Sampler anti-aliasing and pitch-shifting comparison
When samples are pitched up or down, Samplers create various artefacts.
Testing method
At 120 BPM:
8 tones up (C4-C5), 8 tones down (C4-C3)
Real-use sample
Realtime winners
Kontakt 3, VSampler 3.1 and Emulator X
Offline winners
VSampler 3.1, Emulator X, Modplug, Fruityloops, Renoise, Madtracker
What is aliasing?
Jeskola Comparison
Matilde Tracker:
Linear and Spline Interpolation
Aliasing errors when pitched up (lower left corner: the bigger red points), and unwanted resampling artefacts when pitched down (upper right corner)
Native Instruments Kontakt 3
3 resampling modes to choose:
Standard, High and Perfect
This is -Perfect-. You rock Wolfgang Schneider!
NN-XT Digital Sampler
With "High Quality Interpolation" on, it sounds fine.
With "Ultra-High Precision Interpolation" on,
it's the bomb!
Jaime from EMU comments: "We spent lots of time engineering our interpolation such that it is the best balance between anti-aliasing and keeping the harmonic content of the sound in tact. Other interpolators do well anti-aliasing but sound dull."
Thanks to Anonymous
from Hungary for sending the file.
Wow. Never thought that an ugly interface could sound that good!
Rendered output:
with method "sinc depth 64", not realtime.
Realtime quality as the old Fruityloops, but the audio export has been improved even more, wicked.
Rendered output:
with method "sinc depth 64", not realtime.
With "sinc depth 64" as rendering method everything's cool.
Resampling: Best, Full Quality Slider
Not very convincing, even with the High-Quality settings and audio export.
STS 4000 Sampler
Not much better than Buzz,
but a nice rolloff for the high frequencies.
Updated (2001年05月08日):
Aliasing fixed in Version 1.14
Was okay before, very good since version 1.14.
Thanks to the author for improving the aliasing.
Sample quality excellent, Version 2.3
Same problems as Buzz
and the Creamware Sampler.
(created a Soundfont
with the Vienna software
and played through MIDI)
Very good realtime quality. Too bad the E-MU Chip inside doesn't get a great interface.
Thanks for Rajah Patel for
sending the file.
Nearly perfect for realtime output, some quiet aliasing on certain notes.
Funny - nearly no aliasing except on one(!) note. Otherwise excellent! Thanks to The Green Man / Basswerk for sending the file.
Ultra Mode
The interface got better since 2.5 and the "perfect" and "ultra" modes are the icing on the cake - perfect! Great work guys.
Great with export setting "sinc interpolation". Now you have two (Renoise & Madtracker) world-class Trackers to choose from :-)