On the genealogy of Fatimid caliphs : statement on Mahdī's communication to the Yemen on the real and esoteric names of his hidden predecessors
by Husayn F. al-Hamdani ; with a foreword by Bayard Dodge
(School of Oriental Studies, Occasional paper no. 1)
AmericanUniversity at Cairo, 1958
في نسب الخلفاء الفاطميين : اسماء الائمة المستورين كما وردت في كتاب ارسله المهدي عبد الله الى ناحية اليمن
Includes an edition and translation of part of Jaʻfar ibn Manṣūr's Kitāb al-farāʾiḍ wa-ḥudūd al-dīn
American University