up 2.Turn out Right: Pull and up}} |Source={{Made by uploader (ref: 鳥養鶴勇、久世紳二著、『飛行機の構造設計�
- 07:5607:56, 28 March 2010 diff hist 0 File:Jet-liner's lights 1 N.PNG uploaded a new version of File:Jet-liner's lights 1 N.PNG: added a pair of lights
20 March 2010
- 19:3119:31, 20 March 2010 diff hist +385 N File:World DRAM market share 2009Q3.PNG {{Information |Description={{en|1=World DRAM market share by salesout 2009/Q3}} |Source=Own work by uploader (ref:「半導体業界を震撼させるSamsung社からの技術漏洩事件」 日経エレクトロニクス 2010年2月22日号 |Author=[[Use
12 March 2010
- 16:3216:32, 12 March 2010 diff hist +351 N File:LVDS model circuit E.PNG {{Information |Description={{en|1=LVDS model circuits with English<br /> 2 LVDS models asnd 1 PECL }} |Source=made by uploader (ref:['TIA/EIA644%201994']) |Author=Tosaka |Date=2010年03月13日
7 March 2010
- 11:0411:04, 7 March 2010 diff hist +463 N File:CIE Lighting (dominant wavelength, color purity).PNG {{Information |Description={{en|1=CIE Lighting (dominant wavelength, color purity)}} |Source=Made by uploader (ref:E.フレッド・シューベルト著、八百隆文、等訳、『発光ダイオード』、朝倉書店、2010年1月25日初版第1刷�
2 March 2010
- 15:2115:21, 2 March 2010 diff hist +412 N File:MLS AZ and EL, DMEP model 1.PNG {{Information |Description={{en|1=MLS AZ and EL, DMEP model #1}} |Source=Made by uploader (ref:日本航空技術協会編、『航空電子入門』、社団法人日本航空技術協会、2001年4月2日第1版第6刷発行、ISBN 4930858852) |Author=[
- 15:2115:21, 2 March 2010 diff hist +400 N File:MLS AZ and EL, DMEP model 2.PNG {{Information |Description={{en|1=MLS AZ and EL, DMEP model #2}} |Source=Made by uploader (ref:日本航空技術協会編、『航空電子入門』、社団法人日本航空技術協会、2001年4月2日第1版第6刷発行、ISBN 4930858852 ) |Author=
- 14:5914:59, 2 March 2010 diff hist +444 N File:Electronic paper (Side view of Liquid Powder Diaplay).PNG {{Information |Description={{en|1=Electronic paper (Side view of Liquid Powder Diaplay) W/O text}} |Source=Made by Uploader (Ref:日本画像学会編、面谷信監修、『電子ペ-パー』、東京電機大学出版局、2008年6月20日第1版第�
- 14:5914:59, 2 March 2010 diff hist +433 N File:Electronic paper (Side view of Toner type).PNG {{Information |Description={{en|1=Electronic paper (Side view of Toner type) W/O text}} |Source=Made by Uploader (Ref:日本画像学会編、面谷信監修、『電子ペ-パー』、東京電機大学出版局、2008年6月20日第1版第1刷発行
- 14:5914:59, 2 March 2010 diff hist +432 N File:Electronic paper (Side view of Twistball).PNG {{Information |Description={{en|1=Electronic paper (Side view of Twistball) W/O text}} |Source=Made by Uploader (Ref:日本画像学会編、面谷信監修、『電子ペ-パー』、東京電機大学出版局、2008年6月20日第1版第1刷発行�
- 14:5814:58, 2 March 2010 diff hist +437 N File:Electronic paper (Side view of SiPix Microcup).PNG {{Information |Description={{en|1=Electronic paper (Side view of SiPix Microcup) W/O text}} |Source=Made by Uploader (Ref:日本画像学会編、面谷信監修、『電子ペ-パー』、東京電機大学出版局、2008年6月20日第1版第1刷�
- 14:4514:45, 2 March 2010 diff hist +397 N File:Jet-liner's lights 1 N.PNG {{Information |Description={{en|1=Jet-liner's lights #1 (W/O text)}} |Source=Made by uploader(ref:日本航空技術協会編、『航空電気入門』、社団法人日本航空技術協会、2002年3月12日第1版第4刷発行、ISBN 4930858844) |Auth
- 14:4514:45, 2 March 2010 diff hist +397 N File:Jet-liner's lights 2 N.PNG {{Information |Description={{en|1=Jet-liner's lights #2 (W/O text)}} |Source=Made by uploader(ref:日本航空技術協会編、『航空電気入門』、社団法人日本航空技術協会、2002年3月12日第1版第4刷発行、ISBN 4930858844) |Auth
- 14:2314:23, 2 March 2010 diff hist +514 N File:Jet engine F135(STOVL variant)'s thrust vectoring nozzle N.PNG {{Information |Description={{en|1=Jet engine F135 (STOVL variant)'s thrust vectoring nozzle (W/O text)}} |Source=Made by uploader (ref:見森昭編 『タービン・エンジン』 社団法人日本航空技術協会、2008年3月1日第1版第1刷�
