International series of monographs in aeronautics and astronautics
Pergamon Press
International series of monographs on aeronautics and astronautics
Chairman varies: "Th. von Kármán and H.L. Dryden" (1961); H.L. Dryden (1964).
Division: 1. Solid and structural mechanics; 2. Aerodynamics; 3. Propulsion systems including fuels; 4. Avionics; 5. Aviation and space medicine; 6. Flight testing; 7. Astronautics; 8. Materials, science & engineering; 9. Symposia
Kyuichiro Washizu
Pergamon Press 1975 2nd ed International series of monographs in aeronautics and astronautics Division 1 . Solid and structural mechanics ; v. 9
Available at 87 libraries
Kyuichiro Washizu
Pergamon Press 1974 2nd ed International series of monographs in aeronautics and astronautics Division 1 . Solid and structural mechanics ; v. 9
Available at 9 libraries
by E. M. Goodger
Pergamon Press 1970 International series of monographs in aeronautics and astronautics v. 6
Available at 4 libraries
Edited by E. Gassner and W. Schütz
Pergamon Press 1969 [1st ed.] International series of monographs in aeronautics and astronautics Division 9 . Symposia ; vol. 20
Available at 20 libraries
by Elie Carafoli, with the cooperation of Dan Mateescu and Adriana Nastase
Pergamon Press
[1st ed.]
International series of monographs in aeronautics and astronautics
Division 2,
Available at 30 libraries
Kyuichiro Washizu
Pergamon Press 1968 1st ed International series of monographs in aeronautics and astronautics division 1 . Solid and structural mechanics ; v. 9
Available at 53 libraries
F.G. Irving
Pergamon 1966 International series of monographs in aeronautics and astronautics Division II . Aerodynamics ; vol. 5
Available at 7 libraries
L.G. Loitsyanskii
Pergamon Press
International series of monographs in aeronautics and astronautics
Division 2,
Available at 36 libraries
edited by J. Schijve, J.R. Heath-smith and E.R. Welbourne
Pergamon Press 1965 International series of monographs in aeronautics and astronautics Division 9 . Symposia ; vol. 19
Available at 25 libraries
edited by M.A. Perry
Pergamon Press 1965 Cranfield international symposium series volume 6 . Flight test instrumentation ; vol.3 , International series of monographs in aeronautics and astronautics
Available at 5 libraries
edited by S.F. Singer
Pergamon Press 1965 International series of monographs in aeronautics and astronautics Division 9 ; Symposia ; vol. 18
Available at 13 libraries
A.K.Martynov ; translated from the Russian by V.H.Brix ; translation edited by R.C. Pankhurst
Pergamon 1965 International series of monographs in aeronautics and astronautics Division 2 . Aerodynamics ; vol.4
Available at 10 libraries
by H. Schuh
Pergamon Press c1965 International series of monographs in aeronautics and astronautics Division 1 . Solid and structural mechanics ; v. 7
Available at 24 libraries
by H.L. Cox
Pergamon Press 1965 International series of monographs in aeronautics and astronautics Division 1 . Solid and structural mechanics ; vol. 8
Available at 26 libraries
F.R. Gantmakher and L.M. Levin ; translated by O.M. Blunn ; translation edited by W.G. Hughes ; with a contribution by E.T.J. Davies
Pergamon Press 1964 International series of monographs in aeronautics and astronautics Division 7 . Astronautics ; v. 5
Available at 17 libraries
by V.S. Zuyev and L.S. Skubachevskii ; translated from the Russian by William E. Jones ; translation edited by B.P. Mullins
Pergamon 1964 International series of monographs in aeronautics and astronautics Division 3 . Propulsion systems including fuels ; v. 5
Available at 20 libraries
by K.V. Kholshchevnikov ; translated from the Russian by William E. Jones ; translation edited by B.P. Mullins
International series of monographs in aeronautics and astronautics
Division 3,
Available at 15 libraries
by E.H. Mansfield
Pergamon Press 1964 International series of monographs in aeronautics and astronautics Division 1 . Solid and structural mechanics ; v. 6
Available at 30 libraries
edited by Corrado Casci
Pergamon , Tamburini Editore 1964 International series of monographs in aeronautics and astronautics Division 9 . Symposia ; vol.17
Available at 9 libraries
edited by Carlo Ferrari
Pergamon , Tamburini 1964 International series of monographs in aeronautics and astronautics Division 9 ; Symposia ; v.15
Available at 19 libraries