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Corrections and updates: Population and dwelling count amendments, 2011 Census

Product affected

All products which contain geographic areas with amendments to the 2011 population and dwelling counts

Revised date

March 4, 2014


Population and dwelling count amendments, 2011 Census


After the release of the 2011 Census population and dwelling counts, errors are occasionally uncovered in the data. It is not possible to make changes to the 2011 Census data presented in release tables.

The original and revised population and dwelling counts are shown below.

Population and dwelling count amendments, 2011 Census
Table SummaryThis table shows the original and revised population and dwelling counts for geographic areas with amendments to the 2011 population and dwelling counts. The rows show affected geographies grouped by province and territory (appearing as row headers). Column headers show geography type as well as original and revised counts for total population, private dwellings occupied by usual residents and total private dwellings.
Geography Type Total population Private dwellings occupied by usual residents Total private dwellings
Original count Revised count Original count Revised count Original count Revised count
Newfoundland and Labrador
Black Duck Cove, DPL (DPL 100144) DPL 358 124 137 46 147 54
Cartwright, Labrador, T (SGC 1010012) CSD 516 504 226 218 296 257
Cook's Harbour, T (SGC 1009034) CSD 76 176 34 77 37 92
Cow Head, T (SGC 1009016) CSD 475 475 203 203 247 266
Diamond Cove, DPL (DPL 100115) DPL 53 51 25 24 26 25
Division No. 1 Subd. U, SNO (SGC 1001124) CSD 1,489 1,513 624 635 956 974
Division No. 10, Subd. B, SNO (SGC 1010008) CSD 349 361 126 134 179 218
Division No. 3, Subd. F, SNO (SGC 1003024) CSD 385 139 175 60 419 266
Division No. 3, Subd. J, SNO (SGC 1003042) CSD 388 51 178 24 219 25
Division No. 9, Subd. D, SNO (SGC 1009031) CSD 815 715 351 308 675 620
Division No. 9, Subd. H, SNO (SGC 1009041) CSD 84 179 36 71 44 115
Forresters Point, DPL (DPL 100146) DPL 90 224 35 87 38 91
Mobile, DPL (DPL 100266) DPL 139 201 58 83 69 102
Norman's Bay, DPL (DPL 100277) DPL 0 34 0 13 0 16
Parson's Pond, T (SGC 1009017) CSD 478 383 204 169 226 186
Pidgeon Cove-St. Barbe, DPL (DPL 100147) DPL 73 173 29 68 33 73
Ramea, T (SGC 1003026) CSD 280 526 120 235 149 302
Rose Blanche-Harbour le Cou, T (SGC 1003045) CSD 118 455 52 206 65 259
Witless Bay, T (SGC 1001559) CSD 1,179 1,167 433 427 484 475
New Brunswick
Baker Brook, P (SGC 1313034) CSD 645 287 268 126 285 139
Canterbury, VL (SGC 1310012) CSD 331 336 132 134 150 152
Haut-Shippagan, DPL (DPL 130118) DPL 272 271 118 117 153 152
