বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন
উইকিপিডিয়া একটি মুক্ত বিশ্বকোষ


উইকিপিডিয়া, মুক্ত বিশ্বকোষ থেকে

নোট: Per WP:LEAD, do not use this template in the lead section for common English words (like pub, rose, pencil, bus, Monday, Earth, etc.).

This template is used to display English International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). The pronunciation is broken into individual diaphonemes so that they will have tooltips (mouse-over text) to indicate pronunciation. All diaphonemes from IPA for English are available. For anything outside that set, a different template should be used.

The initial arguments can be used to indicate a pronunciation prescript (eg, English pronunciation:). The available pronunciation codes are:

কোড উপনাম আউটপুট
lang ইংরেজি:
local স্থানীয়ভাবে
ipa আইপিএ:
uk ইউকে:
us ইউএস:
uklang ব্রিটিশ ইংরেজি:
uslang আমেরিকান ইংরেজি:

The first argument that is not a pronunciation code will be treated as a diaphoneme. See the collapsed table below for a full list of diaphoneme codes. As well as diaphonemes, there are some separator codes as well. For example, you can use a keyboard underscore _ for a space between words. Diaphonemes are underlined, but separators are not, and separators do not have any tooltip text.

ফৌনীম কোডসমূহ
কোড উপনাম পাঠ্য প্রদর্শন টুলটিপ ধরন
b b 'b' in 'buy' diaphoneme
d d 'd' in 'dye' diaphoneme
dj dy, dj dj /dj/: 'd' in 'dew' diaphoneme
dZ, ʤ /dʒ/: 'j' in 'jam' diaphoneme
ð D ð /ð/: 'th' in 'thy' diaphoneme
f f 'f' in 'find' diaphoneme
ɡ g ɡ /ɡ/: 'g' in 'guy' diaphoneme
h h 'h' in 'hi' diaphoneme
hw ʍ hw /hw/: 'wh' in 'why' diaphoneme
j y j /j/: 'y' in 'yes' diaphoneme
k k 'k' in 'kind' diaphoneme
l l 'l' in 'lie' diaphoneme
lj ly, lj lj /lj/: 'l' in 'lute' diaphoneme
m m 'm' in 'my' diaphoneme
n n 'n' in 'nigh' diaphoneme
nj ny, nj nj /nj/: 'n' in 'new' diaphoneme
ŋ N, ng ŋ /ŋ/: 'ng' in 'sing' diaphoneme
p p 'p' in 'pie' diaphoneme
r ɹ, ɻ r 'r' in 'rye' diaphoneme
s s 's' in 'sigh' diaphoneme
sj sy, sj sj /sj/: 's' in 'consume' diaphoneme
ʃ S, sh ʃ /ʃ/: 'sh' in 'shy' diaphoneme
t t 't' in 'tie' diaphoneme
tj ty, tj tj /tj/: 't' in 'tune' diaphoneme
tS, ʧ, ch /tʃ/: 'ch' in 'China' diaphoneme
θ T θ /θ/: 'th' in 'thigh' diaphoneme
θj θy, θj θj /θj/: 'th' in 'enthuse' diaphoneme
v v 'v' in 'vie' diaphoneme
w w 'w' in 'wind' diaphoneme
z z 'z' in 'zoom' diaphoneme
zj zy, zj zj /zj/: 'Z' in 'Zeus' diaphoneme
ʒ Z, zh ʒ /ʒ/: 's' in 'pleasure' diaphoneme
ɑː A:, ɑ:, , a: ɑː /ɑː/: 'a' in 'father' diaphoneme
ɑːr ɑɹ, aːr, a:r, ɑ:r, ɑr ɑːr /ɑːr/: 'ar' in 'far' diaphoneme
ɒ Q ɒ /ɒ/: 'o' in 'body' diaphoneme
ɒr Qr ɒr /ɒr/: 'or' in 'moral' diaphoneme
æ ae, { æ /æ/: 'a' in 'bad' diaphoneme
ær aer, &r, æɹ ær /ær/: 'arr' in 'marry' diaphoneme
ai, aI /aɪ/: 'i' in 'tide' diaphoneme
aɪər aɪr, aIr, aɪə aɪər /aɪər/: 'ire' in 'fire' diaphoneme
au, aU /aʊ/: 'ou' in 'mouth' diaphoneme
aʊər aʊr, aUr, aʊə, aur aʊər /aʊər/: 'our' in 'hour' diaphoneme
ɛ E ɛ /ɛ/: 'e' in 'dress' diaphoneme
ɛr Er ɛr /ɛr/: 'err' in 'merry' diaphoneme
ei, eI, , e: /eɪ/: 'a' in 'face' diaphoneme
