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Uploads by Gregors

This special page shows all uploaded files that have not been deleted; for those see the upload log .

File list
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Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Current version
12:28, 10 October 2011 Triangle general surface.png (file) 147 KB   Yes
12:28, 10 October 2011 Torus Positive and negative curvature.png (file) 189 KB   Yes
12:28, 10 October 2011 Triangle on a sphere.png (file) 29 KB   Yes
12:28, 10 October 2011 Three and Two Dimensional Coordinate systems.png (file) 75 KB   Yes
12:28, 10 October 2011 Genus 0-1-2-3.png (file) 278 KB   Yes
11:47, 10 October 2011 NonComRot B.gif (file) 493 KB   Yes
11:47, 10 October 2011 NonComRot A.gif (file) 527 KB   Yes
08:06, 10 October 2011 CurlAnim2.gif (file) 329 KB   No
07:21, 19 September 2011 PSM V64 D489 Illustrating the deflection of cathode rays.svg (file) 15 KB Ligt Gray background, white CRT (slightly more obvious that it is not a wire construct) Yes
07:16, 19 September 2011 PSM V64 D489 Illustrating the deflection of cathode rays.svg (file) 14 KB {{Information |Description={{en|1=Illustrating the deflection of cathode rays}} |date=1903-1904 |Source=*File:PSM_V64_D489_Illustrating_the_deflection_of_cathode_rays.png |Date=2011年09月19日 07:15 (UTC) |Author=*[[:File:PSM_V64_D489_Illustrating_the_de No
15:45, 18 September 2011 Turn and slip indicator.svg (file) 24 KB {{Information |Description={{en| Figure 3-32. The turn-and-slip indicator. Source: Instrument Flying Handbook (IFH) FAA-H-8083-15. [Update 25 Nov 05] }} |date = {{Original upload date|2007年01月20日}} |Source=*File:Turn_and_slip.PNG |Date=201 Yes
14:49, 14 September 2011 Schematic of a particle shower.svg (file) 14 KB {{Information |Description={{en|Schematic of a en:particle shower}} |Source=*File:Schematic_of_a_particle_shower.jpg |Date=2011年09月14日 14:47 (UTC) |Author=*File:Schematic_of_a_particle_shower.jpg: Original uploader was [[:en:User:SCZenz|SC Yes
18:54, 5 September 2011 Lee Ranch Wind Speed Frequency.svg (file) 56 KB {{Information |Description=*'''Description:''' Distribution of wind speed (red) and energy generated (blue) for all of 2002 at the Lee Ranch facility in Colorado. The histogram shows measured data, while the curve is the Raleigh model distribution for the No
13:26, 25 August 2011 Eratosthenes' method for determining the size of the Earth.svg (file) 129 KB {{Information |Description={{en|taken from the public domain source Geodesy for the Layman at http://www.ngs.noaa.gov/PUBS_LIB/Geodesy4Layman/TR80003A.HTM#ZZ4 Category:Images of Earth}} |Source=*[[:File:Eratosthenes'_meth Yes
07:45, 23 August 2011 Laser Ranging Retroreflector Apollo 15.svg (file) 235 KB {{Information |Description={{en|Diagram of the Apollo 15 version of the Laser Ranging Retroreflector. Part of the equipment left on the Moon 1: Solar compass 2: Level indicator 3: Astronaut carry handle 4: Adjustable leveling foot 5: Thermal blankets 6: H Yes
10:28, 19 August 2011 Texas flag map.svg (file) 19 KB Changed colors to bluer blue and redder red No
06:26, 30 July 2011 Пхаппхо.svg (file) 2 KB {{Information |Description={{ru|1=пхаппхо гуджарати}} |Source=*File:Пхаппхо.PNG |Date=2011年07月30日 06:26 (UTC) |Author=*File:Пхаппхо.PNG: вмнс *derivative work: ~~~~ |Permission= |other_versions= }} {{Retouched Yes
14:27, 26 July 2011 Stick-slip.svg (file) 26 KB {{Information |Description=Stick-slip --Jean-Jacques MILAN 2004年11月11日 20:49 (UTC) |Source=*File:Stick-slip.png |Date=2011年07月26日 14:26 (UTC) |Author=*File:Stick-slip.png: Jean-Jacques MILAN *derivative work: ~~~~ |Pe Yes
09:22, 25 July 2011 Tacking Intervals.svg (file) 14 KB {{Information |Description={{en|1=Schematic showing different paths of a vessel beating against the wind. A vessel sailing against the wind from A to B can tack using different sized intervals, taking e,g, the paths P1, P2, or P3, while travelling the sam Yes