Meductic, VL (SGC 1310013) CSD 270 228 107 89 125 96
Northesk, P (SGC 1309028) CSD 2,352 2,333 978 970 1,103 1,095
Paquetville, P (SGC 1315019) CSD 2,700 2,504 1,172 1,087 1,233 1,142
Pointe Sauvage (Indian Point), DPL (DPL 130069) DPL 85 83 33 32 38 37
Pointe-Brûlée, DPL (DPL 130135) DPL 230 220 96 94 161 159
Pointe-Sapin, LSD (DPL 130068) DPL 480 350 223 165 259 192
Saint-Hilaire, P (SGC 1313032) CSD 290 490 113 194 114 196
Saint-Léolin, VL (SGC 1315017) CSD 488 684 225 310 244 335
Shippagan, P (SGC 1315029) CSD 5,032 5,004 2,205 2,193 2,491 2,479
Shippagan, T (SGC 1315031) CSD 2,603 2,631 1,115 1,127 1,199 1,211
St. Hilaire, VL (SGC 1313033) CSD 145 303 28 89 32 96
Alleyn-et-Cawood, (SGC 2484050) CSD 168 193 79 91 126 248
Austin, (SGC 2445085) CSD 1,880 1,430 853 669 1,516 1,257
Baie-Trinité, VL (SGC 2496005) CSD 419 501 209 252 247 386
Béarn, (SGC 2485020) CSD 775 783 349 353 381 393
Courcelles, (SGC 2430090) CSD 1,004 950 438 418 486 466
Kingsbury, VL (SGC 2442070) CSD 123 148 49 60 64 75
Lac-Nilgaut, NO (SGC 2484902) CSD 0 0 1 1 1 39
Laforce, (SGC 2485070) CSD 147 245 61 90 79 109
Laniel, NO (SGC 2485905) CSD 69 78 40 43 155 175
Laverlochère, (SGC 2485050) CSD 1,022 731 402 290 430 309
Lorrainville, (SGC 2485037) CSD 1,272 1,328 533 554 564 585
Magog, V (SGC 2445072) CSD 25,358 25,692 11,706 11,846 13,605 13,802
Melbourne, CT (SGC 2442075) CSD 1,004 979 390 379 488 477
Métis-sur-Mer, V (SGC 2409048) CSD 644 607 298 288 427 417
Mont-Élie, NO (SGC 2415902) CSD 77 65 44 40 225 221
Mulgrave-et-Derry, (SGC 2480085) CSD 246 366 114 169 190 428
Natashquan, CT (SGC 2498025) CSD 246 277 118 132 165 165
Padoue, (SGC 2409040) CSD 411 273 178 120 183 124
Rapides-des- Joachims, (SGC 2484100) CSD 131 167 64 84 83 96
Rivière-aux-Outardes, NO (SGC 2496902) CSD 86 124 48 75 57 125
Sagard, NO (SGC 2415904) CSD 117 140 50 57 64 77
Saint-Bernard, (SGC 2426055) CSD 2,131 2,021 792 750 914 860
Sainte-Apolline-de-Patton, PE (SGC 2418025) CSD 541 621 236 269 335 384
Saint-Félix-d'Otis, (SGC 2494225) CSD 801 1,007 350 449 633 900
Saint-Hilaire-de-Dorset, P (SGC 2429020) CSD 50 99 23 40 29 46
Saint-Joachim, PE (SGC 2421020) CSD 1,458 1,471 602 609 650 661
Saint-Louis-de-Gonzague-du-Cap-Tourmente, PE (SGC 2421015) CSD 18 5 8 1 12 1
Saint-Michel-des-Saints, (SGC 2462085) CSD 2,201 2,436 979 1,084 1,774 1,990
Saint-Octave-de-Métis, PE (SGC 2409055) CSD 345 520 142 210 149 218
Saint-Zénon, (SGC 2462080) CSD 1,115 1,250 551 619 1,080 1,229
Scott, (SGC 2426048) CSD 2,089 2,148 829 851 929 962
Winneway, S-É (SGC 2485804) CSD 317 219 91 62 93 63
Barrie, CY (SGC 3543042) CSD 135,711 136,063 49,943 50,075 52,185 52,329
Blackstock, MDP (DPL 350091) DPL 341 756 127 279 130 286
