International series of monographs in aeronautics and astronautics
Pergamon Press
International series of monographs on aeronautics and astronautics
Chairman varies: "Th. von Kármán and H.L. Dryden" (1961); H.L. Dryden (1964).
Division: 1. Solid and structural mechanics; 2. Aerodynamics; 3. Propulsion systems including fuels; 4. Avionics; 5. Aviation and space medicine; 6. Flight testing; 7. Astronautics; 8. Materials, science & engineering; 9. Symposia
Kyuichiro Washizu
Pergamon Press 1975 2nd ed International series of monographs in aeronautics and astronautics Division 1 . Solid and structural mechanics ; v. 9
Kyuichiro Washizu
Pergamon Press 1974 2nd ed International series of monographs in aeronautics and astronautics Division 1 . Solid and structural mechanics ; v. 9
by E. M. Goodger
Pergamon Press 1970 International series of monographs in aeronautics and astronautics v. 6
Edited by E. Gassner and W. Schütz
Pergamon Press 1969 [1st ed.] International series of monographs in aeronautics and astronautics Division 9 . Symposia ; vol. 20
by Elie Carafoli, with the cooperation of Dan Mateescu and Adriana Nastase
Pergamon Press
[1st ed.]
International series of monographs in aeronautics and astronautics
Division 2,
Kyuichiro Washizu
Pergamon Press 1968 1st ed International series of monographs in aeronautics and astronautics division 1 . Solid and structural mechanics ; v. 9
F.G. Irving
Pergamon 1966 International series of monographs in aeronautics and astronautics Division II . Aerodynamics ; vol. 5
L.G. Loitsyanskii
Pergamon Press
International series of monographs in aeronautics and astronautics
Division 2,
edited by J. Schijve, J.R. Heath-smith and E.R. Welbourne
Pergamon Press 1965 International series of monographs in aeronautics and astronautics Division 9 . Symposia ; vol. 19
edited by M.A. Perry
Pergamon Press 1965 Cranfield international symposium series volume 6 . Flight test instrumentation ; vol.3 , International series of monographs in aeronautics and astronautics
edited by S.F. Singer
Pergamon Press 1965 International series of monographs in aeronautics and astronautics Division 9 ; Symposia ; vol. 18
A.K.Martynov ; translated from the Russian by V.H.Brix ; translation edited by R.C. Pankhurst
Pergamon 1965 International series of monographs in aeronautics and astronautics Division 2 . Aerodynamics ; vol.4
by H. Schuh
Pergamon Press c1965 International series of monographs in aeronautics and astronautics Division 1 . Solid and structural mechanics ; v. 7
by H.L. Cox
Pergamon Press 1965 International series of monographs in aeronautics and astronautics Division 1 . Solid and structural mechanics ; vol. 8
F.R. Gantmakher and L.M. Levin ; translated by O.M. Blunn ; translation edited by W.G. Hughes ; with a contribution by E.T.J. Davies
Pergamon Press 1964 International series of monographs in aeronautics and astronautics Division 7 . Astronautics ; v. 5
by V.S. Zuyev and L.S. Skubachevskii ; translated from the Russian by William E. Jones ; translation edited by B.P. Mullins
Pergamon 1964 International series of monographs in aeronautics and astronautics Division 3 . Propulsion systems including fuels ; v. 5
by K.V. Kholshchevnikov ; translated from the Russian by William E. Jones ; translation edited by B.P. Mullins
International series of monographs in aeronautics and astronautics
Division 3,
by E.H. Mansfield
Pergamon Press 1964 International series of monographs in aeronautics and astronautics Division 1 . Solid and structural mechanics ; v. 6
edited by Corrado Casci
Pergamon , Tamburini Editore 1964 International series of monographs in aeronautics and astronautics Division 9 . Symposia ; vol.17
edited by Carlo Ferrari
Pergamon , Tamburini 1964 International series of monographs in aeronautics and astronautics Division 9 ; Symposia ; v.15