07:25, 25 July 2011 Ecoden Logo.svg (file) 4 KB {{Information |Description={{es|1=EcoDen Clínica Dental}} {{es|1=EcoDen Logo}} |Source=*File:Ecoden_logo.jpg |Date=2011年07月25日 07:25 (UTC) |Author=*File:Ecoden_logo.jpg: Fabián Espinoza Garza *derivative work: ~~~~ |Permission= |other_version Yes
07:05, 25 July 2011 GebeCom Logo.svg (file) 3 KB {{Information |Description={{en|1=Logo of gebeCom}} {{de|1=Logo von gebeCom}} |Source=*File:GebeCom_Logo_200.png |Date=2011年07月25日 07:04 (UTC) |Author=*File:GebeCom_Logo_200.png: Bertramgeck *derivative work: ~~~~ |Permissi Yes
14:16, 20 July 2011 ISU152 Iraq.png (file) 24.98 MB Attempt to adjust match images stretch at seam and color correct right side to match left side. Yes
14:35, 19 July 2011 (2-3)Lissajous curve.svg (file) 2 KB {{Information |Description={{sv|1=(2:3)Lissajouskurva}} |Source=*File:(2-3)Lissajous_curve.png |Date=2011年07月19日 14:34 (UTC) |Author=*File:(2-3)Lissajous_curve.png: *(2-3)Lissajouskurva.jpg: [[User:Conan414|Con No
12:33, 18 June 2011 ACIIB logo 31.03.2006.svg (file) 7 KB {{Information |Description={{az|1="Azərbaycan Cekli İcması" ictimai birliyinin loqosu.}} |Source=*File:ACIIB_logo_31.03.2006.jpg |Date=2011年06月18日 12:32 (UTC) |Author=*File:ACIIB_logo_31.03.2006.jpg: Cekli829 *derivative wo Yes
10:15, 17 June 2011 Logo FCH-Hegenheim.svg (file) 14 KB {{Information |Description={{fr|1=Logo du FC Hégenheim}} |date=2011年06月16日 |Source=*File:Logo_FCH.png |Date=2011年06月17日 10:14 (UTC) |Author=*File:Logo_FCH.png: FC Hegenheim *derivative work: ~~~~ |Permission= |other_version Yes
14:16, 16 June 2011 Logo u fund.svg (file) 10 KB {{Information |Description={{en|1=Logo de uFund}} |date=2011年03月16日 |Source=*File:Logo_u_fund.jpg |Date=2011年06月16日 14:16 (UTC) |Author=*File:Logo_u_fund.jpg: Benjaminumedia *derivative work: ~~~~ |Permission= |other_vers Yes
12:08, 7 June 2011 Musical Dark Horse-logo.svg (file) 25 KB {{Information |Description={{en|1=Musical Dark Horse Logo}} |Source=*File:MusicalDarkHorseLogoLarge.jpg |Date=2011年06月07日 12:07 (UTC) |Author=*File:MusicalDarkHorseLogoLarge.jpg: MusicNewz *derivative work: ~~~~ |Permission= Yes
11:19, 7 June 2011 Fault-Horst-Graben.svg (file) 18 KB Resized to objects No
11:17, 7 June 2011 Fault-Horst-Graben.svg (file) 18 KB {{Information |Description={{de|Diagram zur geolog. Struktur von Horsten und Graben.}} {{en|geological structure of horst and graben.}} |Source=*File:Horst_graben.jpg |Date=2011年06月07日 11:16 (UTC) |Author=*File:Horst_graben.jpg: U.S. Ge No
08:49, 7 June 2011 P Harry Potter-icon.svg (file) 10 KB {{Information |Description=Caricature of Harry potter |Source=*File:P_Harry_Potter.png |Date=2011年06月07日 08:48 (UTC) |Author=*File:P_Harry_Potter.png: Sambach *derivative work: ~~~~ |Permission= |other_versions= }} {{Retouched Yes
08:16, 7 June 2011 Ang-logo(1b).svg (file) 31 KB {{Information |Description={{nl|1=Logo van Technisch Natuurkundige Studievereniging Ångström}} |date=2011年06月07日 |Source=*File:Ang-logo(1).png |Date=2011年06月07日 08:15 (UTC) |Author=*File:Ang-logo(1).png: Appeltje10 *derivat Yes
16:07, 1 June 2011 Bandera de Catalunya (proposta Armand de Fluvia 2010).jpg (file) 42 KB Cleaner rendering, corrected color of cross (screen grab of svg version). I would of course have preferred a png but the MIME type is jpg so there will be artifacts! Yes
16:04, 1 June 2011 Bandera de Catalunya (proposta Armand de Fluvia 2010).svg (file) 3 KB Red in cross changed to same hue as red in bars. Yes
13:34, 1 June 2011 Linear interpolation in triangle.svg (file) 27 KB {{Information |Description={{en|1=Annotated line drawing of a point (representing the center of a pixel) in a triangle and areas of subtriangles for the computation of barycentric coordinates.}} |date=2011年06月01日 |Source=*[[:File:Linear_interpolation_in_tr Yes