Bracebridge, T (SGC 3544018) CSD 15,409 15,414 6,289 6,291 8,515 8,519
East Ferris, TP (SGC 3548034) CSD 4,512 4,766 1,699 1,802 1,883 2,081
Front of Yonge, TP (SGC 3507017) CSD 2,680 2,752 1,031 1,056 1,177 1,210
Georgian Bay, TP (SGC 3544065) CSD 2,124 2,482 940 1,098 4,354 5,173
Gravenhurst, T (SGC 3544002) CSD 11,640 12,055 4,674 4,845 7,757 8,202
Innisfil, T (SGC 3543017) CSD 33,079 32,727 12,294 12,162 13,941 13,797
Kirkland Lake, T (SGC 3554068) CSD 8,133 8,493 3,759 3,951 4,234 4,517
Lake of Bays, TP (SGC 3544027) CSD 3,284 3,506 1,440 1,536 4,471 4,850
Matachewan, TP (SGC 3554056) CSD 268 409 135 207 150 260
Muskoka Lakes, TP (SGC 3544053) CSD 6,324 6,707 2,631 2,781 9,361 9,723
Parry Sound, Unorganized, Centre Part, NO (SGC 3549096) CSD 2,199 2,271 1,063 1,106 2,637 3,395
Parry Sound, Unorganized, North East Part, NO (SGC 3549095) CSD 217 222 87 89 102 144
Red Lake, MU (SGC 3560042) CSD 4,366 4,670 1,699 1,838 1,971 2,135
Temagami, MU (SGC 3548069) CSD 820 840 386 396 1,224 1,346
Zephyr, MDP (DPL 350099) DPL 440 511 163 186 163 186
Barrows, NCM (DPL 460004) DPL 105 109 38 40 49 49
Berens River, NCM (DPL 460005) DPL 0 111 0 28 0 31
Brochet 197, IRI (SGC 4623065) CSD 547 406 131 87 156 108
Brochet, NCM (DPL 460008) DPL 5 146 1 45 1 49
Cormorant, NCM (DPL 460010) DPL 319 346 87 93 111 111
Cranberry Portage, LUD (DPL 460086) DPL 572 630 229 252 306 306
Cross Lake 19A, IRI (SGC 4622052) CSD 1,937 1,889 358 345 409 396
Cross Lake 19E, IRI (SGC 4622067) CSD 696 682 126 122 135 131
Cross Lake, NCM (DPL 460012) DPL 326 388 97 114 106 123
Dauphin River, NCM (DPL 460014) DPL 0 27 1 9 1 9
Division No. 19, Unorganized, NO (SGC 4619045) CSD 2,953 3,109 1,075 1,118 3,198 3,215
Division No. 21, Unorganized, NO (SGC 4621078) CSD 1,756 1,850 689 712 978 994
Division No. 22, Unorganized, NO (SGC 4622046) CSD 2,205 2,623 712 841 892 978
Division No. 23, Unorganized, NO (SGC 4623062) CSD 5 146 1 45 1 49
Duck Bay, NCM (DPL 460016) DPL 372 408 112 123 129 129
Easterville, NCM (DPL 460017) DPL 45 71 13 17 22 26
Flin Flon, CY (SGC 4621064) CSD 5,363 5,405 2,340 2,360 2,629 2,636
Gillam, S-É (SGC 4623025) CSD 72 0 22 0 24 0
Gillam, T (SGC 4623022) CSD 1,281 1,332 427 443 553 567
Grand Rapids, T (SGC 4621025) CSD 239 279 93 109 148 180
Herb Lake Landing, NCM (DPL 460021) DPL 10 21 4 10 5 10
Ilford, S-É (SGC 4622064) CSD 141 43 31 11 33 11
Island Lake, NCM (DPL 460023) DPL 15 62 4 26 4 26
Kelsey, RM (SGC 4621052) CSD 2,272 2,330 851 874 981 981
Lac du Bonnet, RM (SGC 4601057) CSD 2,671 2,930 1,097 1,209 2,431 2,569
Lac du Bonnet, T (SGC 4601060) CSD 1,328 1,069 620 508 680 542
Leaf Rapids, T (SGC 4623034) CSD 453 498 140 159 270 452
Little Grand Rapids, NCM (DPL 460024) DPL 0 10 0 2 0 2
