Boddewyn's book provides a rare insight into how advertising self-regulatory bodies really work--with or without outsiders. Many other studies have lauded self-regulation or dismissed it preemptorily, but this book focuses on its logic, limits, and ultimate contributions to the societal control of advertising. It shows how outsiders--where available and willing to participate--contribute to its functioning while the advertising industry remains in control of the standards applied by self-regulatory bodies. Practitioners, consumerists, and policy-makers should greatly benefit from reading this multinational comparison of a dozen countries with very different economic and legal environments.
Sylvan M. Barnet, Jr., Chairman, Advisory Council, International Advertising Association
It is generally recognized that the development and application of voluntary industry standards is a necessary complement to governmental regulation of advertising. With the expansion of advertising opportunities, however, the tasks of self-regulation have grown, along with doubts as to the industry's ability--or willingness--to enforce appropriate ethical guidelines. In attempt to resolve this situation, self-regulatory bodies increasingly invite the participation of non-industry members, especially where consumer protection is at issue. The first broadly based, comparative study of advertising self-regulation, this book explores the global implications of recent trends through detailed analyses of self-regulation in Europe, Asia, and the Western Hemisphere.
General Analysis Advertising Self-Regulation: Concept, Rationale, Forms and Evolution Outside Participation in Advertising Self-Regulation: A General Analysis Country Analysis Belgium: Jury d'Ethique Publicitaire Brazil: Conselho Nacional de Auto-Regulamentacao Publicitaria (CONAR) Canada: The Canadian Advertising Foundation's Standards Division and Conseil National de la PubliciTE Federal Republic of Germany: The Deutsche Werberat France: Bureau de Verification de la PubliciTE Italy: Istituto dell'Autodisciplina Pubblicitaria Japan: Japan Advertising Review Organization (JARO) The Netherlands: Reclame Code Commissie The Philippines: Philippine Board of Advertising Sweden: The Consumer-Ombudsman System and Advertising Self-Regulation The United Kingdom: Advertising Standards Authority The United States: The NAD/NARB System Comparative Analyses Data from a Sixteen-Country Survey Advertising Self-Regulation and Outside Participation: Comparative Conclusions Index
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