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Energy Security

    Price shocks and supply disruptions have focused attention on security of supply in energy and commodities

Middle East Geopolitics

    Markets are watching for disruptions to energy and commodity flows following the Israel-Hamas war, while shifting relationships between major energy producers and consumers are also in the spotlight.

War in Ukraine

    Following Russia's invasion of Ukraine, S&P Global Commodity Insights looks at the impacts on commodity and energy markets in the region and the world at large.

OPEC+ Oil Quotas and Geopolitics

    OPEC and OPEC+ are key drivers of global oil supply. S&P Global Commodity Insights follows their oil quota decisions and the impacts to the global market and geopolitical stage


    A picture is worth a thousand words. S&P Global Commodity Insights infographics and interactive tools help tell some of the most significant stories in oil, shipping, natural gas,...

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