Lynn Lake, T (SGC 4623047) CSD 482 674 169 246 295 386
Moose Lake, NCM (DPL 460031) DPL 50 112 19 38 47 66
National Mills, NCM (DPL 460032) DPL 0 5 0 2 4 4
Nelson House, NCM (DPL 460033) DPL 53 75 12 18 15 19
Norway House, NCM (DPL 460034) DPL 308 461 101 152 155 163
Pelican Rapids, NCM (DPL 460035) DPL 69 78 17 20 32 32
Pikwitonei, NCM (DPL 460036) DPL 76 98 26 33 26 33
Red Sucker Lake, NCM (DPL 460042) DPL 0 23 0 7 0 7
Thicket Portage, NCM (DPL 460050) DPL 138 148 40 43 47 50
Thompson, CY (SGC 4622026) CSD 12,829 13,123 4,738 4,825 5,391 5,391
Atwater, VL (SGC 4705053) CSD 0 31 0 14 0 16
Aylesbury, VL (SGC 4707093) CSD 10 42 5 23 6 28
Canwood, VL (SGC 4716052) CSD 308 348 162 170 177 186
Craik No. 222, RM (SGC 4707091) CSD 299 276 118 104 164 146
Cumberland House, NV (SGC 4718005) CSD 772 831 232 255 264 287
Darlings Beach, DPL (DPL 470032) DPL 0 10 0 6 0 41
Davin, DPL (DPL 470033) DPL 0 41 0 18 0 20
Denare Beach, NV (SGC 4718049) CSD 669 820 252 310 385 449
Disley, VL (SGC 4706054) CSD 111 75 39 29 43 33
Division No. 18, Unorganized, NO (SGC 4718090) CSD 1,641 1,438 582 524 1,266 1,201
Duck Lake No. 463, RM (SGC 4715061) CSD 867 846 328 318 350 340
Dufferin No. 190, RM (SGC 4706059) CSD 512 512 163 163 308 305
Fertile Belt No. 183, RM (SGC 4705051) CSD 816 785 344 330 381 366
Glenside, VL (SGC 4711029) CSD 59 84 19 24 24 29
Goodwater , VL (SGC 4702036) CSD 35 25 13 10 14 11
Grayson No. 184, RM (SGC 4705057) CSD 495 478 206 198 352 333
Hudson Bay, T (SGC 4714004) CSD 1,477 1,504 704 710 793 799
Keeler, VL (SGC 4707046) CSD 0 15 0 8 0 10
Kelvington, T (SGC 4714022) CSD 864 890 420 421 464 464
Kinistino No. 459, RM (SGC 4715071) CSD 531 613 198 232 208 240
Kisbey, VL (SGC 4701061) CSD 139 217 62 90 88 98
La Ronge, T (SGC 4718041) CSD 2,304 2,743 841 1,005 960 1,170
Lumsden Beach, RV (SGC 4706057) CSD 35 10 13 5 86 88
Lumsden No. 189, RM (SGC 4706053) CSD 1,733 1,772 652 663 735 745
MacDowall, OHM (DPL 470079) DPL 72 149 27 58 33 66
Marquis No. 191, RM (SGC 4707042) CSD 252 237 113 105 184 174
Marshall, T (SGC 4717026) CSD 533 594 191 214 204 227
Melville , CY (SGC 4705074) CSD 4,517 4,546 1,997 2,009 2,114 2,128
Melville Beach, RV (SGC 4705060) CSD 10 27 6 14 61 80
Neuanlage, OHM (DPL 470090) DPL 138 285 45 91 45 95
North Colesdale Park, DPL (DPL 470176) DPL 0 28 0 15 0 31
North Grove, RV (SGC 4706081) CSD 49 49 27 27 131 134
Northside, OHM (DPL 470094) DPL 160 40 75 20 78 22
Paddockwood No. 520, RM (SGC 4715099) CSD 966 974 395 395 458 458
Prince Albert No. 461, RM (SGC 4715064) CSD 3,580 3,601 994 1,004 1,023 1,033
Rudy No. 284, RM (SGC 4711026) CSD 496 471 163 158 192 187
Shell Lake, VL (SGC 4716057) CSD 99 152 51 77 85 118
