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ISBN 9780873953689
France (1837) was the third volume published in Cooper's Gleanings in Europe series, but first in the chronology of his European experience. Less sequential than his other travel narratives, France distills his impressions of French and European culture during his first two years abroad. Exhibiting many qualities of the familiar essay, it considers a wide range of topics of interest to Cooper, his friends, and potential readers in the United States. As a celebrity thoroughly at home in the brilliant society of Bourbon Paris, Cooper was able to provide fascinating glimpses of personalities, spectacles, institutions, and manners-from his distinctly American perspective.
Indeed, as Professor Philbrick remarks, "No other of Cooper's works, perhaps, brings us closer to his speaking voice or puts us more directly in contact with the man himself, with all his idiosyncratic preoccupations, his quick resentments, his restless curiosity, his surprising humor, and his nobility of principle."
The reader of this edition is brought even closer to Cooper in the draft of a hitherto unpublished letter, probably intended for this book, which illustrates Cooper's grasp of the still finer points of French customs and attitudes.
Historical Introduction
Gleanings in Europe: France
Explanatory Notes
Appendix A. Bentley's analytical Table of Contents
Appendix B. Cooper's manuscript letter on France
Textual Commentary
Textual Notes
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: pbk. ISBN 9780873955997
Fifty years ago, Stefan Zweig, who committed suicide in 1942, was the most widely read and translated living writer in the world. Zweig's Vienna was a world of bright, brittle superficialities, in which the bourgeoisie "gradually elevated the eternal business of seeing and being seen to the purpose of the existence." To break through the facades of this society, Zweig developed a remarkable literary and psychological method.
In The World of Yesterday's Humanist Today, thirty scholars of history, literature, and music share their studies of Zweig and their insight into his works.
Georg Iggers, Some Introductory Observations on Stefan Zweig's World of Yesterday
Wilma Iggers, The World of Yesterday in the View of an Intellectual Historian
Zweig and France
Andree Penot, Coordinator
Helene Kastinger Riley, The Quest for Reason: Stefan Zweig's and Romain Rolland's Struggle for Pan-European Unity
Brenda Keiser, Stefan Zweig: The Man of the Hour and the Consistent Humanist
Clair Hoch, Friendship and Kinship between Georges Duhamel and Stefan Zweig
Zweig and Judaism
George Browder, Coordinator
Leo Spitzer, Into the Bourgeoisie: A Study of the Family of Stefan Zweig and Jewish Social Mobility, 1750-1880)
Leon Botstein, Stefan Zweig and the Illusion of the Jewish European
Klara Carmely, The Ideal of Eternal Homelessness: Stefan Zweig and Judaism
Zweig's Interpretation of History
Julius Paul, Coordinator
Stephen Howard Garrin, History As Literature: Stefan Zweig's Sternstunden der Menschheit
Lionel B. Steiman, The Worm in the Rose: Historical Destiny and Individual Action in Stefan Zweig's Vision of History
Zweig the Humanizer in Literature
Marion Sonnenfeld, Coordinator
David Turner, The Humane Ideal in Stefan Zweig's Noyelle: Some Complications and Limitations
Anne Clark Fehn and Ulrike S. Rettig, Narrative Technique and Psychological Analysis in Two Novellas by Stefan Zweig
Gerd Schneider, Portrayal of the Elderly in Stefan Zweig's Novella "Vierundzwanzig Stunden aus dem Leben einer Frau"
Peter J. Marcris, Zweig As Dramatist
Donald G. Daviau, The Spirit of Humanism as Reflected in Stefan Zweig's Dramatic Works
Joseph Strelka, Stefan Zweig's "Big Balzac"
Zweig and Richard Strauss
A. Cutler Silliman, Coordinator
Bryan Gilliam, Zweig's Contribution to Strauss Opera and Die Schweigsame Frau: New Evidence
Michael P. Steinberg, Politics and Psychology of Die Schweigsame Frau
Zweig the Coorespondent
John Saulitis, Coordinator
Johanna Roden, Stefan Zweig and Emil Ludwig
Zweig the Emigrant
Robert Rie, Coordinator
Editha S. Neumann, Stefan Zweig: A Wanderer between Two Worlds
Rosi Cohen, Emigration: a Contributing Factor to Stefan Zweig's Suicide
Zweig in Brazil
Osvaldo Chinchon, Coordinator
Sonja Karsen, Brazil As Seen by Stefan Zweig
Erdmute Wenzel White, Beyond Memory: Stefan Zweig's Last Days
Jean-Jacques Lafaye, Stefan Zweig and Georges Bernanos in Brazil: An Encounter
Frances Hernandez, The Zweigs and Gabriela Mistral in Petropolis
Alberto Dines, Death in Paradise: Some Revelations About Stefan Zweig's Presence in Brazil
Closing Address
Harry Zohn, The Buring Secret of Stephen Branch, or a Cautionary Tale About a Physician Who Could Not Heal Himself
Appendix: Zweig Today
Mimi Grossberg, Zweig in Film
Henry Salerno, Carol Brownson, Robert Deming, David Meerse, James Shokoff, Comments on Letter from an Unknown Woman
Randolph Klawiter, The State of Stefan Zweig Research: An Update
Symposium Program
Index compiled by Yvonne Wilensky
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