a book for all practitioners and all members of the greater community. Giroux demands reader involvement, transformation, and empowerment. He helps us understand that the political relationship between schools and society is neither artificial nor neutral nor necessarily negative. Rather, school personnel have a positive and dynamic political role to play.
Educational Leadership
We are fortunate to have these ideas expressed so clearly and in one place. It is a very useful book. . . .
Offers educators ways for reflecting critically on their own practices and the relationship between schools and society. The Educational Digest
Foreword by Peter McLaren
Editor's Introduction
Rethinking the Language of Schooling
Rethinking the Language of Schooling
Toward a New Sociology of Curriculum
Social Education in the Classroom: The Dynamics of the Hidden Curriculum
Overcoming Behavioral and Humanistic Objectives
Literacy, Writing, and the Politics of Voice
Writing and Critical Thinking in the Social Studies
Mass Culture and the Rise of the New Illiteracy: Implications for Reading
Critical Pedagogy, Cultural Politics, and the Discourse of Experience
Culture, Power, and Transformation in the Work of Paulo Freire: Toward a Politics of Education
Teaching, Intellectual Work, and Education as Cultural Politics Teachers as Transformative Intellectuals
Curriculum Study and Cultural Politics
The Need for Cultural Studies
Teacher Education and the Politics of Democratic Reform
Toward a Language of Critique and Possibility
Crisis and Possibilities in Education
Reproducing Reproduction: The Politics of Tracking
Antonio Gramsci
Solidarity, Ethics, and Possibility in Critical Education
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