13:00, 1 June 2011 Bandera de Catalunya (proposta Armand de Fluvia 2010).svg (file) 3 KB {{Information |Description=Bandera de Catalunya proposada per Armand de Fluvià. <br/> "Si, algun dia, els anomenats Països Catalans s’arribessin a constituir en una sola nació, en aquell moment i, només aleshores, la bandera indiscutible del conjunt No
06:43, 1 June 2011 Signature Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.svg (file) 37 KB {{Information |Description={{en|signature of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe}} {{de|Unterschrift von Johann Wolfgang von Goethe}} |Source=*File:Signatur_Johann_Wolfgang_von_Goethe.jpg |Date=2011年06月01日 06:42 (UTC) |Author=*[[:File:Signatur_Johann_Wolfgang Yes
14:36, 26 May 2011 White Tower (Hradec Králové) top angle.jpg (file) 670 KB Darker sky gradient (somewhat like original), original tower (1st upload) had better definition and color in spire detail Yes
14:28, 26 May 2011 White Tower (Hradec Králové) top angle.jpg (file) 955 KB More sky on top and sides, 2:3 proportions retained. Sky is a gradient fill ;-) ~~~~ Gregors No
13:00, 26 May 2011 Ewer with feline-shaped handle from the Belitung shipwreck, ArtScience Museum, Singapore - 20110319.jpg (file) 958 KB Cropped and removed ertaneous image details Yes
12:16, 26 May 2011 Paradigma Entertainment logo.svg (file) 42 KB {{Information |Description={{en|1=Company Logo}} |date=2011年05月26日 |Source=*File:Paradigma_Logo.tif |Date=2011年05月26日 12:16 (UTC) |Author=*File:Paradigma_Logo.tif: Paradigmaentertain *derivative work: ~~~~ |Permission Yes
08:55, 26 May 2011 Central Campus Des Moines-logo.svg (file) 9 KB {{Information |Description={{en|1=Des Moines Central Campus Logo}} |date=2011年05月26日 |Source=*File:Central_Campus_Logo.gif |Date=2011年05月26日 08:53 (UTC) |Author=*File:Central_Campus_Logo.gif: Des Moines Public Schools *derivative work: ~~~~ |Per Yes
07:42, 26 May 2011 Elastic Rebound.svg (file) 15 KB {{Information |Description={{zh|{| cellpadding="3" class="toccolours" width="100%" ! style="background: #ccccff; text-align: right; vertical-align: middle;" width="15%" | 描述摘要 | 彈性回跳理論 |- ! style="background: #ccccff; text-align: right Yes
11:16, 20 May 2011 ParkOffice-Logo.svg (file) 14 KB Cleaned meta tags hoping the preview and thumbnail will work. No
11:12, 20 May 2011 ParkOffice-Logo.svg (file) 16 KB {{Information |Description={{en|1=Parkoffice logo}} |date=2011年05月20日 |Source=*File:LogoPO.jpg |Date=2011年05月20日 11:11 (UTC) |Author=*File:LogoPO.jpg: Parkoffice *derivative work: ~~~~ |Permission= |other_versions= }} {{Reto No
09:13, 20 May 2011 Trentino CoA shield.svg (file) 57 KB {{Information |Description={{it|1=Stemma della Provincia autonoma di Trento}} |Source=*File:Trentino_CoA_shield.png |Date=2011年05月20日 09:11 (UTC) |Author=*File:Trentino_CoA_shield.png: Daniele.arrighi *derivative work: ~~~~ |Permission= |ot Yes
04:48, 23 April 2011 Yarn twist S-Left Z-Right.svg (file) 8 KB {{Information |Description="Twist" in spun yarns or ropes is often labeled S-twist or S-laid (for left-handed twist) and Z-twist or Z-laid (for right-handed twist), due to the respective left and right of the central sections of those two letters. To vis No
13:24, 18 April 2011 Two targets below resolution.png (file) 5 KB {{Information |Description=== Two wave packets overlapping due to insufficient resolution |Source=*File:Two_targets_below_resolution.jpg |Date=2011年04月18日 13:23 (UTC) |Author=*File:Two_targets_below_resolution.jpg: User:Flambe *derivative work: Yes
13:21, 18 April 2011 Two targets below resolution.jpg (file) 22 KB Attempted to clean up artifacts Yes
22:32, 5 April 2011 JTO-logo.svg (file) 42 KB Adjusted colors as per User:Snake bgd request No
14:53, 4 April 2011 Tapestry Loom.svg (file) 239 KB {{Information |Description ={{en|1=A high loom for tapestry weaving. The basic structure has been the same for many centuries.}} |Source ={{own}} |Author =Gregors |Date =2011年04月04日 |Permission = |other_ver Yes
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