Spiritwood No. 496, RM (SGC 4716056) CSD 1,382 1,349 524 508 744 721
Spring Bay, DPL (DPL 470124) DPL 0 10 0 4 0 39
Sun Valley, RV (SGC 4707045) CSD 46 80 22 37 153 153
Turnor Lake, NH (SGC 4718075) CSD 0 179 0 49 0 56
Val Marie No. 17 , RM (SGC 4704003) CSD 405 420 88 93 104 110
Val Marie, VL (SGC 4704002) CSD 98 130 50 68 62 87
Antler Lake, UNP (DPL 480003) DPL 0 454 0 184 0 191
Jasper, SM (SGC 4815033) CSD 4,051 4,432 1,399 1,606 1,615 1,819
Leduc County, MD (SGC 4811012) CSD 13,541 13,524 4,963 4,956 5,494 5,485
Peace No.135, MD (SGC 4819071) CSD 1,344 1,446 503 540 539 578
Peace River, T (SGC 4819038) CSD 6,744 6,729 2,591 2,588 2,894 2,891
Rochon Sands, SV (SGC 4807028) CSD 84 65 46 35 201 156
Stettler County No. 6, MD (SGC 4807019) CSD 5,089 5,103 1,744 1,752 1,922 1,967
Thorsby, VL (SGC 4811021) CSD 797 951 334 394 373 436
Tsuu T'ina Nation 145 (Sarcee 145), IRI (SGC 4806804) CSD 1,777 2,052 540 630 565 655
British Columbia
Barnston Island 3, IRI (SGC 5915809) CSD 0 47 1 18 1 18
Capital H (Part 1), RDA (SGC 5917054) CSD 4,173 4,237 1,761 1,780 2,167 2,200
Capital H (Part 2), RDA (SGC 5917056) CSD 178 229 84 116 114 170
Coquitlam, CY (SGC 5915034) CSD 126,456 126,840 45,553 45,743 48,083 48,289
Greater Vancouver A, RDA (SGC 5915020) CSD 13,035 12,988 5,041 5,024 6,063 6,046
Hazelton, VL (SGC 5949022) CSD 270 300 111 124 135 156
Lillooet, DM (SGC 5931026) CSD 2,322 2,321 1,068 1,067 1,181 1,178
Northern Rockies, RGM (SGC 5959007) CSD 4,987 5,290 1,985 2,090 2,271 2,317
Okanagan-Similkameen A, RDA (SGC 5907022) CSD 1,892 1,892 773 776 913 917
Osoyoos, T (SGC 5907005) CSD 4,845 4,845 2,260 2,257 2,965 2,961
Port Coquitlam, CY (SGC 5915039) CSD 56,342 55,958 20,651 20,461 21,533 21,327
Squamish-Lillooet B, RDA (SGC 5931034) CSD 359 451 168 212 275 354
Thompson-Nicola E (Bonaparte Plateau), RDA (SGC 5933032) CSD 1,074 1,072 526 524 1,385 1,375
Two and One-Half Mile Village, S-É (SGC 6001034) CSD 0 125 0 44 0 44
Two Mile Village, S-É (SGC 6001033) CSD 10 79 5 34 5 37
Yukon, Unorganized, NO (SGC 6001045) CSD 1,688 1,495 748 675 1,088 1,012
Northwest Territories
Enterprise, SET (SGC 6105003) CSD 87 99 34 37 45 48
Fort Smith, T (SGC 6105001) CSD 2,093 2,496 776 924 908 1,065
Region 4, Unorganized, NO (SGC 6104097) CSD 10 20 6 9 60 63
Region 5, Unorganized, NO (SGC 6105097) CSD 347 56 149 20 438 107
Region 6, Unorganized, NO (SGC 6106097) CSD 0 281 0 126 0 328
Baffin Unorganized, NO (SGC 6204030) CSD 5 5 1 0 1 0
Baker Lake, HAM (SGC 6205023) CSD 1,872 1,872 507 506 629 603
Hall Beach, HAM (SGC 6204011) CSD 546 736 118 157 147 176
Nanisivik, SET (SGC 6204019) CSD 10 0 4 0 4 4
Rankin Inlet, HAM (SGC 6205017) CSD 2,266 2,577 626 714 708 796
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