ɛər eir, eIr, e@r, E@r, ɛɪɹ, eɪr, eːr, e:r, ɛəɹ, ɛə, ɛːr, ɛ:r, ɛː, ɛ:, E:, E:r ɛər /ɛər/: 'are' in 'bare' diaphoneme
ɛəˈr ɛə'r, eəˈr, eə'r, e@'r, E@'r, ɛːˈr, E:'r ɛəˈr /ɛəˈr/: 'ere' in 'thereof' diaphoneme
ɛəˌr ɛə,r, eəˌr, eə,r, E@,r, E@%r, e@,r, e@%r, ɛːˌr, E:,r, E:%r ɛəˌr /ɛəˌr/: 'ere' in 'thereof' diaphoneme
ɪ I, ɪ /ɪ/: 'i' in 'kit' diaphoneme
ɪr ɪr /ɪr/: 'irr' in 'mirror' diaphoneme
i: /iː/: 'ee' in 'fleece' diaphoneme
ɪər i:r, iːr, I@r, i@r, ɪəɹ, iːɹ, ɪə ɪər /ɪər/: 'ear' in 'near' diaphoneme
ɪəˈr ɪə'r, I@'r ɪəˈr /ɪəˈr/: 'er' in 'spheroidal' diaphoneme
ɪəˌr ɪə,r, I@,r, I@%r ɪəˌr /ɪəˌr/: 'er' in 'spheroidal' diaphoneme
o:, , ou, oU, @u, @U, əʊ, əu, oʊ- /oʊ/: 'o' in 'code' diaphoneme
ɔː O, O:, ɔ:, ɒː, Q: ɔː /ɔː/: 'au' in 'fraud' diaphoneme
ɔːr Or, ɔɹ, ɔ(r), ɔr, ɔər, oUr, ɔəɹ, ɔʊɹ, oʊɹ, oʊr, oːr, o:r, ɔə, ɔə(r) ɔːr /ɔːr/: 'ar' in 'war' diaphoneme
ɔɪ oj, ɔj, oi, , ɔi, OI, oy ɔɪ /ɔɪ/: 'oi' in 'choice' diaphoneme
ɔɪər ɔɪr, oyr, ɔɪə ɔɪər /ɔɪər/: 'oir' in 'loir' diaphoneme
ʊ U, ᵿ ʊ /ʊ/: 'u' in 'push' diaphoneme
ʊr Ur ʊr /ʊr/: 'our' in 'courier' diaphoneme
u: /uː/: 'oo' in 'goose' diaphoneme
ʊər u:r, uːr, u@r, U@r, ʊəɹ, ʊə ʊər /ʊər/: 'our' in 'tour' diaphoneme
ʊəˈr ʊə'r, U@'r ʊəˈr /ʊəˈr/: 'ur' in 'plurality' diaphoneme
ʊəˌr ʊə,r, U@,r, U@%r ʊəˌr /ʊəˌr/: 'ur' in 'plurality' diaphoneme
ʌ V ʌ /ʌ/: 'u' in 'cut' diaphoneme
ʌr Vr, ʌɹ ʌr /ʌr/: 'urr' in 'hurry' diaphoneme
ɜːr ɝː, ɝ, 3r, 3:r, əːr, @:r, ɜɹ, ɜ(r), ɜr ɜːr /ɜːr/: 'ur' in 'fur' diaphoneme
ə @ ə /ə/: 'a' in 'about' diaphoneme
ər ɚ, @r, əɹ, ə(r) ər /ər/: 'er' in 'letter' diaphoneme
əl @l, əl, əl /əl/: 'le' in 'bottle' diaphoneme
ən @n, ən, ən /ən/: 'on' in 'button' diaphoneme
əm @m, əm, əm /əm/: 'm' in 'rhythm' diaphoneme
i i /i/: 'y' in 'happy' diaphoneme
u u /u/: 'u' in 'influence' diaphoneme
x kh x /x/: 'ch' in 'loch' diaphoneme
ʔ ? ʔ /ʔ/: the catch in 'uh-oh' diaphoneme
ɒ̃ ɑ̃, ɒ~, ɑ~, Q~ ɒ̃ /ɒ̃/: nasal 'an' in 'vin blanc' diaphoneme
æ̃ ae~, {~, ã, a~ æ̃ /æ̃/: nasal 'in' in 'vin blanc' diaphoneme
ɜː 3, 3:, ɜ:, ɜ, əː, @: ɜː /ɜː/: r-less 'ur' in 'nurse' diaphoneme
ˈ ', " ˈ /ˈ/: primary stress follows diaphoneme
ˌ ,, % ˌ /ˌ/: secondary stress follows diaphoneme
. · . /./: syllable break diaphoneme
# # /#/: morpheme break diaphoneme
! | /: prosodic break (minor) diaphoneme
!! /‖/: prosodic break (major) diaphoneme
_ separator
nbsp   separator
,_ , separator
- - separator
( ( separator
) ) separator
...  ...  separator
juː juː /juː/: 'u' in 'cute' diaphoneme
jʊər jʊər /jʊər/: 'ure' in 'cure' diaphoneme

The named parameter |audio= may be used to link to an audio file.


[সম্পাদনা ]

Examples using SAMPA spelling for individual diaphonemes:

If [[unsupported input]] is displayed, it means that an unsupported input was used. Such instances are tallied at বিষয়শ্রেণী:Ill-formatted IPAc-en transclusions, where they can be reviewed and fixed.

{{IPA-en}} থেকে আচরণ পরিবর্তন

[সম্পাদনা ]

The default behaviour has changed to no prescript.

It can be simulated (reinstated) using the flags "lang" & "pron".

  • {{IPAc-en|lang|pron|ˌ|æ|l|ə|ˈ|b|æ|m|ə}}ইংরেজি: /ˌæləˈbæmə/

Audio files are specifically called:

AltStyle によって変換されたページ (->オリジナル) /