26 February 2010
- 14:3614:36, 26 February 2010 diff hist +413 N File:Jet Thrust specific fuel consumption vs Mach.PNG {{Information |Description={{en|1=Jet engines' Thrust specific fuel consumption vs Mach speed}} |Source=Made by uploader (Ref:室津義定編著、『航空宇宙工学入門』、森北出版、2005年6月25日第2版第1刷、ISBN 4627690320) |Author=[[
1 February 2010
- 11:5211:52, 1 February 2010 diff hist +728 N File:Jet-liner's main fuel tanks.PNG {{Information |Description={{en|1=Layout of Jet-liner's main fuel tanks<br /> Red:Integral tanks, Blue:Center tank<br /> Those tanks body consist of wings' main frame and center box frame, with sealant. Each integral tanks separated by 2-4 chambers.<br /
19 January 2010
- 14:5914:59, 19 January 2010 diff hist +384 N File:Jet Speed 1920-2010 E.PNG {{Information |Description={{en|1=Airliner's Speed 1920-2010}} |Source=made by uploader (ref:久世紳二著、『旅客機の開発史』、日本航空技術協会、2006年9月11日第1版第1刷発行、ISBN 4902151146) |Author=Tosaka
- 14:3814:38, 19 January 2010 diff hist 0 File:Jet Speed 1920-2010.PNG uploaded a new version of File:Jet Speed 1920-2010.PNG: added colors
- 14:0114:01, 19 January 2010 diff hist +376 N File:Jet Speed 1920-2010.PNG {{Information |Description={{en|1=Jet Speed 1920-2010 in Japanese}} |Source=made by uploader (ref:久世紳二著、『旅客機の開発史』、日本航空技術協会、2006年9月11日第1版第1刷発行、ISBN 4902151146) |Author=[[user:Tosaka|Tosa
- 10:2810:28, 19 January 2010 diff hist 0 File:CCVの6自由度制御.PNG uploaded a new version of File:CCVの6自由度制御.PNG: Fixed wrong tagged a name pair and 2 improvements. Exchanged "roll" and "pitch", changed from "elevator" to "stabilator", added a "canard". 1.「ロール」と「ピッチ」の表記を交換
13 December 2009
- 11:5411:54, 13 December 2009 diff hist +621 N File:Airframe (4 types).PNG {{Information |Description={{en|1=4 types fo Airframe construction 1. Truss with canvas 2. Truss with corrugate plate 3. Monocoque construction 4. Semi-monocoque construction}} |Source=made by uploader (ref:久世紳二著、『旅客機の開発史』、
10 December 2009
- 13:3913:39, 10 December 2009 diff hist +420 N File:Jetplane Materials (6 types).PNG {{Information |Description={{en|1=Jetplane Materials (6 types).}} |Source=made by uploader (ref:日本航空技術協会編、『航空機材料』、社団法人日本航空技術協会、2008年3月31日第1版第5刷発行、ISBN 9784902151244) |Author
- 13:3913:39, 10 December 2009 diff hist +384 N File:Larrabee block diagram (Total pic. and CPU core bloack).PNG {{Information |Description={{en|1=Larrabee block diagram (Total pic. and CPU core bloack).}} |Source=made by uploader (ref:[]) |Author=Tosaka |Date=2009-1
- 13:3913:39, 10 December 2009 diff hist +437 N File:Commercial Jetliner's fright route.PNG {{Information |Description={{en|1=Commercial Jetliner's fright route}} |Source=made by uploader (ref:日本航空技術協会編、『航空電子・電気装備』、社団法人日本航空技術協会、2008年3月31日第2版第2刷発行、ISBN 97849
9 December 2009
- 23:0023:00, 9 December 2009 diff hist +437 N File:Engine's Thrust vs. Velocity graphs.PNG {{Information |Description={{en|1=4 types Engine's Thrust vs. Velocity graphs 1. Rocket 2. Turbo-Jet 3. Turbo-Fan 4. Propeller}} |Source=made by uploader (ref:久世紳二著、『旅客機の開発史』、日本航空技術協会、2006年9月11日第1�
7 December 2009
- 23:4123:41, 7 December 2009 diff hist +306 N File:Android robot.svg {{Information |Description={{en|1=Android Robot}} {{ja|1="Android"のブランド・マーク}} |Source= |Author=Tosaka |Date=2009年12月08日 |Permission= |other_versions= }} [[Category:Android (operating sy
1 December 2009
