The writings of James Fenimore Cooper
State University of New York Press, 1980-
James Franklin Beard, editor-in-chief
James Fenimore Cooper ; edited and with a historical introduction by Thomas Philbrick and Marianne Philbrick
State University of New York Press c2021 The writings of James Fenimore Cooper
James Fenimore Cooper ; edited by Lance Schachterle and James P. Elliott ; historical introduction by Lance Schachterle, Wesley T. Mott, and John P. McWilliams ; explanatory notes by Lance Schachterle
State University of New York Press c2020 The writings of James Fenimore Cooper
: pbk
James Fenimore Cooper ; historical introduction by James P. Elliott ; explanatory notes by James H. Pickering ; text established by James P. Elliott, Lance Schachterle and Jeffrey Walker
State University of New York Press c2019 The writings of James Fenimore Cooper
: pbk
James Fenimore Cooper ; edited with historical introduction and explanatory notes by Lance Schachterle and Anna Scannavini
State University of New York Press c2019 The writings of James Fenimore Cooper
: pbk
James Fenimore Cooper ; text established with historical introduction and textual notes by Gary Williams
State University of New York Press c1991 The writings of James Fenimore Cooper
: pbk
James Fenimore Cooper ; edited, with an historical introduction, by Thomas and Marianne Philbrick
State University of New York Press c1991 The writings of James Fenimore Cooper
: pbk
James Fenimore Cooper ; historical introduction by Kay Seymour House ; text established, with explanatory notes by Kay Seymour House and Constance Ayers Denne
State University of New York Press c1990 The writings of James Fenimore Cooper
: pbk.
James Fenimore Cooper ; historical introduction by Donald A. Ringe ; text established by James A. Sappenfield and E.N. Feltskog
State University of New York Press c1990 The writings of James Fenimore Cooper
: pbk
James Fenimore Cooper ; historial introduction and explanatory notes by James Franklin Beard ; text established by Lance Schachterle, Kent Ljungquist, and James Kilby
State University of New York Press c1987 The writings of James Fenimore Cooper
: , : pbk.
James Fenimore Cooper ; edited with an historical introduction and explanatory notes by Kay Seymour House
State University of New York Press c1986 The writings of James Fenimore Cooper
: pbk.
James Fenimore Cooper ; historical introduction by Ernest Redekop and Maurice Geracht ; text established with explanatory notes by Thomas Philbrick and Maurice Geracht
State University of New York Press c1986 The writings of James Fenimore Cooper
: pbk
James Fenimore Cooper ; edited, with historical introduction by James P. Elliott
State University of New York Press c1985 The writings of James Fenimore Cooper
James Fenimore Cooper ; edited with an historical introd. and explanatory notes by Donald A. and Lucy B. Ringe
State University of New York Press c1984 The writings of James Fenimore Cooper
James Fenimore Cooper ; historical introduction by James Franklin Beard ; text established, with explanatory notes, by James A. Sappenfield and E.N. Feltskog
State University of New York Press c1983 The writings of James Fenimore Cooper
: pbk.
James Fenimore Cooper ; historical introduction and explanatory notes by Thomas Philbrick ; text established by Thomas Philbrick and Constance Ayers Denne
State University of New York Press c1983 The writings of James Fenimore Cooper
: pbk.
James Fenimore Cooper ; edited, with an historical introduction, by Thomas and Marianne Philbrick
State University of New York Press c1982 The writings of James Fenimore Cooper
: pbk.
James Fenimore Cooper ; historical introduction and explanatory notes by Donald A. Ringe and Kenneth W. Staggs ; text established by James P. Elliott, Kenneth W. Staggs, and R.D. Madison
State University of New York Press c1982 The writings of James Fenimore Cooper
: pbk.
James Fenimore Cooper ; edited with an historical introduction by Richard Dilworth Rust
State University of New York Press c1981 The writings of James Fenimore Cooper
James Fenimore Cooper ; historical introduction and explanatory notes by John Conron and Constance Ayers Denne ; text established by Constance Ayers Denne
State University of New York Press c1981 The writings of James Fenimore Cooper
: pbk.
James Fenimore Cooper ; historical introd. and explanatory notes by Robert E. Spiller and James F. Beard ; text established by Kenneth W. Staggs and James P. Elliott
State University of New York Press c1980 The writings of James Fenimore Cooper