On the genealogy of Fatimid caliphs : statement on Mahdī's communication to the Yemen on the real and esoteric names of his hidden predecessors
by Husayn F. al-Hamdani ; with a foreword by Bayard Dodge
(School of Oriental Studies, Occasional paper no. 1)
AmericanUniversity at Cairo, 1958
في نسب الخلفاء الفاطميين : اسماء الائمة المستورين كما وردت في كتاب ارسله المهدي عبد الله الى ناحية اليمن
National Museum of Ethnology. Library
Includes an edition and translation of part of Jaʻfar ibn Manṣūr's Kitāb al-farāʾiḍ wa-ḥudūd al-dīn
American University