- 18:0918:09, 1 December 2009 diff hist 0 File:DME VOR ground station.PNG uploaded a new version of File:DME VOR ground station.PNG: typo
- 16:5916:59, 1 December 2009 diff hist +394 N File:DME VOR avionics.PNG {{Information |Description={{en|1=DME VOR avionics}} |Source=made by uploader (ref:日本航空技術協会編、『航空電子・電気設備』、社団法人日本航空技術協会、2008年3月31日第2版第2刷発行、ISBN 9784902151305) |Author=
- 16:5916:59, 1 December 2009 diff hist +400 N File:DME VOR ground station.PNG {{Information |Description={{en|1=DME VOR ground station}} |Source=made by uploader (ref:日本航空技術協会編、『航空電子・電気設備』、社団法人日本航空技術協会、2008年3月31日第2版第2刷発行、ISBN 9784902151305) |A
29 November 2009
- 15:2615:26, 29 November 2009 diff hist +416 N File:Afterburner cut view model.PNG {{Information |Description={{en|1=Afterburner cut view model}} |Source=made by uploader (ref:ROLLS-ROYCE pic、『ザ・ジェット・エンジン』、社団法人日本航空技術協会、2002年1月18日第1版第2刷発行、ISBN 4930858569) |Author
21 November 2009
- 05:3105:31, 21 November 2009 diff hist +431 N File:3 types of combustion chamber.PNG {{Information |Description={{en|1=3 types of combustion chamber for Jet engine}} |Source=Own work by uploader (ref:見森昭編 『タービン・エンジン』 社団法人日本航空技術協会、2008年3月1日第1版第1刷発行、ISBN 9784902
11 November 2009
- 18:0118:01, 11 November 2009 diff hist +347 N File:LED light market projection 2006-2012 J.PNG {{Information |Description={{en|1=LED light market projection (2006-2008act, 2009-2012fcst), japanese}} |Source=Own work by uploader (Ref:日経エレクトロニクス2009年9月21日号, 39頁) |Author=Tosaka |Date=2009年11月12日 |Permission
2 November 2009
- 10:1310:13, 2 November 2009 diff hist +430 N File:COM Express formfactors.PNG {{Information |Description={{en|1=COM Express form factors}} |Source=Own work by uploader (Ref:『組み込み開発の効率化に貢献するCOM PCI Expressを搭載の小型品が焦点に』 日経エレクトロニクス2009年9月21日号、100-10
28 October 2009
- 09:2309:23, 28 October 2009 diff hist +424 N File:LCD Panel drive (Active, Voltage Overdrive).PNG {{Information |Description={{en|1=LCD Panel drive (Active, Voltage Overdrive)}} |Source=Own work by uploader (Ref: 山崎照彦、他著 『カラーTFT液晶ディスプレイ』、共立出版、2005年10月30日改訂版大1刷、ISBN 4320086236) |Au
- 09:2309:23, 28 October 2009 diff hist +381 N File:LCD Panel drive (Active, Voltage Common toggle).PNG {{Information |Description={{en|1=LCD Panel drive (Active, Voltage Common toggle)}} |Source=Own work by uploader (Ref: 山崎照彦、他著 『カラーTFT液晶ディスプレイ』、共立出版、2005年10月30日改訂版大1刷、ISBN 4320086236)
22 October 2009
- 12:3112:31, 22 October 2009 diff hist +719 N File:Screw (bolt) 22H-J.PNG {{Information |Description={{en|1=Screw (bolt) 22H-J}} |Source=Own work by uploader (Ref: 田村修 『ねじの知識』、養賢館、2008年1月25日第1版発行、ISBN 9784842504292, 門田和雄 『ねじ 基礎のきそ』、日刊工業新聞�
- 12:2412:24, 22 October 2009 diff hist 0 File:Screw (bolt) 24B-J.PNG uploaded a new version of File:Screw (bolt) 24B-J.PNG: fixed typo
- 12:2112:21, 22 October 2009 diff hist +714 N File:Screw (bolt) 24B-J.PNG {{Information |Description={{en|1=Screw (bolt) 24B-J}} |Source=Own work by uploader (Ref: 田村修 『ねじの知識』、養賢館、2008年1月25日第1版発行、ISBN 9784842504292, 門田和雄 『ねじ 基礎のきそ』、日刊工業新聞�
- 12:2112:21, 22 October 2009 diff hist +714 N File:Screw (bolt) 24A-J.PNG {{Information |Description={{en|1=Screw (bolt) 24A-J}} |Source=Own work by uploader (Ref: 田村修 『ねじの知識』、養賢館、2008年1月25日第1版発行、ISBN 9784842504292, 門田和雄 『ねじ 基礎のきそ』、日刊工業新聞�
21 October 2009
- 16:3216:32, 21 October 2009 diff hist +736 N File:Screw (bolt) 21D-n.PNG {{Information |Description={{en|1=Screw (bolt) 21D-n}} |Source=Own work by uploader (Ref: 田村修 『ねじの知識』、養賢館、2008年1月25日第1版発行、ISBN 9784842504292, 門田和雄 『ねじ 基礎のきそ』、日刊工業新聞